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  • #16537

    Seen this on Q.I.

    Most bible-believing Christian believe that the numbers ‘666’ directly correspond to ‘the number of the beast’ and the anti-Christ as described in Revelation 13:17-18.

    The King James translation reads;

    ‘And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
    number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is – six
    hundred threescore and six.’

    The fact of the matter is everything we’ve believed about the number 666 is all wrong. Here are the facts:

    1.The number 666 is proven translation error.
    2.The correct number is 616.
    3.All previously held theories associating the numbers 666 to any political or religious figure to the anti-Christ must be rejected and discarded because it is factually


    In May 2005, scholars at Oxford University using the latest advanced imaging techniques reexamined a 1,700 year old previously difficult to read papyrus and discovered that the fragment reads ‘616’, not 666.

    This papyrus fragment is the earliest known record of the Book of Revelation. The fragment was taken from the Oxyrhynchus site and is Papyrus #115 or P115. The fragment clearly identifies the number of the beast
    as 616.



    Glad you didn’t post this yesterday morning!!! lol mwa mwa xxx

    Wondering if that is the new Directory Enquiries’ number! :lol:


    The first thing we must consider is the authenticity of content in these ‘holy books’. This exercise itself will give an overwhelming NEGATIVE in terms of authority!



    There was an error in the translation of the bible. Christ did not come from Galilee. he came from Galashies in Glasgow and they called him The Big Yin!

    ” The Gospel according to Billy Connelly” :D





    im a big fan of QI and i saw this.


    You trying to get rid off me?


    never, i’m just saying!!!! Although reading the boards of late, i might just hide in your suitcase ;)


    I was in discussion with the top brass at my next location, negotiations went well and the transfer is only held up by one detail.

    So 616 or 666?



    69? :lol:

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