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22 August, 2019 at 12:04 am #1123838
lmao I thought you were referring to your own bike as “curSED” @ rubbish lol.
So Geoff has actually put a curse on this ‘ere E-bike? That’s religious peeps for ya. Can’t trust ’em GEraldine. Seen Rosemary’s Baby?
22 August, 2019 at 12:10 am #1123840I’ve only ever witnessed 3 road rage incidents in my entire life and all three have been in Bolton town centre. Daub Hill and outside the uni is madness! I take it it happened somewhere thereabouts GEraldine. And do not pretend you do not live in Bolton. We all you know you do.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
22 August, 2019 at 12:25 am #1123849How on earth did Ms Far To Tight Shortettes jump from crashing an e-bike in a muddy field in the middle of nowhere to “road rage” in “Bolton”, only in the Wigan pie munchers fevoured imagination could this occur, as she devours that bin lid sized pizza like a grizzly bear would scoff a 40lb salmon.
Now she obviously wants me to have a nibble at the mention of “Bolton”, but as she didn’t even know after 4+ years that I am a southerner I don’t think that I am going to bother.
Night night kids, have fun!
22 August, 2019 at 12:29 am #1123853I was under the impression you were a southerner that lived in the North, don’t know where tho ? Just saying that’s what you told me, no mention of towns or cities tho.
22 August, 2019 at 12:44 am #1123855How on earth did Ms Far To Tight Shortettes jump from crashing an e-bike in a muddy field in the middle of nowhere to “road rage” in “Bolton”, only in the Wigan pie munchers fevoured imagination could this occur, as she devours that bin lid sized pizza like a grizzly bear would scoff a 40lb salmon.
Now she obviously wants me to have a nibble at the mention of “Bolton”, but as she didn’t even know after 4+ years that I am a southerner I don’t think that I am going to bother.
Night night kids, have fun!
Oi Boltonian One! We all know you have not gone to bed, its way too early, the birds are still sleeping. Also, I missed any mention of fields.
22 August, 2019 at 1:55 am #1123865I heard he lives just along the road from that monstrosity that was recently banned, and I don’t mean number one tracy before ” everyone ” tries to lace into me like they did to poor old Ld in f1 today. What I did find humorously alarming though was no one and I mean ” no one ” give two hoots about the monstrosity that was banned, so one has to think if number one tracy was rightfully banned or was it just a personal vendetta.
22 August, 2019 at 6:14 am #1123873I’ll clear up my post
in 2016 only 18 or older could vote
We’re now 3 years later
Anyone 15 to 17 then are now 18 to 20 and can now vote and that is the only difference I see
22 August, 2019 at 6:44 am #1123875We, ( as in normals ) knew exactly what you meant Paige, it was only Dramatic Drawers who threw herself off the deep end, spittle and wailing fury like a constipated cockerel on amphetamines !!
No worries x
22 August, 2019 at 9:12 am #1123885I see that Trump couldn’t buy Greenland.
Awww, shame for him, and he’s reacting like a spoiled child – surprise, surprise.
Never mind, Trumpy, all is not lost.
The UK’s up for grabs now
22 August, 2019 at 11:46 am #1123888You know scep you can be very childish at political comments. You should get a better television program so you get better understanding on what he actually is doing or not doing which gives all facts and not partial. You starting to sound like the Democratic party stirrers and fake news. Disappointed. Your hatred of man as many hate for him have closed your eyes and ears to only what you want to hear and see.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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