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21 August, 2019 at 5:27 pm #1123748
As for him “ogling” me, he does lol!. He once gave me a Christmas kiss on the cheek in broad daylight around the corner lol.
Shock horror, male neighbour (married) who had probably had a few beers to celebrate at Christmas gives his female neighbour a totally innocent friendly peck on the cheek and the Wigan pie muncher paints it as a barbarian who ravaged her brutally.
21 August, 2019 at 5:57 pm #1123750As for him “ogling” me, he does lol!. He once gave me a Christmas kiss on the cheek in broad daylight around the corner lol.
Shock horror, male neighbour (married) who had probably had a few beers to celebrate at Christmas gives his female neighbour a totally innocent friendly peck on the cheek and the Wigan pie muncher paints it as a barbarian who ravaged her brutally.
LMAO GEraldine you have no idea how jealous his drunken wife gets about the whole debacle!😮
He must “ogle” me through their window when I go past, that’s all I can say.She is a fkin nutter lololo. A workman told me lol, get this, “that house is on a list that we are not allowed to go to alone…. even in daylight, not just at night!” Lmao
This is Gospel, swear lolol. Now, initially one might assume, “oh it’s him”, (I’ve heard the fights😮). But no, I bet she has even abused the workmen. Maybe the hubby “ogles” them as well, for all I know! Lmao
I tell you it’s fkin madness here. He has followed me through the woods on my way to Sainsbury’s, (well it’s just a few trees really off the canal), but still scary as the proverbial Blair fkin Witch lad! He has shouted “You’re looking good”, across the main road like, he has “ogled” me whilst I was weeding in a sundress.
I want no part of it I can tell you.The violent drunken biatch that she is. You should see her with her children! Now do not get me wrong, he may be shit scared of the loud mouth drunken skank, but I would gladly knock the biatch into next week if she laid a finger on me, (was self defence your honour innit!).
But I have my Enhanced DBS to preserve. We fake teachers have our reputations to think about lad.😉 Hence I am forced to play it cool. Which is why I do wish he would keep his distance, and not antagonize that mad bint wife of his, he is not allowed to talk to me lol. He once followed me to Sainsbury’s and said We are still married, but we are “not together like”. I looked him directly in the eyes, smirking and said “Does SHE know this?”
Tbh he seems to “ogle” many females. But then again if I were married to that violent drunken skank I would as well.😮
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21 August, 2019 at 6:14 pm #1123756I also, have spent the last 6 months slagging Corbyn off. So get your facts straight GEraldine. Corb is pro Brexit, I am pro a new Labour leader. I am pro Labour Party (when they sort themselves out) and I am pro Socialism. I voted Green in the Recent EU elections, to support Remain.
You really do need to stop typing lies about me GE. You turncoating Labour voter who now votes Con of all things!
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21 August, 2019 at 6:27 pm #1123758have spent the last 6 months slagging Corbyn off
You spent well over two years spamming “Corbyn4pm”.
I am pro Socialism
You’re an ignorant Wigan pie muncher who has absolutely no idea that neoliberalism (EU) and socialism are two entirely different political and economic philosophies and that under EU rules no variant of socialism is permitted.
Now off you toddle darling because I am bored off that ignorance.
21 August, 2019 at 6:37 pm #1123760the only thing that’s changed is the 15 to 17 who were denied their choice can now vote and we all know which demographic they fall into
What do you mean Paigey pants? 😲 I take it you mean “15 to 17” year olds who can “now vote”, and not just an extra 15 to 17 more voters?😲
And even if you do mean that 15 to 17 year olds can now ” vote”, explain yourself because this is news to me! They cannot vote in a general election in the UK at all. As far as I know, there are some under 18s who can now vote in all local elections in all parts of the UK, APART from England. No one under 18 is allowed to vote in a general election in the UK. Hypocritically the Con party have just allowed their members as young as 15 yrs of age to choose our new PM @ voting for THEIR new leader. Stinks eh?
Scotland did allow 16 to 18-year-olds to vote in the Independence Referendum. I guess they are just more democratic than England.
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21 August, 2019 at 6:39 pm #1123762You must register to vote before you can vote in UK elections or referendums. You can register to vote when you’re: 16 years old in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (and vote when you’re 18) 14 years old in Scotland (and vote in Scottish elections when you’re 16 and other elections when you’re 18)21 August, 2019 at 6:46 pm #1123765It’s pretty obvious what Paige meant, the Wigan pie muncher has been on the voddie again, before she spies on her neighbours through the nets.
15-17 year olds who were not eligible to vote in 2016 will now be eligible to vote if and when there is another referendum.
21 August, 2019 at 7:25 pm #1123767It’s pretty obvious what Paige meant, the Wigan pie muncher has been on the voddie again, before she spies on her neighbours through the nets.
15-17 year olds who were not eligible to vote in 2016 will now be eligible to vote if and when there is another referendum.
Stop talking fkin shite GEraldine. No second referendum has been passed in parliament YET never mind what age people would be able to vote in it. This is something Paige has simply misunderstood. The EU has called for the age to be lowered in any second referendum to 16, to make it more democratic, as is right. You claim to be the font of all knowledge GEraldine you bed wetting coffin dodger, so do not run with posts you should know are incorrect, simply to troll your betters @ ME!
As for this pile of truly rancid bollox! @
“You’re an ignorant Wigan pie muncher who has absolutely no idea that neoliberalism (EU) and socialism are two entirely different political and economic philosophies and that under EU rules no variant of socialism is permitted.
Now off you toddle darling because I am bored off that ignorance.”
How many more times must I struggle to explain GEraldine, you big girls blouse!?
I am not 100 percent happy with all things EU, I am not 100 percent happy with all things Socialist. YET I do believe it is possible to be in the EU and be Socialist!!!! It is called compromise GEraldine. Something you Brexiteers are not comfortable with, hence the mess we are in now.
Sweden are members of the EU, AND are probably the most Socialist country in Europe.
So stop digressing you complete pain in the arse, and DO take up my challenge!
Or can you not!
I challenge you Boris, GEraldine, Thin “I am off to Spain mate so I am all right”, and dinner lady Moosey Face “ I “like” anyone who disagrees with Badder”, to compile a list today, of all the positive things the UK will get come Halloween when we have left the EU with the REAL Brexit @ NO DEAL Brexit!
You have 24 hrs, lads! Tick tock. NOT, AND NEVER “tik tok”, Moosey Face.
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21 August, 2019 at 7:34 pm #1123771You’re a dumbarse Wigan pie muncher, Sweden is NOT a socialist country in any shape or form and nor is any other country in the EU. You confuse “social democracy” with strands of socialism with “socialism” because you’re a dumbarse.
There is no compromise with neoliberalism you dumbarse if you claim to be a socialist which you always have.
Now go back to spamming the room and abusing Guides, dumbarse.
21 August, 2019 at 7:47 pm #1123777GEraldine accept I am right! And you are wrong AGAIN! You gormless fkd up plank!
Social Democracy is a form of Socialism. STOP TYPING TO ME!
I CAN TAKE IT NO MORE! You have quite literally just brought my allergies on! lolol My eyes are itching and my throat is itching!
It’s official, you ARE a public health hazard GEraldine!
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