Boards Index General discussion Getting serious 2012 Olympics logo

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    I’ve just seen the design for the 2012 Olympics logo, and it is AWFUL. I mean really bad.
    It is just a set of jagged maroon shapes that roughly look like the numbers 2, 0, 1 and 2 with a small white Olympic 5 rings superimposed on one of the shapes.

    It really does look like something I might have doodled while talking on the phone.

    Come on, powers that be….. have a rethink before it’s too late! We, the British people, deserve better.


    You missed out the best bit. The Olympics Committee actually paid …..

    …. wait for it ….

    £400,000 for this piece of utter crap.

    Yes you did read that correctly…


    How about THAT for good value eh???


    I do wish people would remember that it’s not easy coming up with original ideas.

    They will get that back in merchandising.

    It’s fun, new and imaginative

    Over all, I feel that they got a good deal.

    Remember it’s a “brand mark”


    Even if the logo was good grahic design, it gives off the wrong message.

    It is jagged, it is disjointed – it says disharmony, edginess, discord, disorganisation…. all the things the Olympics are trying not to be! The traditional interlocking rings somehow signify unity, which is much more to do with the Olympian ideal. I also think that the fragmented design, like something broken, is bad taste in view of the 7/7 bombings that occurred the day after London was chosen as the winning Olympic bid.

    It also looks vaguely like a fat athlete who is clutching their back in agony after slipping a disc.

    I’m not being old-fashioned or traditionalist – there is lots of good design around now, but the London Olympics 2012 logo is NOT good design.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    I also think that the fragmented design, like something broken, is bad taste in view of the 7/7 bombings that occurred the day after London was chosen as the winning Olympic bid.

    Er… I’ve forgotten Bas … how many years ago were these bombings???


    i think it looks like a busted swastika ?????


    Looks like Kandinsky painted a blow-job lol

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