@blossom. wrote:
@sceptical guy wrote:
a lot of people not sure whether to be glad they’re not there, or annoyed because it shows how uninteresting they are – Blossom, which are you??? :wink:
I really don’t know how accurate it is, or whether diddlysquat has been getting his/her info from Annette-Curtain.
It can’t be Annette-Curtain, despite the remarks on Host LD, because Annettte-Curtain has announced that she is no longer coming here. So it can’t be her. :wink:
:- :- :-
Lol Scep ..I’m really glad I didn’t make it .
Who in their right mind would like to be slagged off like that ? :lol:
and that Blossom, everyone knows about her, she sits and types, sits and types, and then she goes to work, and then she comes back and does other things, and then she
sits and types, sits and types,
cor blimey, love, gerra life, gerra life, like I have a life, you won’t catch me sitting and typing and moaning and showing me bits off to anyone who wants to watch, oh no not me!!!
gerra life gerra life…
anyone want to watch me bits??? aww don’t say no, rotters gerra life