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4 August, 2019 at 6:16 pm #1120796
I thought I was worse than scorpion, according to Ge..
I have no idea whether Badder or Echo or nem or Ge are Scorpion, and I really don’t want to speculate…
I REALLY met Badder on PlentyofFish.Com.
We arranged to meet after speaking on the phone and exchanging pictures. I caught the train up to Wigan via the London Underground and while I was stoned (which was a really freaky experience).
I arrived at Badders house around 5 ish (winter) just as it was getting dark and her house and her estate looked like something that had been dropped from 10,000 feet. Dog shit everywhere, rubbish everywhere and smelly overflowing bins and that was just Badders front garden.
Anyway, I knocked on the front door rather nervously, my BPM now at 400 beats a minute, mainly because it had two punch holes in it and mainly because of the scene of utter devastation around me, it was just like a scene from a film zombies shuffling everywhere but with Wigan Accents.
A petite woman in a white stained ‘coat’ answered the door and smiled at me and she had no teeth at all (that I could see) and she looked nothing like Badder and I said gulping “hi is Maureen there?” (which is Badders real name) the woman answered (really loudly because all they do is shout in Wigan) “EEEEEeee ECK YOU MUST BE ‘GERRY’ YOU DAFT DUCK I AM MAUREEN COME IN COME IN”.
So I followed her in and walked nervously into this grubby hallway that had a bare bulb in the cobweb covered ceiling and a tatty old stained carpet. We entered a ‘living room’ that looked like something from Dante’s Inferno. Scrubby old sofa that looked like a pack of wild dogs had been gnawing on it for months and a saggy old chair that had a HUGE middle aged man sitting in it doing nothing but gazing at me intently, when I say huge I mean obese btw, at least 500 lbs.
Badder shouted “SIT DOWN CHUCK SIT DOWN” which I was reluctant to do for fear of contamination but anyway I sort of pretended to perch on the arm of the dog gnawed sofa but didn’t let my bottom actually touch it. Badder SHOUTED to this lump on the chair “SAY HI TO GERRY SON” and to my complete amazement the lump on the chair turned to me and shouted “HI GERRY”.
I could have finished the tale but I’ve got dog training lol….
Anyway, that’s the TRUTH of my experience with Badder.
I wish someone had prepared me for this as I didn’t have my sick-bucket with me and had to clean it off the PC screen.
As far as I am concerned, pms and especially real meets are totally verboten from public scrutiny.
No matter how bad it gets, even if someone did the dirty on me as above, I would never deliberately betray such experiences on jc or anywhere else. I’ve texted,, been friends with, even met for a drink a number of people all told over the past 10 years. If I’ve leaked any information on anyone, then it’s been accidental and I felt bitterly angry with myself and fully apologised.
If badder has said anything in the room, or betrayed you Ge, in my book that is still not grounds for betraying this type of detail.
In my book, anyone who spews out this stuff in public is below contempt.
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4 August, 2019 at 6:23 pm #1120798So anyone considering getting into bed with this GE dude, (Scep) ;-), just beware.
Right, badder.
I’ll certainly bear this in mind lol
However, I am interested in serious debate, and Ge made some serious points. This is very rare, and I very much understand how he wouldn’t want me to address those points.
Sorry, Ge, but I will address them soon, just in case anyone is still trying to udnerstand the issue – once this settles, if not before.
Others may not be interested in any serious response.
I have a strong feeling that ge is not interested in any serious response. He’s doing a copy job of Communist Party links merely for show, in my mind, while he then gets on with what really interests him, whihc is shouting about shittery, creepy old turds and Wigan pie-munchers.
I am interested in the serious side. The rest I avoid unless I’m provoked too much, or unless I can’t avoid it.
ching ching.
Send my regards to orson etc etc etc
4 August, 2019 at 7:18 pm #1120801How the fk do you know about my upcycling of fence panels, as YOU claim I have told you, my lovely nonshit Russell Hobs kettle and matching toaster, the fact that I think my neighbours are scum, etc etc etc in just TWO PMs lmao? These are things you have posted on here in the past 2 days, claiming I told you this stuff loll.
And what decent REAL man trolls a woman about her kettle ffs!? You sad bstard.
GE you are a complete liar. Seriously you are. Others have seen you mention that you live in Bolton. You lie every time you switch your computer on, or move your old wrinked lips GE.
Go away and stop typing about me. You sad decrepit old man lol.
AND for the record, Tracy said just today in F1 that you gave her your phone number and you have chatted with her on the phone lol!
So do not come all this >>>> “Secondly I have NEVER PMed Badder, not a single time, nor any other woman on this site EVER.”
