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    they’re experts within the  Civil Service in assessing the risks and threats that come with leaving the EU.

    They’re not prophets, or crystal-ball gazers, and they can’t predict the future, but their expertise lies in presenting likelihood and probability

    These are worst-case scenarios, but we can expect a variant of them if we do leave.

    It strikes me as bizarre of people to go for no-deal when even the possibility of something approaching this chaos of food, medicine and petrol shortages are likely to hit. There are other consequences for industry and the NHS as we move into a trade position of a serious disadvantage against all major countries within the WTO, certainly the developed economies.




    It wasn’t leaked by “independent” civil servants at all, so called “experts”, it was leaked by ex Remain ministers no longer in cabinet.



    Project fear MK2.



    Drag it out as long as they can until the polls either support Remain or ‘Mays’ deal which is just as toxic as Remain.
















    Bollox GEraldine total BOLLOX!

    YOU  really have gone over to the Boris side @post truth brigade. Lolo

    Just because a remain sympathising Tory has leaked this GOVERNMENT research does not make it less credible.

    “PROJECT FEAR” my arse!!!!!

    THIS report, Yellowhammer comes from the Boris brigade itself @ THE  Con gov.

    Lmao, YOU GEraldine just do not like the fact that it totally supports what has been termed “project fear” by your lot lolo.

    LMAO Boris has a Remain spy in the camp lolol.

    Loving it!  Dress this up how you like @ “worse case scenario”, “project fear” etc.

    The point of this news story is not so much what is in it!  Any rightminded individual knew all the content years ago fgs!

    What is fanfkintastic about this leak is just where it has come from@ Boris’s own Con gov lmao.

    HE  commissioned the report and just because you GEraldine do not like the TRUTH, you do an Adolf Trump and Boris Ballsup classic and label it project fear! Lolol

    You can use whatever terms you like but the shit is coming and YOU have caused it! :yahoo:

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    did these experts predict how difficult it would be to leave the eu despite a vote to leave


    did these experts predict the complication surrounding the border between Ireland 🇮🇪 and northern Ireland


    did any of these experts warn us in advance of the last recession


    did they warn us that banks would collapse


    how about the stock market crash some years back

    how about the Lloyds of London insurance crash


    in short they know fuck all

    they are paid mega bucks to guess at things usually after the event

    the truth is no one really knows what will happen when we free ourselves of the eu parasites

    we survived 2 world wars

    stock market crashes

    banks going bankrupt

    we will re adjust and survive brexit

    and once we leave the eu will start to break up

    they will be worse off with out us whilst we will be considerably better off

    i may stop driving German cars and once we leave and the eu set tariffs stop on Japanese cars I may get a nice jap job


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    I don’t take much notice of the Wigan pie muncher, for the past two odd years every month she has been predicting a general election and a Corbyn led government.



    Another copy and paste tard who masquerades as a “socialist”. .






    Badder’s right. It’s not a question of who leaked it, but of what it says.

    Thin, you really want to set aside common sense and plunge into the unknown with a blind optimism that we’ll muddle through.

    There is a feeling that we won’t survive as a UK at all.

    The disruption to the ports is likely to last for months. We will be the only country trading in the WTO without a trade agreement.

    The tariffs on our agricultural exports has led Welsh farmers to warn of civil unrest. Our car industry could well crash to the ground, and Japanese business int eh UK has warned the govt. that it will pull out altogether if things go badly.

    No use relying on the US, because they won’t touch us for a trade deal if the Good Friday Agreement is broken (i.e no Irish backstop). Trump is braying because that’s what he does. Trade agreements take years to make even if the will was there – which it isn’t in the US.

    How dare you take such risks with our standard of living??

    We now have a govt whihc is utterly ruthless in taking the UK out of the EU without a deal, against a majority of the public’s wish. We need to stop them, and for that the oppositoon need to be as ruthless and as united.

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    You can use whatever terms you like but the shit is coming and YOU have caused it! :yahoo:

    :good: :good:



    Hence more long winded essays from the resident Remain “experts” (Brexiters iz all ‘fick’ and ‘racist’ blah blah blah). Regurgitating the same nonsense that they have been constantly churning out for the past three years. Nothing new and nothing original. Neither of them can present a ‘technical’ argument and neither of them ever have.


    The government has had ample time to prepare for a “no deal” Brexit, if they have not (assuming we would Remain) it merely backs up my own argument that the ENTIRE British political system is not fit for purpose and the careerist politicians skulking behind the EU apron have been exposed once and for all as not fit for purpose.


    You can’t close Pandora’s Box once it has been opened.



    So keep on yapping because it makes no difference to the bigger picture.


    The back stop was never part of the good Friday agreement

    the open border is all part of being in the eu

    every one who comes here from Europe has to produce a passport to get into the uk

    why should the Irish ☘️ be any different

    incase you haven’t noticed there is no British mass producer of cars

    it died when red robbo and other work shy militants thought they could hold British leyland to ransome

    about  as successful that as the miners stupid little strike

    the current slump is due to the stupidity of punishing diesel car owners and trying to force electric cars on us

    ps you need fossil fuel to provide the electricity to charge your electric car

    I’ve even seen diesel generators plugged into electric charging points

    so scep in reply to the question

    a big fat YES 😊


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  thin ice.
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    The backstop is a result of the Good Friday agreement.

    think about it?

    When the UK leaves, there will be a border between the UK and the Irish Republic.

    Good Friday was about making that border redundant. Leaving the EU without some sort of arrangement like the backstop (or an alternative arrangement, such as proposed by Labour) is breaking the Good Friday Agreement.

    It’s likely to bring violence and a loss of life – according to the Northern irealnd police, who are pretty expert on this sort of thing.

    It will also mean no trade deal with the USA.



    btw British jobs will go when the non-British car industry collapses. As people in Sunderland.


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