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  • #1123476

    I keep stating it, but neither of them can provide a technical argument why we should remain in the EU and neither of them ever have. It’s all scare stories and “doff your caps” to your betters etc. Bullshit, especially coming from that pair.

    It’s now about no Deal, rather than Remain as such.

    many Brexiteers are anti-No Deal.

    But for a Remain argument

    Try this for starters…

    EU rules are good for us: Ten real-life examples of EU law



    The economy has worsened since the referendum, and we haven’t even left yet.

    This is exactly the type of bullshit they churn out….

    Politically and economically illiterate.

    Britain, the fastest growing economy in the G7 before the referendum, has lagged behind the Eurozone ever since the referendum, partly because of the steep drop in the pound’s value in the hours after the referendum result. In the second quarter of 2019 it actually fell for the first time in seven years.

    No Deal will have a depressing effect on an already weakening economy.

    We all live here. It’s our house.  We don’t take kindly to people who damage it and tell us to have faith in our wonderful nation.

    God Save the bloody Queen


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    Blah Blah Blah. Regurgitating the same old arguments you have already lost.


    Twisting and turning, misquoting, lying and doing anything you can to “win” because it isn’t about the topic, or any other topic, it’s about your fragile ego isn’t it.


    You carry on, you bore.



    Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a mug’s game because they almost always turn out to be—or are indistinguishable from—self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time :yahoo:


    Why is GEraldine constantly picking on Geoff? :unsure:   :scratch:


    Lost on me, Bessie.

    He says there are no arguments ever presented for remaining within the EU, so I present some.

    He says that it’s economically illiterate to claim that Britain’s economy has been damaged by Brexit, so I start to show some figures to show that Brexit is damaging us even before it takes place.

    And I get insults!!

    He’s afraid to consider actual arguments???

    Surely not


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    True love is evident here,this is the kind of love and affection you have for someone that isn’t bound by the laws of Just Chat. Human behaviour, whilst arguing with an anonymous poster on these very here boards suggests an anxious lost soul filled with self fuelled  inadequacies. Human behaviour is quite simple to understand in these circumstances as this marchen unfolds showing evidential signs of hurt which makes you angry with them. When someone gets lucky by saying something that makes your heckles go up you retaliate with jealousy which is also evident here, so when the other shatters the others ego they continuously seek revenge on the other as human nature that’s engrained deep within their lost soles on their Grandpa like slippers as they bash away at their keyboards hoping they have not been humiliated and embarrassed in front of their superiors like myself here at Just Chat, as their only purpose here is craving the respect of anyone that will take notice of their rants. So here is my conclusion on this matter, I think they should dust down their Farah pants along with their yellowing white shirts, polish up their brogues with the tassels on along with ironing their favourite underpants and wear their favourite dicky bow ties and  propose to the other. Then and only then will true love Blossom.



    Well. We got Badder trolling the rooms all day and night and now also the boards and Mr Oppressor trolling the boards with his googled shite, lies and smears.


    No wonder no one else comments.


    Two peas in a pod and both barking mad and very very very evil people. No wonder they get on so well.








    Talking of “Blossom”, Ghosty.  Where has she got to?😮

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