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4 August, 2019 at 2:01 pm #1120764
RE> “Stop ignorning my questions you dim witted Wigan pie muncher and respond to them.”
HOW VERY DARE YOU, dis the eating of pies!?
Nothing wrong with the munching of a good pie. Where do you think I got this fine ample áss from? No implants here!
And YES you DID tell me many times you live in Bolton GE! Remember the time we pretended we had bumped into each other in the Bolton big Asda, off Manchester road, that night in the F2 room@ funny convo hr?
AND you hinted many times for a meet at that Bolton town centre pub Harveys. Like you are commuting up from dern serf for that! GE you even know of the Blue Boar pub in the town centre of Bolton, which I always mix up with blue bears.
Stop lying! You either lied then, and have NEVER lived in Bolton, or are lying now!
Either way this is very shifty behaviour, GE lad. Even for a Corbynite who has now become a Borisite.
Could this whole smoke n mirrors existence of GE’s be a Child Support Avoidance scam?
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4 August, 2019 at 2:03 pm #1120767PML LMAO RATF………..ill be honest…no il lleave that to a separate post……PML
4 August, 2019 at 2:09 pm #1120770And YES you DID tell me many times you live in Bolton GE! Remember the time we pretended we had bumped into each other in the Bolton big Asda, off Manchester road, that night in the F2 room@ funny convo hr? AND you hinted many times for a meet at that Bolton town centre pub Harveys. Like you are commuting up from dern serf for that! GE you even know of the Blue Boar pub in the town centre of Bolton, which I always mix up with blue bears.
Hi gorgeous,
What on earth makes you think I would meet a 64 year old woman who has spent her entire life unemployed on a shitty council estate in Wigan, abusing her neighbours weekly, will die on that same shitty council estate while she is spamming pictures of other women online and who doesn’t even know what a “socialist” is.
What on earth do you think we have in common Badder darling?
I would rather eat my own head with a rusty old kitchen knife than get involved with an uneducated Wigan pie eater who thinks the “EU” has bettered her miserable existence.
Love you babe!
4 August, 2019 at 2:27 pm #1120775More of lying GE’s misinformation and fake news.
“What on earth makes you think I would meet a 64 year old woman who has spent her entire life unemployed on a shitty council estate in Wigan, abusing her neighbours weekly, will die on that same shitty council estate while she is spamming pictures of other women online and who doesn’t even know what a “socialist” is.”
I am not 64. I do not live in Wigan. My neighbours deserve abuse DAILY never mind “weekly”.
AND YES you asked me to meet you for coffee at Harvey’s in Bolton many, many times. I told you that I could not risk being seen in a nice wine bar with a guy in checked Wallace slippers. You cried. I recall it still to this day.
Also the irony in your post, (above), is stunning lolol!
In the same paragraph GE, you mock people for living on a council estate AND then claim to be the only living soul in JC to know what a real “Socialist” is! Utterly mindblowing!
Give him enough rope….
4 August, 2019 at 2:30 pm #1120777RE> “Stop ignorning my questions you dim witted Wigan pie muncher and respond to them.”
HOW VERY DARE YOU, dis the eating of pies!?
Nothing wrong with the munching of a good pie. Where do you think I got this fine ample áss from? No implants here!
And YES you DID tell me many times you live in Bolton GE! Remember the time we pretended we had bumped into each other in the Bolton big Asda, off Manchester road, that night in the F2 room@ funny convo hr?
AND you hinted many times for a meet at that Bolton town centre pub Harveys. Like you are commuting up from dern serf for that! GE you even know of the Blue Boar pub in the town centre of Bolton, which I always mix up with blue bears.
Stop lying! You either lied then, and have NEVER lived in Bolton, or are lying now!
Either way this is very shifty behaviour, GE lad. Even for a Corbynite who has now become a Borisite.
Could this whole smoke n mirrors existence of GE’s be a Child Support Avoidance scam?
It’s too easy to get into this horseplay.
Ge has actually been making some very serious points about competition and socialism, using The Full Brexit and TUAEU (two Morning Star/Spiked/Institute of Ideas fronts).
Up to now I’ve been faced with his fear of actual debate but now and for the first time maybe he’s laying his cards on the table.
He’s been addressing these concerns to you, making it very clear (I wonder why?) that he doesn’t want an answer from me.
I am more than happy to leave the answering of his serious points to you. I’ve been making arguments on me tod for a long while now.Are you able to answer them??
If you can’t, there’s no shame at all on you. But if you evade the points by carrying on insults about who’s in a council house and who lives in Bolton or Wigan, then it means you are running scared of his argument. You can ask me to answer the points if you’re not sure or feeling confident, but I don’t want to interfere prematurely. It will need time to get you or arguments together, but it would be an indication of how serious you are if let me know if you don’t want to put them together, either from lack of time or from temperament
4 August, 2019 at 2:34 pm #1120780PML@the three of you……….GE goes on about attacking women then attacks them……..badder lost it a long time ago and sceppers is sounding like a dik more than normal………
In other words…sceppers likes GE cause of his political comments……..shows him self up more for what he is………hey put some poetry on GE…sceppers will be right up yer arse with that one…PMl LMAO RATF
4 August, 2019 at 2:37 pm #1120782As you have noticed Scep. I am indeed avoiding any further political retorts with that GE fella.
