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14 February, 2015 at 2:28 pm #524215
@diddlysquat wrote:
Well i’m sick of seeing the same stuff repeatedly typed in this place and it’s
being allowed, No sense of anything in this place, the guide’s don’t care,
the chatter’s don’t care, its horrible to watch the abusive drunks at their worst
and nothing is done about it, Well today is that day, it’s about time people were
named and shamed for their behavior.Joker – An old man with a bad attitude, pathetic that he has to grace us with his
presence even if it is to abuse someone, At his age he should know better, I bet
his family are somewhat proud of his online abusive achievements.Moonshadow – Being drunk and logging onto a PC does you no favors, nor does doing
what you do on webcam for specific men, I feel that your crying out for something,
what?…i don’t know. I hope you find whatever that is but stop showing yourself up
online.Tracy – Vile disgusting excuse for a woman, Slates others off for doing exactly
what they do… spend time online, Okay Tracy probably cyber’s half the people in here
but who are we to judge her LOL.Laine – Ms Me me me, plays the victim when things don’t go her way, posts pictures for
attention when shes getting the wrong attention she goes crying to whoever will listen.
Shes done this that and the other, where does she get the time when it seems she
spends her life online? For someone who has 2 yachts ain’t that a waste when you sit naked in your house crying over people allegedly harassing you.Gambit – Online agoraphobic who has many bitter exes from here and chooses to air his
dirty laundry in the chat room for all to see, bit sad really for a 42 year old who has
to rely on mummy. An agoraphobic that goes to online meets to feed his drink problem
he’s a vile man with a sad existence.Claire wales aka minnie mouse – Abusive drunk sorry excuse for a woman who sits in chat and
says woe is me all the time, she runs chatters down and then denies even doing it. Throws
herself in front of cars when drunk and thinks shes better than everybody else when shes
nothing but a lying two faced cow not to forget ABUSIVE.Soulbabe – Two faced cheating lying individual, who always complains about her so called illnesses, has more numbers than the telephone directory, talks about others behind their backs, and all sweetness and light when they are in chat with her, seeks out men on meets even though she is happily married.
Alfie – Well where do we start with Alfie, hes a lying downright perverted excuse for a man,
hes online looking for his next victim, states he lives in London when he is infact abroad,
tries to belittle people when they don’t agree with him, Jekyll and hyde type of man.BLonde – A so called school teacher who sits behind her desk and dictates to other chatters
about their spelling and corrects it, always sees herself as miss prim and proper when really shes just the same as anyone else, meets up with younger people than herself and then treats them like dirt once in their company.Landlady – Dillusional freak who drinks herself into a rage every night, how shes not dead is beyond me, plays the sympathy card when people are siding with one of her exes online and then has a hissy fit and starts to tell people about themselves by posting their personal details in the public room, shes a loner in reality and uses a chat room to try and get friends which she fails to keep due to her bad attitude.
Tonysheff – Womanizer who is a married man and likes the attention from other woman, if nobody gives him the attention he craves he leaves the room, for a married man he certainly is a player.
9ball – Loner and depends on bright-house for living purposes, he needs to get out more.
Minney – Serial online dater, had more internet men than a whore in a brothel, makes out shes miss perfection when in fact shes a ugly mess, does not have many friends so latches onto to the sad people online.
Gucci & Moi – Pair of online idiots, who talk the biggest load of rubbish ever, yet she tends to make it clear shes married yet tends to crave attention off men online. Moi talks rubbish and is only online to speak with Gucci and he only ever answers her, he’s also a massive drunk who’s supposed to be a carer for his father.
bcheekychick – Online show off, likes to get naked on cam for certain internet men and then claims
she loves to do it for them, no self respect there at all.Ghostseeker – A bloke who thinks hes into the spiritual side of things and has been known to abuse many
chatters if they don’t come round to his way of thinking, brags about his so called life, and tells
everyone he sleeps in a coffin, have you ever heard of a ghost sitting up all night drinking kenco?_________Anita Gofradump – Online abuser, serial dater, all hate him but are too scared to confront him, A mummy’s boy who sits online permanently waiting for his next conquest, He will grow old a very hated man due to his own fault, he thinks hes right in every circumstance. Thinks he’s mr perfect when really hes just another online saddo.