So are we really to believe Gerald, that you go straight to chatting with Tracy on the phone, with NO PM first lol. I take it you typed your number in main room for her lmao?!
Also it was you who got my Badder account banned lmao one Sunday night almost a year ago in F2 lol? It was the guide from quiz came in and did it cos I was typing in large font amid some spam, so it could be seen lol. I know who even went and told her to do it lol because I got in the quiz a week later, with another account lol and thick quiz guide did not know she was talking to Badder lol. I asked her ” why did you ban Badder?” she told me why and who got her to do it lol and it was not you GE!
Ge you are so full of bullshit lololl
As for this lol>>
“Now Badder is clearly VERY upset that I reported her to a MOD in room three that she was spamming in room two. Badder is obviously still very upset I got her name banned when the same MOD went in room two and banned her.”
LMFAO GE ololol like you have ever been of any consequence to me lol that I even acknowledge YOU in any main room lol. I have never even given you the time of day loooll in any bickerings in main room, so why would you go running to a guide to try and get me banned lmao ?
If you did this just on a whim Gerald this shows what a snitching non man t1t you are lol . Now you are actually claiming I hassled you so much you got my account banned!
As for my pic posting and meme posting lol . Are you sore because I never considered you worthy of one lol?
GE you are one fkin liar. Seriously lol
No wonder, from what I can gather over these past few days, you get posted to death on these boards lol!!!!
Gerald lad, unlike you I have stuff to do. I am sick of seeing you posting these bolloxom lies about me lmao.
I am blocking all your shite board sh1t boy, now just go away and annoy Scep wotnot lol.
4 August, 2019 at 7:48 pm #1120803Two sad bstards
Scep are you really fkin stupid?
Or are you being deliberately obtuse?
I can only assume you and your boyfriend Geraldine have got together and concocted this childish bit of trolling@
I REALLY met Badder on PlentyofFish.Com.
We arranged to meet after speaking on the phone and exchanging pictures. I caught the train up to Wigan via the London Underground and while I was stoned (which was a really freaky experience).
I arrived at Badders house around 5 ish (winter) just as it was getting dark and her house and her estate looked like something that had been dropped from 10,000 feet. Dog shit everywhere, rubbish everywhere and smelly overflowing bins and that was just Badders front garden.
Anyway, I knocked on the front door rather nervously, my BPM now at 400 beats a minute, mainly because it had two punch holes in it and mainly because of the scene of utter devastation around me, it was just like a scene from a film zombies shuffling everywhere but with Wigan Accents.
A petite woman in a white stained ‘coat’ answered the door and smiled at me and she had no teeth at all (that I could see) and she looked nothing like Badder and I said gulping “hi is Maureen there?” (which is Badders real name) the woman answered (really loudly because all they do is shout in Wigan) “EEEEEeee ECK YOU MUST BE ‘GERRY’ YOU DAFT DUCK I AM MAUREEN COME IN COME IN”.
So I followed her in and walked nervously into this grubby hallway that had a bare bulb in the cobweb covered ceiling and a tatty old stained carpet. We entered a ‘living room’ that looked like something from Dante’s Inferno. Scrubby old sofa that looked like a pack of wild dogs had been gnawing on it for months and a saggy old chair that had a HUGE middle aged man sitting in it doing nothing but gazing at me intently, when I say huge I mean obese btw, at least 500 lbs.
Badder shouted “SIT DOWN CHUCK SIT DOWN” which I was reluctant to do for fear of contamination but anyway I sort of pretended to perch on the arm of the dog gnawed sofa but didn’t let my bottom actually touch it. Badder SHOUTED to this lump on the chair “SAY HI TO GERRY SON” and to my complete amazement the lump on the chair turned to me and shouted “HI GERRY”.
I could have finished the tale but I’ve got dog training lol….
Anyway, that’s the TRUTH of my experience with Badder.
Today a lonely home alone pensioner going by the name of Gerald has actually sat and written this work of fiction, no doubt with his boyfriend, Scep wotnot, helping by checking the spelling lol.
Now Gerald posts it, then Scep validates its “authenticity” by commenting on it, and pushing it up the boards. Lmao.
A very amateur attempt at fake news from you two sad old batchelor rejects.
Why do you Sceptical wotnot, and Gerald not just make it official and shack up? Save Gerald E-cycling to your boudoir every evening, Sceptical boy.
4 August, 2019 at 7:50 pm #1120805How the fk do you know about my upcycling of fence panels, as YOU claim I have told you, my lovely nonshit Russell Hobs kettle and matching toaster, the fact that I think my neighbours are scum, etc etc etc in just TWO PMs lmao? These are things you have posted on here in the past 2 days, claiming I told you this stuff loll.