I cannot take seriously, ANY political points a Corbynite, turned Borisite makes. I am not even reading any of his bits that appear remotely linked to politics. I scan past them.
Hence I have no idea where this strange, despicable, lying, toad faced character stands.
Let The Gegate investigation continue apace.
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4 August, 2019 at 3:00 pm #1120786According to you Badder babe, anything with a pulse male or female (and without a pulse) in room two wanted to meet you. While you stalked EVERY single man and woman in there relentlessly for months and were boot on site by the Mods.
But let me set the scene of what really happened.
I REALLY met Badder on PlentyofFish.Com.
We arranged to meet after speaking on the phone and exchanging pictures. I caught the train up to Wigan via the London Underground and while I was stoned (which was a really freaky experience).
I arrived at Badders house around 5 ish (winter) just as it was getting dark and her house and her estate looked like something that had been dropped from 10,000 feet. Dog shit everywhere, rubbish everywhere and smelly overflowing bins and that was just Badders front garden.
Anyway, I knocked on the front door rather nervously, my BPM now at 400 beats a minute, mainly because it had two punch holes in it and mainly because of the scene of utter devastation around me, it was just like a scene from a film zombies shuffling everywhere but with Wigan Accents.
A petite woman in a white stained ‘coat’ answered the door and smiled at me and she had no teeth at all (that I could see) and she looked nothing like Badder and I said gulping “hi is Maureen there?” (which is Badders real name) the woman answered (really loudly because all they do is shout in Wigan) “EEEEEeee ECK YOU MUST BE ‘GERRY’ YOU DAFT DUCK I AM MAUREEN COME IN COME IN”.
So I followed her in and walked nervously into this grubby hallway that had a bare bulb in the cobweb covered ceiling and a tatty old stained carpet. We entered a ‘living room’ that looked like something from Dante’s Inferno. Scrubby old sofa that looked like a pack of wild dogs had been gnawing on it for months and a saggy old chair that had a HUGE middle aged man sitting in it doing nothing but gazing at me intently, when I say huge I mean obese btw, at least 500 lbs.
Badder shouted “SIT DOWN CHUCK SIT DOWN” which I was reluctant to do for fear of contamination but anyway I sort of pretended to perch on the arm of the dog gnawed sofa but didn’t let my bottom actually touch it. Badder SHOUTED to this lump on the chair “SAY HI TO GERRY SON” and to my complete amazement the lump on the chair turned to me and shouted “HI GERRY”.
I could have finished the tale but I’ve got dog training lol….
Anyway, that’s the TRUTH of my experience with Badder.
4 August, 2019 at 3:42 pm #1120788Also I would like to add.
This GE shite, spent almost a year appearing in F2, as a NUMBER, trying to get my attention each time, in the main room. Now we chatted over this period in PM, harmless stuff gardening etc. As GE appeared each time with a number, I naturally assumed he no longer had an account, hence I pmd him to chat, seeing him frantically waving to me constantly in the main room, alluding to previous conversations we had had, odd indeed @ shifty hidey fker. Every so often he would PM as his account name. Odd eh? Shifty defo.
The minute I mentioned to GE in PM, that I once worked for child support agency, boy did he fk off ! Quickish!
NEXT day he spilled every single PM we had in the main room nonstop. Nothing of any consequence mind, but still, off he went.
So anyone considering getting into bed with this GE dude, (Scep) ;-), just beware.
4 August, 2019 at 4:19 pm #1120791Hi, again Badder darling,
I think everyone in room two knows who spammed pictures and trolled in hideys and who didn’t.
Now Badder is clearly VERY upset that I reported her to a MOD in room three that she was spamming in room two. Badder is obviously still very upset I got her name banned when the same MOD went in room two and banned her.
Secondly I have NEVER PMed Badder, not a single time, nor any other woman on this site EVER. Thirdly, what upset Badder after her TWO PMs to me and NO more is that I playfully took the piss out of her about her (shitty) new kettle publicly in the room (which she told me about in one of those two PMs) and according to Badder I betrayed her confidence and she went mental about it for weeks.
Now everyone is going on about “Scorpion”, who I kept calling Morg melon head but when I also said “look closer to home”.
I don’t believe in coincidences and when two chatters of similar ilk, who reappeared on the boards at the same time and are now typing the same things or similar “they convinced me they were someone else”.
These horrible abusive women (yes and men) who constantly play their horrible abusive games in JC.
You can score you petty points against me because I REJECTED you but it doesn’t make it accurate you fucking bunny boiler(s).
Look closer to home.
Edit: When I say PM I mean me PMing them first. Although I have PMed guides regarding others chatters.
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