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  • #1123654

    Sceptical Geoff

    They say you always remember where you were when JFK was shot. Well that no doubt applies to Americans of a certain age.

    One of Our “always remembering”, is surely the result of that fateful and oh so foolish referendum, on whether the people aged over 18 (and in possession of their National Insurance Number) in the UK, wished to remain in the European Union.

    I remember where I was. I had just come back downstairs, from the loo, after watching the result all night, (how appropriate @ I was literally on the shitter as the result came in!). Convinced the REAL result would only come in at about 8 AM, I thought “Oh go now for a wee we have hours yet”. And so I gave in and ran to the loo, scared of missing any important bits.

    On walking back into my living room I first noted a very, very sad tone in David Dimbleby’s voice. Now this is a guy I had not liked for a long time, as I felt he had been pro Con and pro Brexit on all the Question Times. Yes I had watched them all, I had watched every tv programme, read as many articles, online as I could, both for and against being in the EU. I wanted to be informed.

    Dimbleby told me those fateful words,

    ” Well at twenty minutes to five, we can now say the decision taken in 1975, by this country to join the Common Market, has been reversed by this referendum, to LEAVE the EU.. thi….. we are absolutely clear now, there is no way that the Remain side can win. It looks like the gap is going to be something like 52 to 48. So a 4 point lead, for leaving the EU, and that’s the, er result of this referendum…..”

    Yes, like myself, Dimbleby looked stunned. I rewound it on my HDD box. So sure was I, that I had heard it wrongly. Sadly I had not . My son was away on holiday, Spain ironically. So I took the opportunity, being home alone, to cry. Not just for my son’s future, but for all our son’s futures. And our daughters.

    As Halloween creeps ever closer and the nights draw in, (how apt was that deadline ffs). I know I will cry again. I feel it is too late now. I wonder if the many who voted to leave the EU, did any research on the many topics before voting.

    All I know is that the next day a reporter was shown filming a man leaving a polling station the evening before. He was dressed in manual clothes and was very blazé. When asked by the news reporter ” Do you mind if I ask you how you voted?”, the man replied “I voted to leave mate” smiling and laughing he was.

    Then he was asked the crucial question. “Why?” His answer did not make me cry. It made me scream, out loud, at my TV. ” Well I didn’t know much about it mate, I wasn’t even sure if I would bother voting, but I HAD NOTHING TO DO, so I thought why not? I made my mind up in there to vote Brexit……” He then laughed, and walked off, in his manual work clothes.

    I wonder if this guy still has a job come January. I do hope he does not. If anything sums up just why the whole stupid fkin referendum, won by just 4 percent, (of the people who could and did vote), should never have happened, it is this complete plank! :-( :-( :-( :negative:

    BBC News – EU Referendum 2016 (HD)

    <noscript>Video can&amp;#8217;t be loaded: BBC News &amp;#8211; EU Referendum 2016 (HD) (&lt;a href=”” rel=”nofollow”&gt;;/a&gt;)</noscript>

    BBC News – EU Referendum 2016 (HD)

    You can get away with some bull shite

    but trying to imply you have inside toilets in Wigan is never going to fool anyone 😂

    2 members liked this post.

    MORE from Yellowhammer

     “A no deal Brexit will have dire consequences for present and future UK building and engineering projects, including Crossrail 2 AND HS2”. To alleviate the rivet shortage – Boris Johnson is in negotiations with Levis and Wrangler, to ensure that we do not run out of the 40,000 rivets PER DAY we will need post brexit. Deidre Baloo the MP for Clanockburn & East Morton advises we stock up on these bare necessities now to avoid panic buying.

    Cheers Boris, how will we ever rebuild those bridges with the EU now? You mad fker! :unsure:


    Two minutes to five in the morning, and GEraldine was on here hammering away at his keyboard.😂

    You need to get laid GEraldine lad.

    1 member liked this post.

    Inside toilets in Wigan hmmmm…Is this outrageous contagious cracker for real.


    ghost of morg and Gerry seem to have one thing in common

    they specialise in making everything personal.

