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4 August, 2019 at 10:04 am #1120731
Worryingly, in two landmark legal cases – Viking and Laval – the European Court of Justice ruled that collective action by a trade union could be deemed illegal if it is taken to prevent an employer setting-up in, or posting workers to, another member state, for example in an attempt to pay cheaper wages.
And while as trade unionists we must oppose attacks on immigrants, we must also recognise that the EU’s policy of open borders has given rise to an explosion of cheap labour and contributed to the undercutting of wages (a reason why the policy enjoys the support of big business), caused real social tensions, placed public services under pressure, and fuelled the rise of far-right groups.
We should no more look upon the neoliberal EU as a friend of workers because it gave us the Working Time Directive than we should look upon the neoliberal Tory government in the same way because it gave us the ‘living wage’.
4 August, 2019 at 10:06 am #1120733But, just as austerity has failed in the UK, it has failed throughout the EU. Twenty-three million are unemployed thanks to EU-driven austerity. Living standards have collapsed thanks to EU-driven austerity. Far-right groups have gained strength thanks to EU-driven austerity. Renewed tensions have emerged between nation states thanks to EU-driven austerity. Public services have been decimated thanks to EU-driven austerity.
Link on previous page.
4 August, 2019 at 10:38 am #1120735GE you pimple d1ck! And liar about Bolton living!
How the fk can YOU go on about austerity destroying the UK!?
YOU now openly admit you are going to vote Tory! You have no credifuckinbility lad!
Stop it now! Just stop it! I CAN go on about Tory austerity I am Labour!
YOU BOY?! lmao
Go and tend to your Panda fodder garden. Make yourself useful for once. You jumped up nitwit!
You disgust me boy! Having voted Labour and now the Cons!
There was a time when we shot turncoats.
4 August, 2019 at 10:41 am #1120737The 1990s witnessed a wave of EU liberalisation directives aimed at opening up key sectors of the Member States’ economies: gas, electricity, rail, postal services and telecommunications. Significantly, these sectors are among those most likely to be in public ownership in many Member States. These EU directives give corporations a supranational right to operate in these sectors as part of a system of competition. This compulsory marketisation prohibits public monopoly. By this means, nationalisation of the sector is entirely ruled out. Any national legislation which purported to bring the sector into public ownership would simply be declared invalid by our own national courts.
Consequently, nationalisation of the kind implemented by the 1945-51 Labour government is completely unlawful within these sectors. The only sort of public ownership which is lawful is if a publicly-owned company behaves exactly like a privately-owned company and competes “fairly” (i.e. without receiving favourable treatment from government) within the market system which the directives have ordained. This explains why, as Remainers like to point out, state-owned companies remain in sectors like railways in many EU countries; but what they do not point out (they don’t understand) is that these companies are forced to compete on a “level playing field” with private companies. This results in a rising market share for the private sector, while the corporatised public sector is compelled to behave like any other capitalist enterprise. Thus, state-owned enterprises can be present, but the sector is by no means “nationalised” in the sense of being placed under democratic control and directed for public ends. The overriding goal of EU directives is to promote competition; no other objective is permitted.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
4 August, 2019 at 10:51 am #1120741Stop it now! Just stop it! I CAN go on about Tory austerity I am Labour!
You need to understand that “austerity” is ideological and a cornerstone of the neoliberal Thatcherite Mark ll on speed EU.
What exactly DON’T you understand about that?
Stop ignorning my questions you dim witted Wigan pie muncher and respond to them.
What is less certain, however, is whether the EU has learned anything from the past eight years. A year ago, the European commissioner for economic affairs, Pierre Moscovici, admitted that the decisions made behind closed doors regarding the Greek bailout were a scandal of democratic process.
The lack of transparency and the imposition of austerity as the only solution for the southern European countries hit by the financial crisis since 2008, at a time when other countries like Germany continued to prosper, has cast doubts on the entire European project.
4 August, 2019 at 11:08 am #1120743Copied just now from F1 main room:
“I asked Mr Spam for a smidge of a break on the boards Chrome just now
and he has kindly obligedyou can thank me nowanyway here goesduring the past few days GE has been engaging in chat on my “1939 Revisited” thread on the boardsGE has admitted he has gone from Labour to the Cons! ffs! DISGUSTING!!!now I need evidence from my fellow chatters, GE always told me he is in Bolton !he now openly denies he has ever lived there!it is all over the boards!Hence I am compiling the GEGATE dossier!we SHALL get to the bottom of this. You have been warned GE!4 August, 2019 at 11:18 am #1120745“GeGate” lol
Like the caged hen you are Badder you think you are safer among all the other caged hens. You have NEVER seen natural sunlight. You have NEVER walked on lush green grass. You have been force fed crap until your legs can no longer support your BIG fat arse!
You spot a small gap in which you can escape your cage and taste FREEDOM but you THINK you are safer among all the other caged hens.
Free yourself little chicken, free yourself from the shackles of EU slavery!
4 August, 2019 at 1:38 pm #1120751Copied just now from F1 main room:
“I asked Mr Spam for a smidge of a break on the boards Chrome just now
and he has kindly obligedyou can thank me nowanyway here goesduring the past few days GE has been engaging in chat on my “1939 Revisited” thread on the boardsGE has admitted he has gone from Labour to the Cons! ffs! DISGUSTING!!!now I need evidence from my fellow chatters, GE always told me he is in Bolton !he now openly denies he has ever lived there!it is all over the boards!Hence I am compiling the GEGATE dossier!we SHALL get to the bottom of this. You have been warned GE!Badder,
more interesting for me.
how do you respond to Ge’s quoting of the Red-Brown Front on ‘neo-liberalism’ and competion? The Communist Morning Star has been carrying this stuff for several years now.
What do you think of it?
4 August, 2019 at 1:50 pm #1120755LOL go back 2 years and somer and GE are still acting like twats…..PML
4 August, 2019 at 1:51 pm #1120757PML@sceppers saying others are disgusting……what an arrogant bastard…in a room full of opinions
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
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