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  • #1063084

    Fairly easy one……….What is the four letter word which when placed in front of the following four words will make each of them into a new word?

    —- LINE




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    Oh you kidding me…..

    I have a better 4 letter
    Word, fill in… where is… ??????





    Or using last name..





    Or my apreviation nickname..



    Now this may cause me trouble with the flocks here..want to make sure he is doing fine…..too quiet right now……


    It’s life

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    Paige’s ‘Dog Face’ is life-like


    Trolling Dofan is her life-style


    When in F2 and its rough seas (no one talking to her) Jack is her life-line


    If F2 and F3 fails the active discussions are her life-boat.


    W.T.G paigey



    Honestly not sure what is going on with discussion between you and paigey..

    BUT, want it made perfectly clear that O.K. (I call him,) cosy or Orson Kart is not my enemy..nor do I troll with him. He is my tall, dark and handsome guy, my friend. And keep him on his toes….when do not see him post a bit…shout out to make sure he is fine……..

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    To be honest……..and this isn’t a rule but i think one has to decide which room one wants to be in. I left f2 a long time ago and that Superman guy reminds me of every thing that was bad about it. My opinion is….move forward and don’t look back. How ever…..i miss a lot of my great friends in f2 and wish them well and remind them that they do a great job.

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    To be honest before even coming in, spent a week looking at the different forums. FOR some reason not sure why, f3 appealed to my interest. Conversation threads, so forth.. no disrespect to f2/f1… saw much drama wanted to say..even though here some times as well not as bad from other observations reading. Certainly do not mind if any others from different areas want to join in here, as long as they understand, I write honest, from the heart, trust maybe more than should, give benefit of doubt often.. BUT when one starts hurtful games, nasty, no forgiveness and understanding, have a very good keen reading eye. Maybe not good at math and quizes, oops, admit it..but other stuff well trust me, know me. Evidence will always be provided when challenged in some form or another.. so no one judge/make fun of me. Alright some times I have a hard shell to a degree. But when some one becomes nasty, directly hurtful, will try to work it out…ask me directky. Do not assume. Not perfect, neither is anyone else for that matter. Will try to resolve issue best I can. But do not f..k me.. oh baby, wrong person to play with….warning

    Hee hee

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    Note to my self…….some times i want to look back, believe me.

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