ForumHostLD – What a waste of air that woman is, she cannot do her job correctly, she slates chatters off for her own amusement, sides with the abusive and drunk chatters over the loyal chatters and is power hungry, shes 2 faced, a liar and has her favourites.
Kenty – A two faced backstabbing cheating individual who brags about what shes got and what she has, has met many men off the internet and thats not just as friends. Likes to be centre of attention and if shes not she throws a strop, she claims shes perfect, yeah at the hands of a surgeon to rid her aging process LOL
She needs to get that nose corrected though because she reminds me of a koala bear not because its cute but because it has a huge wide nose. :shock:Joker – An old man with a bad attitude, pathetic that he has to grace us with his
presence even if it is to abuse someone, At his age he should know better, I bet
his family are somewhat proud of his online abusive achievements.Joker – An old man with an attitude yes, but one who’s taught me many lessons about the internet.
Moonshadow – I get drunk and log in and make a complete fool of my self yes. That has to stop and I am working on that.
I do not take of my cloths to men on cam. Who ever you are you have been misinformed.
I do have a real problem with mixing prescription drugs and alcohol due to my problem with depression and alcoholism. I am at the point that I realise that I have to deal with this, and I am.Tracey – has been nothing to me but a complete ars hole.I wouldn’t know if she cabers anyone on line, I doubt it.
She latches on to me, Claire and others, if she susses that we have had a drink. She goads and taunts for a reaction, in the hope things will be sed so that she can use it in the room. She immediately uses anything that’s sed to cause trouble.
She tries to make out that she is the ice queen and that she’s black hearted. This is all a persona that she has created to attract men, men that try to show the error of her ways and try and reach her. They don’t of Corse they just feed her information that she feeds to people she’s known on line for ever. Thus another way to keep the gang mentality going.
Tracy has her own problems and like the rest of the regulars in jc is every bit as addicted to chatting as the rest of us.
The trouble that is caused by Tracy is in no way useful to me or anyone else she pics on.Line – Liane really did surprise me.
When she arrived she latched right on to me seeing my position in the room. Seeing that there were people I didn’t get on with. She because very friendly with me, talked a good talk of how I was right about everything, they were the ones in the wrong and needed more help that me. I was saying. How she understood my depression and how she understood my problems with alcohol. Told me that she was a trained councillor and that she could help. Then out of the blue after me trusting her telling her my problems. She dumped me as a friend. Using the utter rubbish I speak when am out of my box with drink, as a way to shut me up and say nothing in the room about her actions. thats no councillor, thats manipulation of the worst kind, that is using friendship and someone’s problems to further there own agenda.
Her agenda I suspect is to become a guide I am sure she had studied jc before letting herself be known. Her other agenda is to get to joker., take him down and get rid of him.Gambit like me has mantel health problems and problems with alcohol. Gambet like me is an utter pig when drunk.
However gambit is a bloke and blokes can do anything on jc.He knows this and uses this. I find this very interesting to watch. He uses the gang of woman on jc to his full advantage. It unfortunately like with Tracy helps keep the cycle of bullying going.Anita – has far more problems than me.I don’t know what his problems are,i don’t fully understand Nita,I have seen him say and do the most disgusting things BUT again he’s a man and it just seems to go under the bully’s raider.
Claire – Like me problems with alcohol. Claire is one of the nicest woman on jc,a very loyal and true friend. Again though she’s a woman and unlike the males in jc is vilified. Unfortunately Claire has got to the point that she just doesn’t care anymore about jc and certain people that chat there. Now treats in kind. Winds up the bully’s and leaves them to stew in there own juce.If there’s anyone who could contribute to jc its Claire but will never get the chance because of some of the woman’s jealousy of her wit and intelligence. Perhaps if she calmed it down a little and used her wit and intelligence to just have a laugh and not to wind others up, then she would be fun in the room. It would make a change from the drivel of the bully’s.
Blonde – I never always got on with Blonde but since getting to know her I love her company .She’s a clever interesting woman and that’s the kind of company I need to keep. She has been good for me as a friend, keeping me out of trouble with her good advice. Blonde was thinking of leaving jc because of recent problems, I hope she doesn’t because she is a good chatter. Since becoming friendly with me she has been bullied but she’s no fool, she will stand her ground say her piece and if that doesn’t get through, just ignore, That’s what I would like to be like.
