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4 February, 2017 at 1:25 am #1020987
She didn’t delay the vote, In fact, Theresa may has a thumping parliamentary majority (much, much more decisive than the narrow referendum result, based on 36% of the electorate), so that should suit you.
There would have been a literal civil war if there was any other result, its not really supprising.
A civil war lol. You ready to take up arms, drac?? You know what a civil war is really like? Very few want that,and certainly not over this issue. There would have been a constitutional crisis. But for the cowardice of the labour leaders, a closer result would have been more reflective of the close vote. may now has the legitimacy to represent a nation rather than just a faction. Let’s see what she makes of it.
I see the EU as a defence, not as a solution. In the same way, a trade union is a (faulty) defence mechanism against the employer; it’s no solution to society’s problems.
Staying in the EU at this point would be suicide, since Trump was elected Germany has been heavily pushing for a defensive union (something the Remain campaign said was a ‘dangerous fantasy’ if I remember correctly) so that the EU can ‘project power’ against Russia.
I thinkk we may well be clamouring to get back in, and there will be mechanisms.
A group of lawyers in Dublin are trying to push a case which will go tot eh ECJ, declaring Article 50 to be reversible. At the moment. the legal status of article 50 is unclear. If it’s reversible, and we look as though we’re in real problems by 2019, then we can revers the decision. It could only be done if there was a serious change of heart among people, though.
My guess is that we would leave the EU. Chump’s planned sugar infusion of $1tninto the US economy may well lead to a benign economic environment and a false sense of prosperity, as before the 2008 crash. Who knows, as they could be accompanied by trade and currency wars, beggar-my-neighbour policies. The future is very unclear indeed at the moment when it comes to the economy.
However, if real problems emerge after we left, the EU negotiators are making it clear that a fast-track back into the EU exists. They don’t want to be hurt any more than we do. And, as you have said in the past, they are as much to blame to leave the UK (and other countries) in a state where they feel neglected and hurt by an élite, open to the rise of the authoritarian Right (populist is a poor and ultimately pretty meaningless concept to describe them).
Whatever, we will only rejoin if people want it. It’s a faulty defence mechanism against the world market’s vagaries, as a trade union is a faulty defence mechanism against the boss.I just hope that a lot of people aren’t hurt by the authoritarian Right in the meantime.
4 February, 2017 at 1:35 am #1020988don’t have a problem with court having to rule. after all its basis of our laws.we all have different views of leaving or staying. latest news is that it will no be a gradual leaving with EU laws etc taking precedence for at least 5 years after we technically leave( or are we in fact staying but just saying we left?) given rest of EU has stated we will be heavily punished for daring to leave and face 50-60 billion euro bill for doing so. we have to look at long term. most banks . politicians etc were saying UK would be on knees and tend of thousands of jobs lost. currently even bank of England is having to eat humble pie.
yup, it will take a long time to fully leave. Not because the Tories want it to take years, but because it will take years. It could be a genuine disaster for the country if there’s a hard brexit economically, and May will want to avid that at all costs. They are hinting that EU immigration will not stop for years. That isn’t a victory for remainers like methough, as we will be leaving the EU. immigration form the rest of the world won’t stop; it will probably increase. let’s hope it won’t be even more exploitative than the conditions of the Polish agricultural workers of Lincolnshire and East Anglia, but don’t bank on it.
Does anyone take the Bank of England’s predictions seriously? They got the short -term wrong because they were stupidly trying to predict the psychology of the referendum vote. In fact, the fall in sterling is hurting already, and will hurt a lot more. but people have dug deep into their savings and gone on a spree os spending as though people were frightened that if they didn’t spend no, they wouldn’t be able to later. That is good advice – buy big-ticket items while you have the cash. There’s likely to be less cash and more expensive goods on the way.
The long term is more worrying, say the bank, and they are stupid to predict figures for such an uncertain future. All will depend on context. If Chump’s sugar infusion works, then in the short term we may possibly find ourselves better off?? let’s hope it lasts.
4 February, 2017 at 3:44 am #1020990Just been checking the news headlines and nope, still no George Cross for Gina Miller, I can’t understand it
4 February, 2017 at 4:58 am #1020994Drac, do you condone bullying? Hope you reply to this and not ignore it, like you did with my last post to you about Khomeini on a different thread. I have a long memory.
You shouldn’t sympathize or encourage bad judgment. Sometimes what you used to think is right. The truth is that they don’t like focusing on each other and would rather find reasons to feel entitled when it doesn’t make sense.
4 February, 2017 at 10:01 am #1020997In fact, the fall in sterling is hurting already, and will hurt a lot more. but people have dug deep into their savings and gone on a spree os spending as though people were frightened that if they didn’t spend no, they wouldn’t be able to later. That is good advice – buy big-ticket items while you have the cash. There’s likely to be less cash and more expensive goods on the way..
No they haven’t and it’s terrible advice..
4 February, 2017 at 10:06 am #1020998Can people please stop continuing to scaremonger according to them nothing good at all will come of brexit and it’s all doom and gloom I’m a miserable bastard at the best of times but I aint that bloody gloomy ffs
4 February, 2017 at 10:31 am #1021002& meanwhile ……… All this crap going on & still they are delaying Bretix !
If this woman was just a normal run of the mill woman in life would she be brave?
Nah loads of people encounter online bullying on a daily basis & no one takes a blind bit of notice the perpretrators get away with it.
Fgs I just wish these politicians would stop fannying about & get on with our exit from the EU.
4 February, 2017 at 10:34 am #1021003Drac, do you condone bullying? Hope you reply to this and not ignore it, like you did with my last post to you about Khomeini on a different thread. I have a long memory.
Ironic quote I feel as you Bloss disguised as Quinoa were in F3 last night giving Jamie F hell!
That’s called bullying too.
4 February, 2017 at 11:25 am #1021006You’re a brave man Scep… against most of the boardies (again)
4 February, 2017 at 11:46 am #1021007You’re a brave man Scep… against most of the boardies (again)
It’s because he goes on ego trips. He always goes against the majority and tries to win his argument by waffling or dodging certain points. Don’t start screaming about being bullied, scep, it’s just an observation.
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