    The brexiteers don’t have any argument. So it’s got to be personal. I’m a wife beater, or a very very very evil man.

    I’ve met a couple of people I would regard as genuinely evil, and I’m afraid that  they did a lot more than attacking Trump while failing to reply to one of Gerry’s posts, which I regarded as odd to say the least.

    But whether I’m right or wrong on that, it’s the absolute absence of an argument which gets me.

    We’re moving to a point where, if no-deal succeeds, we are all (well, most of us, not the very rich like Lord Snooty Rees-Mogg who look forward to the UK becoming a low-wage, low tax haven for their money), this country could suffer irreparable economic damage, the health service see its own crisis deepen, and the poorer see their children and living standards go down.

    And all these people can talk about is trolls and very very very evil people.



    1 member liked this post.

    Sceptical Geoff

    They say you always remember where you were when JFK was shot. Well that no doubt applies to Americans of a certain age.

    One of Our “always remembering”, is surely the result of that fateful and oh so foolish referendum, on whether the people aged over 18 (and in possession of their National Insurance Number) in the UK, wished to remain in the European Union.

    I remember where I was. I had just come back downstairs, from the loo, after watching the result all night, (how appropriate @ I was literally on the shitter as the result came in!). Convinced the REAL result would only come in at about 8 AM, I thought “Oh go now for a wee we have hours yet”. And so I gave in and ran to the loo, scared of missing any important bits.

    On walking back into my living room I first noted a very, very sad tone in David Dimbleby’s voice. Now this is a guy I had not liked for a long time, as I felt he had been pro Con and pro Brexit on all the Question Times. Yes I had watched them all, I had watched every tv programme, read as many articles, online as I could, both for and against being in the EU. I wanted to be informed.

    Dimbleby told me those fateful words,

    ” Well at twenty minutes to five, we can now say the decision taken in 1975, by this country to join the Common Market, has been reversed by this referendum, to LEAVE the EU.. thi….. we are absolutely clear now, there is no way that the Remain side can win. It looks like the gap is going to be something like 52 to 48. So a 4 point lead, for leaving the EU, and that’s the, er result of this referendum…..”

    Yes, like myself, Dimbleby looked stunned. I rewound it on my HDD box. So sure was I, that I had heard it wrongly. Sadly I had not . My son was away on holiday, Spain ironically. So I took the opportunity, being home alone, to cry. Not just for my son’s future, but for all our son’s futures. And our daughters.

    As Halloween creeps ever closer and the nights draw in, (how apt was that deadline ffs). I know I will cry again. I feel it is too late now. I wonder if the many who voted to leave the EU, did any research on the many topics before voting.

    All I know is that the next day a reporter was shown filming a man leaving a polling station the evening before. He was dressed in manual clothes and was very blazé. When asked by the news reporter ” Do you mind if I ask you how you voted?”, the man replied “I voted to leave mate” smiling and laughing he was.

    Then he was asked the crucial question. “Why?” His answer did not make me cry. It made me scream, out loud, at my TV. ” Well I didn’t know much about it mate, I wasn’t even sure if I would bother voting, but I HAD NOTHING TO DO, so I thought why not? I made my mind up in there to vote Brexit……” He then laughed, and walked off, in his manual work clothes.

    I wonder if this guy still has a job come January. I do hope he does not. If anything sums up just why the whole stupid fkin referendum, won by just 4 percent, (of the people who could and did vote), should never have happened, it is this complete plank! :-( :-( :-( :negative:

    BBC News – EU Referendum 2016 (HD)

    <noscript>Video can&amp;#8217;t be loaded: BBC News &amp;#8211; EU Referendum 2016 (HD) (&lt;a href=”” rel=”nofollow”&gt;;/a&gt;)</noscript>

    BBC News – EU Referendum 2016 (HD)

    You can get away with some bull shite

    but trying to imply you have inside toilets in Wigan is never going to fool anyone

    Lololo Thin good one 😂 😂. Double chortle n all that. Especially for a Con.

    I totally agree with your comment@ Wigan is a hole. Thankfully I do not reside there.

