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  • #1123779

    I am going to research sheds online.  I’ve got my eye on a nice dip treated Tongue and Groove one from Forest. :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:



    Now the dumbarse is attempting to argue “social democracy” is a form of “socialism, whatever that means on planet Wigan”. No it isn’t, it is an entirely different concept with “strands” of socialism and which isn’t the same philosophy.


    You’re a dumbarse who has spent years claiming to be a “socialist” and NOT a “social democrat” and you’re very angry now because LD booted your skanky arse from the room for spamming.







    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.

    Hmmmm don’t remember expressing a view on Brexit to you badbreath ? Are you assuming you know my political alliances ?? As well as my career ?? Dinner lady lol, ohhh I bet you’ve covered a few spotted dicks in green custard in your day !!  Pmsl  Sorry to disappoint deary but, I have a life and a real career, not a pretend one like yourself (if the goss is to be believed), so my time is valuable and I decide how I spend it, not some gobby, lunatic who’s addicted to the sound of her voice ( that would be you love ). Personally I don’t care if you’re a teacher or you sell sausage rolls in Greggs, but I really can’t express how totally disinterested  I am in any manic ramblings you post, no matter how many “ yaysss :yahoo: ” and “ whoop defkndoo’s “ you spatter about,  so I’m afraid you’ll have to take your little challenge and shove it up your ample arse my love   :yes:

    Suck it up Buttercup  B-)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  mooosey88.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  mooosey88.

    I like anyone who disagree’s with badder “ 

    Awwwww…. clearly hurt at some of my ‘likes’

    Wipe those tears away chuckles, I’ll ‘like’ one of yours too ok ? Promise I will !!  :good:



    I have nothing to do with the odd banter going on here.

    The personal gossip and lies are genuinely bizarre..

    I don’t like Bessies’ personal attacks on people, and I don’t like her characterisation of the average brexiteer

    but she makes some very good points here, and quite passionately.


    For all the crocodile tears by the No Dealers about the poor –

    why is almost the entire Labour and Trade union movement totally opposed to No Deal. Even brexiteers like Corbyn and Len McCluskey.. What are they frightened of?

    Why are the Health Service unions so vehemently opposed to No Deal. Why do they think the NHS will be damaged?

    Why are Lord Snooty and his Pals so keen on No Deal??



    Why does that fkin stupid old biatch Moose Face keep typing at me?!

    Does she not know GErald is so fkin desperate he would fk her senseless even if the old ho did not troll me to please him.

    Two 60 yr old coffin dodging Brexit tits together.

    :yahoo: :yahoo:

    Now fk off the pair of you.  Some of us have actually got things to do with our evenings. B-)


    Why does that fkin stupid old biatch Moose Face keep typing at me?!

    Does she not know GErald is so fkin desperate he would fk her senseless even if the old ho did not troll me to please him.

    Two 60 yr old coffin dodging Brexit tits together.

    :yahoo: :yahoo:

    Now fk off the pair of you. Some of us have actually got things to do with our evenings. B-)

    I’m staring to be concerned that Badbreath has memory issues! Or is just plain delusional. Could someone explain to the highly educated lady that Mooseface typed to her because she typed to moi, offering me a challenge, quite frankly it would have been rude not to respond ! I don’t see many whoop defkndoo’s or  :yahoo:  in her last post ? One can only assume that her manic euphoria of earlier has been replaced by a manic low. Ohh booo hooo 😱😥.

    I can assure her also Ge’s anus is the last place I care to think about and nothing I like or say has anything to do with him ! He is no more interested in fccking me ( What a classy lady you are, did you think that up whilst sitting on the shitter ?  I think sitting in the shitter would suit you more ) than I am in him sweety. I’m quite sure he can verify that, so there’s really no need for all that rage and jealousy lovey, calm down, have a pie.

    Now Scep would you care to correct Badbreath’s misconceptions about my physical appearance or age ?? Lol. Does she think if she says something often enough it makes it true ??

    Seems to me good ole Badders likes to dish it out but can’t take it back !  Awwww  diddums… go away, don’t type at meee, I hate you  …

    Tough Shit Badders !  Start on me as you have and I assure you , you will certainly get it back

    ok Duckie ?  Goooood

    Now carry on doing your important things

    If I want you I’ll holler 😎

    :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:




    He is no more interested in fccking me  than I am in him sweety. I’m quite sure he can verify that, so there’s really no need for all that rage and jealousy lovey, calm down, have a pie.

    Absolutely I can verify that. As people know who have spoken to me privately I am not on the prowl for a growler and neither is Moose. But unfortunately this is the Wigan pie munchers crude mindset despite her 3,000 English degrees. A Wigan bint (typical of Wigan) who is obsessed with ‘intimacy’ she isn’t getting and hasn’t had for decades and which is why she spies on her married neighbours and flirts with the male in a ridiculous attempt to make his wife of 18 years jealous while she waddles around in far too tight shorts for a lady of her advanced years and while she flicks her purple rinse seductively like a 21 year old model at any male with a pulse.





    Now Scep would you care to correct Badbreath’s misconceptions about my physical appearance or age ??

    No, sorry, I really don’t want to get embroiled in this unpleasant rubbish.

    I really don’t like Bessie’s personal attacks, any more than i like Gerry’s personal attacks. They’re both based on imagined clouds of poison which have nothing to do with the people they’re attacking, but to try to pierce those clouds is just to invite more nasty inventions of targets.

    Once attacked,  Ms M, I recognise you feel the need to lash back. And that will lead Bessie to lash back at you, and so it goes on.

    But I don’t ask you to correct any misconception Gerry may have of me, and won’t correct any misconception Bessie has of you. It’s schoolyard stuff – I want none of it.

    All this ripping of people is what being in jc has come to be about. I can give as good as I get – as can you and Bessie – but I would rather not. I’m not any sort of pacifist, and I can lam back if I feel it necessary, but this endless round of nastiness just puts me off bigtime.

    As far as I’m concerned, I like Bessie’s serious posts about topics, and try to ignore the banter which everybody seems to feel to be mandatory in jc.


    1 member liked this post.

    Now Scep would you care to correct Badbreath’s misconceptions about my physical appearance or age ??

    No, sorry, I really don’t want to get embroiled in this unpleasant rubbish.

    I really don’t like Bessie’s personal attacks, any more than i like Gerry’s personal attacks. They’re both based on imagined clouds of poison which have nothing to do with the people they’re attacking, but to try to pierce those clouds is just to invite more nasty inventions of targets.

    Once attacked, Ms M, I recognise you feel the need to lash back. And that will lead Bessie to lash back at you, and so it goes on.

    But I don’t ask you to correct any misconception gerry may ahve of me, and won’t correct any misconception Bessie has of you.

    As far as I’m concerned, all this ripping of people is what drove me out of the chatrooms in the first place. It’s what being in jc has come to be about. I can give as good as I get – as can you and Bessie – but I would rather not. I’m not any sort of pacifist, but this endless round of nastiness just puts me off bigtime.

    As far as I’m concerned, I like Bessie’s serious posts about topics, and try to ignore the banter which everybody seems to feel to be mandatory in jc.

    Lololl Geoff you are funny lolol .  That piece reads like an interview lolol. Lmao are you the director of Bury Football club😉?

    Check those 2 fans out on the news lolol 😂🤣😄.

    Like something out of a comedy.

    Loll@ “Bessie” you are funny loll.

    This place is bonkers.LMAO :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


    Lolll@ “embroiled”.

    No, sorry, I really don’t want to get embroiled in this unpleasant rubbish. :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:

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