Tony sheff – has been ok with me.I don’t think hes a womaniser, if he’s looking for someone perhaps he will be luck on line. I have seen that happen. I have seen people meet on line fall in love even get married. Good luck to him and anyone who is looking for that.
Ghostseeker- I don’t know that much about him,so I cant say anything.
14 February, 2015 at 3:15 pm #524216Nice to see you posting Moooonster….its also nice to make a friend..even if its only one..someone you feel comfortable talking to with…im glad x
Now post your New York experiences too!! Would love to read them.
15 February, 2015 at 12:06 pm #524217@kent f OBE wrote:
Nice to see you posting Moooonster….its also nice to make a friend..even if its only one..someone you feel comfortable talking to with…im glad x
Now post your New York experiences too!! Would love to read them.
Thanks Kenty,i love New York wanna go back, have you posted on your experience, if so wheres it at would love to read yours too.
15 February, 2015 at 1:37 pm #524218@moonshadow wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
Nice to see you posting Moooonster….its also nice to make a friend..even if its only one..someone you feel comfortable talking to with…im glad x
Now post your New York experiences too!! Would love to read them.
Thanks Kenty,i love New York wanna go back, have you posted on your experience, if so wheres it at would love to read yours too.
No I never posted anything about it…..went last April for Junior’s 18th…how time flies
18 February, 2015 at 2:17 pm #524219im worried about reading recent post not about anyone but why did diddly say i throw myself under cars and if so why hasnt one run me over yet … note to self next time aim for bus … diddly i wont have a go at you as i believe in care in the community and trust me my dead cat got more brain cells than u lol …. when u say a statement mr diddly d i ck head and make out ur new its good to have common sense and if ur new how do u know i used minnie mouse as i not used it for months ……. i appreciate yr post diddly as u remind me why women dont date wank ers and on the plus side the undateables are looking for new idiots , and trust me you r the best i ever seen :)
18 February, 2015 at 2:27 pm #524220in defence for you being thick diddly which is very apparent u have made me giggle and its nice to not have welsh fem forgetting she was never welsh odd how all are drunks to welsh fem and she was married too one but now married again and even he dont spend time with her hence shes sat in here all day … he moved u into a 8 floor tower block hoping u jump out love lol as for netty that sleeps with a bandit machine man and married odd how welsh and netty judge women when netty has carried on for years but i suppose its ok if yr slapper mate is yr friend but if u carry on other wise ur a sla ggg … well for all to know i have slept with every man in here and im exhausted but i i got a std too but cant ring all men i slept with as im on pay as u go so if ur d ick falls off i apologise xxxxx
18 February, 2015 at 2:43 pm #524221@moonshadow wrote:
Line – Liane really did surprise me.
When she arrived she latched right on to me seeing my position in the room. Seeing that there were people I didn’t get on with. She because very friendly with me, talked a good talk of how I was right about everything, they were the ones in the wrong and needed more help that me. I was saying. How she understood my depression and how she understood my problems with alcohol. Told me that she was a trained councillor and that she could help. Then out of the blue after me trusting her telling her my problems. She dumped me as a friend.Heya Moon,
Im not saying what your accusing Laine of doing is right, im just curious to what exactly IS your position in the room?
Isn’t everyone the same, an other chatter on a chat site??
18 February, 2015 at 2:56 pm #524222irish lucy have u considered dating diggle head u sound made for each other
18 February, 2015 at 3:01 pm #524223position in room !!! have u bought martin out and u run the site now lucy or just showing me how truly thick u r :o what and whom moon chats too is her business lucy god love go sit under a rainbow u deluded woman how dare u judge a chatter irish lucy with ur past ur a fu cing canditate for jeremy kyle if ever i saw one
18 February, 2015 at 3:09 pm #524224lucy be honest ur not the brightest bunny are u , u claim to work all day and only get on internet there why cant u afford u at home if u work love i got a 12 inch donger deldued woman , dont ever attack moon my dear for moon is blunt but she has something u wont ever have and that is called a brain cell x stop living up to the motto of the irish im sure most are not as daft as u :P
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