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3 February, 2017 at 12:26 pm #1020964
Online threats ? They’re online ffs, they’re empty. Ignoring online threats is easy, what she did was to try and reverse the will of the people. She stuck to her money and won but ultimately just wasted her money, the people voted who the hell is she or anyone else to attempt to change that
3 February, 2017 at 12:47 pm #1020965Pete, the threats were serious and menacing enough to warrant polic protection and the intervention of a Minister.
You may be man enough shrug off online threats – we’ve sen plenty of empty threats in jc – but to a woman 9and to some men) online threats are like stalking. They can haunt you.
She didn’t delay the vote, In fact, Theresa may has a thumping parliamentary majority (much, much more decisive than the narrow referendum result, based on 36% of the electorate), so that should suit you.
Tapioca, I’m glad you take the point of her bravery. The only allusion to the EU I made was that the vote was tragic. Full marks for seeing that as my point of view, and thank you for allowing me to express that view.
A lot of women (and men) have real guts – even some of the women (and men) on jc. I occasionally see that here, no names mentioned.
The point I was actually making about her was the constitutional point about the Crown-in-Parliament. That’s why I compared her to Hampden and Pym. It was a historic judicial decision, clarifying the constitution.The EU was the cause of her stance, which is why I mentioned it, but it was a cause.
‘Buts’ and ‘ifs’. bleedin’ ‘ell. That’s what we all have to assess as we negotiate out way through life. On the EU, all of us are thinking in terms of ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’, as we assess the likelihood of its impact on our own lives, our families and the country.
I don’t see the EU as a solution to anything – far from it. But it’s a (faulty) defence mechanism in a world moving towards trade and currency wars, the ‘beggar-my-neighbour’ wars of the 1930s. It’s not holy writ that these will happen, because the future is still ahead of us, but the tendency is quite strong at the moment. I see the EU as a defence, not as a solution. In the same way, a trade union is a (faulty) defence mechanism against the employer; it’s no solution to society’s problems.
All ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ – like the UKIP/Tory right-wing operate on those as we follow their lead for the moment.
3 February, 2017 at 1:51 pm #1020966Good for her that she can manage to get police help and the intervention of a minister – says a lot to me. Oh btw she’s still no heroine of mine the sticky beaked cow…….. Oh and you don’t half waffle Scep.
3 February, 2017 at 3:56 pm #1020967You may be man enough shrug off online threats – we’ve sen plenty of empty threats in jc – but to a woman 9and to some men) online threats are like stalking. They can haunt you.
Running to the police because someone said mean things on the internet isn’t brave, quite the oposite really. And I kind of take offense to you saying that women are too weak to face criticism.
She didn’t delay the vote, In fact, Theresa may has a thumping parliamentary majority (much, much more decisive than the narrow referendum result, based on 36% of the electorate), so that should suit you.
There would have been a literal civil war if there was any other result, its not really supprising.
I see the EU as a defence, not as a solution. In the same way, a trade union is a (faulty) defence mechanism against the employer; it’s no solution to society’s problems.
Staying in the EU at this point would be suicide, since Trump was elected Germany has been heavily pushing for a defensive union (something the Remain campaign said was a ‘dangerous fantasy’ if I remember correctly) so that the EU can ‘project power’ against Russia.
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3 February, 2017 at 5:23 pm #1020969Drac, do you condone bullying?
Hope you reply to this and not ignore it, like you did with my last post to you about Khomeini on a different thread.
I have a long memory.
3 February, 2017 at 5:30 pm #1020970Police are there to combat murder, r*ape etc not mentally fragile lambs that cry over whats on a computer Blossom
3 February, 2017 at 8:56 pm #1020975Drac, do you condone bullying?
No, but I think a measured response should be given.
Context and intent are important, I think that 99% of the threats made were not intended to be taken seriously. The correct response to trolls is to block them and to move on, making a drama out of it will just encourage them and attract more.
Hope you reply to this and not ignore it, like you did with my last post to you about Khomeini on a different thread.
I have a long memory.
I never deliberately ignored anything you posted, if you tell me which thread it was on then I will reply to it.
3 February, 2017 at 9:15 pm #1020976don’t have a problem with court having to rule. after all its basis of our laws. I do note that she has openly said it will be retorts for her. Like richard branson and T blair , putting up money and pushing to drop brexit. ( very anti democratic) while remainers may see her as triumphant heroine . note peter mandelson whom has a rather suspect past here ( can’t make allegations ) has bene awarded legion De Honor from France. for services to EU. we all have different views of leaving or staying. latest news is that it will no be a gradual leaving with EU laws etc taking precedence for at least 5 years after we technically leave( or are we in fact staying but just saying we left?) given rest of EU has stated we will be heavily punished for daring to leave and face 50-60 billion euro bill for doing so. we have to look at long term. most banks . politicians etc were saying UK would be on knees and tend of thousands of jobs lost. currently even bank of England is having to eat humble pie. some media sources are know as pro EU so biased reporting. stop attacking each other as we live here and need to work with each other t make UK a success. it is after in in our own interests to do so. lets hope we get past the back stabbing stage and can work with other countries to pursue a meaningful and worthy future with each other. last point . main thrust of leaving was to regain sovereig rule over selves and stop mass immigration . already we have agreed to allow hundred of thousands of immigrants in over next 5 years. so remainers are effectively winning it seems.
4 February, 2017 at 1:02 am #1020985Oh and you don’t half waffle Scep.
quite a few of us write lengthy posts, Reason.
You don’t. Yours are cryptic and quite often amusing. Not always amusing, mind you, at least to me, but I just try to ignore those..
I enjoy writing. Nothing to make you read them. Sophia habitually ignores my posts as too lengthy and boring, which is a shame as I like Sophia’s style and character, but we’re all different, aren’t we?
Part of the variety on the boards.
4 February, 2017 at 1:11 am #1020986You may be man enough shrug off online threats – we’ve sen plenty of empty threats in jc – but to a woman 9and to some men) online threats are like stalking. They can haunt you.
Running to the police because someone said mean things on the internet isn’t brave, quite the oposite really. And I kind of take offense to you saying that women are too weak to face criticism.
I didn’t say that women are too weak to face criticism, quite the opposite if you read my post carefully.
I did say that a lot of women are very frightened by threats and stalking. I think a lot of men are too, and I think I said that. In jc, a lot of women fell very intimidated by some of the characters, and that is a fact. Others – men and women – feel upset, embarrassed, hurt by some of the comments. My guess is that we all do, but some just come back spitting blood.
I also said that some of the women on jc were not frightened by online threats, and that some of the men weren’t scared of them either. My guess is that Pete isn’t scared of them, that you shrug them off, and we can all see that rude boy is just one hell of a tough guy by his comments on frightened lambs.
In the aftermath of the brutal killing of Jo Cox (part of the threats against this brave woman), many female Labour MPs feel a bit worried to say the least. Personally, I don’t blame them. Man or woman, you are entitled to feel like a frightened lamb after the brutality of that event.
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