    As for the shitting facilities of your average Wiganer, well last I heard, they are still crapping into their Greggs sausage roll bags, and slinging it over the fence into next doors garden. 😂 😂 😂 :yahoo:   :unsure:

    1 member liked this post.

    Seems like this one is trying to covertly seduce badder, and we all know what happened to wannabe when he tried to covertly seduce her. He was then took for a very long ride dumped and doomed,  forever trying to troll her in the rooms because he couldn’t handle rejection. Lets hope this doesn’t  tip this geezer over the edge also as he seems such a nice dude.


    Bright as a blackout this one eh badder love ;-)  

    Seems like his lights are on but there just isn’t anyone at home.

    The know it all that knows nothing pml

    Wear latex he doesn’t like that and you will be safe :good:  

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by  Ghost_Child.
    1 member liked this post.

    Bright as a blackout this one eh badder love ;-)

    Seems like his lights are on but there just isn’t anyone at home.

    The know it all that knows nothing pml

    Wear latex he doesn’t like that and you will be safe :good:

    OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:



    then you are a genuine fanatic – a real nutter.

    Geoffrey, in fact you’re the man who has publicly stated on a number of occasions that you suffer from “paranoia” therefore I think it safe to state that in fact you ARE the only “nutter” here and nobody else.

    Then he followed it up by making this statement.

    When I was young, I worked with the Gay Liberation Front against the Christian fundamentalists in the area.

    More ‘me me me me’ from Geoffrey, who has conveniently championed every cause known to man, no doubt total bullshit given his record on this site, on this very subject. There is however a purpose to his madness. Geoffrey makes statements like this to reinforce his carefully crafted persona that he is a “kind” “loving” “decent” “Christian”.

    But in fact, when homophobia and homophobic abuse was flying around the boards a few years ago there was not a peep from Geoffrey, not a squeak. When that same homophobia reemerged more recently and some people immediately condemned it  Geoffrey was all over it like a flea on a dogs arse as he sort to curry favour with those people (female). That’s the measure of the man, no moral fibre at all.

    If a fireman rescued 5 kittens from a burning building Geoffrey would have rescued 10.


    they specialise in making everything personal.

    This is the very very very evil man who has spent three years personally insulting Brexiters on these very boards. “Nazi” “racist” “xenophopbe” “antisemite” “liar” “fake” fraud” “charlatan” to name but a few. But you have to understand what he does on the boards and this is all part of his trolling.

    Geoffrey wants an “emotive” reaction to his abuse so he can continue to post his Remain propoganda on Brexit unchallenged. The Remain camp do this frequently to shut down debate and spam propoganda, lies and spin and fake news, that makes Goebbels look like a ‘choirboy’.



    Some facts rather than just reading Geoffreys Remain propoganda which he googles from the FT and which has a paid firewall so he can “lord” it over us “peasants” who won’t pay to read what that rag prints and who therefore can’t judge the content of what he types.

    Geoffrey constantly waffles on about Trump and Boris and how “evil” they both are while in fact his beloved liberal ideology is responsible for SLAUGHTERING 130,000 people in the past 9 years. Think about that figure, 130,000. 130,000 people have died needlessly as a DIRECT result of the EU supporting Lib Dems, the Geoffrey’s of this world, the liberal class and this is just in Britain, imagine how many more have died in other countries as a DIRECT result of neoliberal EU enforced austerity.

    His beloved liberal ideology houses homeless children in ‘shipping containers’.

    Sick children can not get treatment locally.

    London is being socially cleansed by Geoffrey’s class so that those who ‘remain’ look just like Geoffrey.

    His beloved liberal ideology didn’t talk about building a wall to keep illegal immigrants out, they went right ahead in Calais and did it, 11 miles of it.

    Countless thousands of economic migrants and refugees are DYING in the Mediterranean as a DIRECT result of EU and European immigration policy. Fortress Europe has some of the most draconian anti-immigration policies on planet earth if your face is black!



    So just remember what this man does to shut down debate on these boards and ensure only his voice is heard.



    A very very very evil man.


    A less sophisticated version of Joker.






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