And what decent REAL man trolls a woman about her kettle ffs!? You sad bstard.
GE you are a complete liar. Seriously you are. Others have seen you mention that you live in Bolton. You lie every time you switch your computer on, or move your old wrinked lips GE.
Go away and stop typing about me. You sad decrepit old man lol.
AND for the record, Tracy said just today in F1 that you gave her your phone number and you have chatted with her on the phone lol!
So do not come all this >>>> “Secondly I have NEVER PMed Badder, not a single time, nor any other woman on this site EVER.”
So are we really to believe Gerald, that you go straight to chatting with Tracy on the phone, with NO PM first lol. I take it you typed your number in main room for her lmao?!
Also it was you who got my Badder account banned lmao one Sunday night almost a year ago in F2 lol? It was the guide from quiz came in and did it cos I was typing in large font amid some spam, so it could be seen lol. I know who even went and told her to do it lol because I got in the quiz a week later, with another account lol and thick quiz guide did not know she was talking to Badder lol. I asked her ” why did you ban Badder?” she told me why and who got her to do it lol and it was not you GE!
Ge you are so full of bullshit lololl
As for this lol>>
“Now Badder is clearly VERY upset that I reported her to a MOD in room three that she was spamming in room two. Badder is obviously still very upset I got her name banned when the same MOD went in room two and banned her.”
LMFAO GE ololol like you have ever been of any consequence to me lol that I even acknowledge YOU in any main room lol. I have never even given you the time of day loooll in any bickerings in main room, so why would you go running to a guide to try and get me banned lmao ?
If you did this just on a whim Gerald this shows what a snitching non man t1t you are lol . Now you are actually claiming I hassled you so much you got my account banned!
As for my pic posting and meme posting lol . Are you sore because I never considered you worthy of one lol?
GE you are one fkin liar. Seriously lol
No wonder, from what I can gather over these past few days, you get posted to death on these boards lol!!!!
Gerald lad, unlike you I have stuff to do. I am sick of seeing you posting these bolloxom lies about me lmao.
I am blocking all your shite board sh1t boy, now just go away and annoy Scep wotnot lol.
Badder babe why are you upset so much? You describe your own council estate as “shit”, you describe your own neighbours as “scum” or “chavs” you and not me.
In one breathe you allege I am revealing private PMs and in the next breathe call me a liar, which is it darling?
I know why you are so upset, just like I know why dangly bollocks is always so upset. You are politically illiterate Badder hun bun just as he is and just like dangly bollocks you react by getting personal, then when you got a taste of your own medicine, just like dangly bollocks, you squeal victim/abuser.
On a postivive note darling you haven’t strung it out for years like he has and I am sure you will find another target for you venom real soon.
Have a brilliant night spamming room one Badder.
Oh and Badder, I still crack up laughing my tits off to this day when I think of you typing “no one can stop me spamming” as the Guide entered and immediately banned your sorry arse lol.
4 August, 2019 at 8:03 pm #1120807And what decent REAL man trolls a woman about her kettle ffs!? You sad bstard.
Brilliant, I am cracking up here.
4 August, 2019 at 8:31 pm #1120810GEraldine today >>>
“I have NEVER PMed Badder, not a single time, nor any other woman on this site EVER.”
I have been in pm with ge …… number 1 tracy Aug 4th, 8:23:33 pm
Ive been in pm with ge a couple of times ( not more officially, unless he has pmed me from diff names) Guest 141 Aug 4th, 8:23:44 pm
Hes a scumbag in my opinion Guest 141 Aug 4th, 8:23:49 pm
lmao GE
ur a fkin joke boy-
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
4 August, 2019 at 8:40 pm #1120813LMAO so funny this he even said in the room he had pmd u badder apparently talking about your decorating saying you was such a lovely women…maybe the alcohol has damaged his brain lol
4 August, 2019 at 8:44 pm #1120817I didn’t even get round to the second part of the sorry saga. The very short version is Badder then SHOUTED 2 inches from my face “DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO EAT CHUCK?” because she had some frozen “MINCE” and “DID I LIKE SPAG BOL?” as I looked around desperately for an escape exit. I sort of nodded as she disappeared into this dingy kitchenette thing. As I sprinted out the patio doors all I could hear in the background was Badder shouting “THAW YOU BASTARD THAW” and loud thuds as she banged an unidentified object on the counter.
4 August, 2019 at 8:46 pm #1120819LMAO so funny this he even said in the room he had pmd u badder apparently talking about your decorating saying you was such a lovely women…maybe the alcohol has damaged his brain lol
Or maybe what I said dummy, is that I have never PMed a woman “first” including when you used to whine in mine for hours about Stapler after YOU PMed me first.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
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