Boards Index General discussion Getting serious 92% say Live 8 money hasn’t helped

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    What will help?


    Sex must be the greatest form of enjoyment for them, but it isnt helping them.

    Christian doo-gooders tell these desperate people its wrong to use contraception, they must be stopped.

    How the hell can it be a good thing to bring a new born into the world where food is rare and the chances are you’ll have AIDS or something else thats harmfull?

    YOUR political masters, and f-up “pop stars” are NOT helping.

    2 years ago, bob geldof said africa was in a worse situation than in 1984. In those 20 years, the collective world must’ve donated tens of billions of pounds, that did not make a difference.

    We will be asked to give year in year out, whilst political leaders and pop star celebrities perform on stage.

    Tell them to stop wasting your time, and educate these poor people for THEIR future.


    as far as i know live 8 wasnt about money was it?

    was it not about raising awareness as a gllobal power to the people at the g8 summit??

    i dont remember any pledge your money numbers going across the television screen, no one paid to see the concert


    er…. the poll question was “Has the Live 8 MONEY made any difference?” as in there WAS money involved!!!!

    Oh yes and there was a load of boring sanctimonious twaddle from Rock & Pop Royalty about ”ending world poverty” or some such nonsense. I assume that they meant to throw money around as usual.


    exactly i dont recall any money involved for it, live aid in the 80s was about money hence mr geldofs give us your f*****g money speech

    but live 8 was about sending a political message and getting the world to send it

    so no live 8s money hasnt helped at all


    @token_male wrote:

    as far as i know live 8 wasnt about money was it?

    was it not about raising awareness as a gllobal power to the people at the g8 summit??

    i dont remember any pledge your money numbers going across the television screen, no one paid to see the concert

    Who’s money were Live 8 asking to be spent, tax payers money.

    Geldoff n co were asking for enough people to demonstrate strongly enough so our taxes were spent, again.

    Its just a different way of doing it, SPIN, and the guallable public fall for it, YET AGAIN.

    When will the collective public WAKE UP???

    People, how do you feel, that geldof has made himself look good, on the back of a blagging spin technique?

    He’s selling DVD’s and books about his trips to africa. A good thing? Do you think he looks so nice wearing ragged clothes and long streaky hair? You must do, he made you feel his cause was justifiable. Bought owt from him since 84? Ashamed of yourself? What you going to do about it?

    Remember, HE was THE one who said the first 20 years of donations didnt make a difference. Why is it ANY different now???

    People like geldof and annie lennox are very good at manipulating the general public. THEY have millions of pounds, MILLION’s, why dont they give all but one million of their own money???

    Will you let them fool you again?


    Once again Emma you can’t tell your ar$e from your elbow. Trade is the most important issue with regard to poverty and absolutely nothing was achieved in relation to that issue. At the G8 the excuse was made that everyone had to wait until the WTO talks last december but at the WTO talks nothing was done to create a fairer trade system or to cut subsidies to Western producers. I think Adam Smith in The Wealth Of Nations advocated international trade as a way of creating harmony and prosperity. So all this crap about the size of families is nonsense.

    The reason why Africa is poorer since 1984 is largely down to the policies of economic neo-liberalism imposed on countries there by the West. These failed policies ended up benefitting rich western countries but made the african countries poorer. For example many countries were told that they had to open up their markets to Western exports and so their markets were flooded with cheap subsidized produce that harmed domestic production.


    @Tory Girl wrote:

    there you go.

    “An estimated 3 BILLION PEOPLE watched LIVE 8 the greatest, greatest show on Earth. They came together with one message – make poverty history.”

    The greatest, greatest show on earth, hardly. Just a load of rock music and dire pop.

    “make poverty history”. Great, but why is there a guitar in the shape of africa, theres poverty in alot of places, not just africa.

    “In 2005, we asked the most powerful people in the world to make poverty history… and here’s what they promised:

    Free, quality primary education and basic healthcare for all children.

    AIDS drugs for all who need them, and care for all AIDS orphans.

    Treatment and bed nets to halve deaths from malaria.

    Vaccinations to eradicate polio.


    :roll: Why do we need to ensure anything, are you worried they wont fully promise, what have you got us all into here, you stupid people. You have wasted our time and money. Money and time that we sweated on and earn, and your not sure they’ll keep there bargin. What did you think you were playing with, a discussion in the playground, these are leaders who care about short term policy, not your pathetic ambitions.

    You have let the people of africa down badly. Simple solutions could’ve been implemented that would ensure a long term survival solution.

    It benefits political leaders to have poor nations you idiots.

    I cant read anymore, its embarrasing, that the media let this silly yettie make fools of us all.


    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    So all this crap about the size of families is nonsense.

    It makes sense to breed AIDS and even more poverty does it, come on Mr B, you surely dont believe that.


    Do you know Emma – and yes it’s amazing – but I totally agree with you on this. Live 8 and all this associated spin and soundbite is exactly that …. spin & soundbite. Let’s make poverty history – yeah right.

    So the great unwashed queued up to be ripped off by Rock Royalty …. nothing much changes does it?

    Still perhaps the usual collection of tin pot African dictators can feather their own nests and use the money to buy even more arms in order to fight yet another civil war and kill even more of their tribal enemies.

    Refresh my memory, how many was it that have been killed in civil wars in Somalia, Ethiopia, etc etc etc????

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