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21 August, 2019 at 10:51 pm #1123810
I really don’t like Bessie’s personal attacks, any more than i like Gerry’s personal attacks. They’re both based on imagined clouds of poison which have nothing to do with the people they’re attacking, but to try to pierce those clouds is just to invite more nasty inventions of targets.
You’re no different to the Wigan pie muncher Geoffrey, you very very very evil man. Who keeps mentioning my name because he is OBSESSED with me both publicly and privately and while he does his “I am a Christian” charade. You are just slyer about how you go about and I am not the only person who thinks this on these boards Geoffrey.
Now back under your bridge, troll.
21 August, 2019 at 11:20 pm #1123817I really don’t like Bessie’s personal attacks, any more than i like Gerry’s personal attacks. They’re both based on imagined clouds of poison which have nothing to do with the people they’re attacking, but to try to pierce those clouds is just to invite more nasty inventions of targets.
You’re no different to the Wigan pie muncher Geoffrey, you very very very evil man. Who keeps mentioning my name because he is OBSESSED with me both publicly and privately and while he does his “I am a Christian” charade. You are just slyer about how you go about and I am not the only person who thinks this on these boards Geoffrey.
Now back under your bridge, troll.
Quadruple chortle.
You’ve done it now Geoff. GEraldine will be up all night now banging away….at his keyboard.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
21 August, 2019 at 11:27 pm #1123820LMAO😄😄😄😄 Quadruple chortle. Youve done it now Geoff. GEraldine will be up all night now banging away….at his keyboard.
Geoffrey blows smoke up your big fat arse Wigan pie muncher, for one reason and one reason only, because you are the one and only ally he has on the boards politically, no other reason. Watching you “use” each other like this is quite nauseating.
But by befriending you and blowing smoke up your big fat arse, you being one of the most evil trolls on this site, will lead to his downfall once and for all. No more can he squeal about board “trolls” and no more can he feign mock “disgust” when other trolls like you pair, troll.
When that happens Wigan pie muncher with your 3,000 English degrees, I will dance a jig of joy and celebrate by going out for a 30 miler on the ‘cursed’ e-bike.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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21 August, 2019 at 11:38 pm #1123823Well Scep , I understand completely and agree to a point, it does become tit for tat in a very childish way, I think stinkybreath is very used to swiping at people for no apparent reason and not being challenged and at the risk of sounding like a 5 year old, she did start it 😉 nerrr nerrrr ….
As far as Ge and you go, his take on you is based on what you write on these boards, they are his opinions on your character and intentions, if he said you were 117 yrs old, 4’3”, with a green Afro and 3 eyes I could and would correct him. No matter, Badders descriptions of me are as ludicrous as the above of you. I mentioned it to you because you brought up about how ridiculous some of the descriptive attacks were but mainly because you are one of the very, very few ( 3 I think ) people to actually know what I look like, the other 2 being Nicey and Jamie, anyway, it really doesn’t matter, however, as for jobs, I couldn’t fail to remember that you weren’t reticent to inform another chatter what my career was in pm !
All water under the bridge now tho eh ……
I hope Growler , in this context means a foofoo and not that I am one !! Lol
nor am I looking for one lol
21 August, 2019 at 11:42 pm #1123825I did regret growler when I realized afterwards it had ‘female’ connotations but at least I said you’re not on the prowl for a growler either lol. I do apologise however if it it caused any ladies any offence (except the Wigan pie muncher who isn’t a lady).
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21 August, 2019 at 11:50 pm #1123828LMAO😄😄😄😄 Quadruple chortle. Youve done it now Geoff. GEraldine will be up all night now banging away….at his keyboard.
Geoffrey blows smoke up your big fat arse Wigan pie muncher, for one reason and one reason only, because you are the one and only ally he has on the boards politically, no other reason. Watching you “use” each other like this is quite nauseating.
But by befriending you and blowing smoke up your big fat arse, you being one of the most evil trolls on this site, will lead to his downfall once and for all. No more can he squeal about board “trolls” and no more can he feign mock “disgust” when other trolls like you pair, troll.
When that happens Wigan pie muncher with your 3,000 English degrees, I will dance a jig of joy and celebrate by going out for a 30 miler on the ‘cursed’ e-bike.
“you being one of the most evil trolls on this site”
I think you left a couple of “evil”s out there, Geraldine lad” Lolol
@”most evil, evil, evil trolls”
LMAO @ “cursed e-bike”
21 August, 2019 at 11:55 pm #1123830Of course if my use of “very very very” had not been commented on I would not have bothered using it again.
Btw Geoffrey “cursed” my e-bike when he posted one of his passive agressive pictures of a car deliberately smashing into a group of innocent riders.
A very very very evil man.
21 August, 2019 at 11:58 pm #1123832omg lol😂😂
“Cursed” lol. have the wheels come off your bike@ “cursed”?
22 August, 2019 at 12:00 am #1123834I have had one ‘bad’ and one not so bad crash since Geoffrey cursed it.
22 August, 2019 at 12:01 am #1123836I”VE GOT PIZZA! 🍕😁
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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