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3 August, 2019 at 11:14 am #1120589
Boris has just been crowned PM of the not so United Kingdom!
Watching Gordon Brown here on BBC Parliament doing a speech this week to young Labour members. He points out something very, very interesting. The country has just had some sort of election for a new PM to RUN our country. In that “election” just 0.34 percent of the electorate got a vote! This is fewer voters than voted to choose the PM and the government, in the first Reform Act of 1832! In fact when you consider that Boris received around two thirds of those votes, the UK is now being run by an Eton educated professional liar, who got just 0.226 percent of the votes of the electorate. This does not a “strong and stable”, government make!
We are a shameful country! How can we ever, ever shout,”banana republic”, at a far flung African nation again?!
Also 15 yr olds were allowed to vote in this election lmao! Now these are the Cons own rules @ one can become a member of the Con party at fifteen. So yes it was in their power to say “well as this is a vote for the PM we are only allowing members of 18 plus to partake.” BUT oh no!. The very Party that said NO to 16 and 17 yr olds voting on whether we should remain in the EU, have just said “well we value our own country so little we will leave this decision in the hands of 15 yrs olds@ school kids!” This stench of hypocrisy should be declared a public health hazard.
The Cons are out of control. They have no morals whatsoever. Boris has learned well from Trump. You can say what you like, do what you like, treat people how you like. No one will hold you to account. They call this the “post truth” era. I call it 1939 revisited.
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3 August, 2019 at 11:24 am #1120591Worth baring in mind the general public had no vote on boris
just a select 160000
of us
3 August, 2019 at 11:50 am #1120602When the election is called later this year or early next year I will tactically vote Boris and vote Boris proudly to get my beloved Brexit through parliament.
3 August, 2019 at 11:57 am #1120606Well badder as you call yer self………….voting means people in partys campaign to win people over to there side by any means necessary…….and I don’t use the law here as the law only exists as much as any one ever discovers it and exposes it…….
3 August, 2019 at 11:58 am #1120609No offence GE but it’s not yours in the technical sense……..yer just a signer of a piece of paper……
3 August, 2019 at 11:59 am #1120613No offence GE but it’s not yours in the technical sense……..yer just a signer of a piece of paper……
Thanks Q, what would I do without you.
3 August, 2019 at 12:08 pm #1120623Think for your self twat?……..LMAO RATF PML
3 August, 2019 at 12:47 pm #1120647Hi Badder, thiever of fence panels.
Lets keep a grown up thread on the list.
“Priti Patel, has said she wants criminals “to literally feel terror” once she begins law and order reforms aimed at restoring the Conservatives’ status as the party of the police.”
I think petty criminals all over the country are quaking in their boots at this statement and no longer will they steal a five quid meat joint to feed their drug addiction before they are warehoused in prison rather than recieiving treament for their addiction.
Boris is the man Badder he isn’t messing about you know.
3 August, 2019 at 2:24 pm #1120657At the risk of sounding a tad confrontational Q, as YOU call yourself, you talk utter shite lad!
Firstly BadderThanBadF as I “call” myself is a song lyric. I was listening to it when I created my account, and I thought if any name keeps the pervs away from my PM box this one will!
“Well badder as you call yer self………….voting means people in partys campaign to win people over to there side by any means necessary…….and I don’t use the law here as the law only exists as much as any one ever discovers it and exposes it……”
Now I have just marked your work Q lad. As you can see I have highlighted your very poor grammar and also that last line, which makes no sense whatsoever, and has nothing to with the original post.
Is English your first language btw Q?
Q lad, do try and focus. You are failing, (miserably).
Result 3 out of 10.
Comments: could do MUCH better. Oh and try harder.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
3 August, 2019 at 2:50 pm #1120660Q cant help being a dim prick !!!
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
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