Bellevue1 replied to the topic ADHD and similar in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 days, 7 hours ago
I t can be many reasons, drugs, alcohols, smoking, and so on, but every child should be tested, by the time he reaches the 2nd or 3rd grade. and placed accordling.
jolly roger replied to the topic Divine intervention in the forum Getting serious 1 week, 1 day ago
You can get 7q each on the street
Prob is getting them on scrip
I just said to the doc ive stopped drinking and ive never made love to a woman sober i need something to ease myself in now i get 8 little blue boys for free a month
But ive got nobody to use them on
I might wait a year and open a market stall -
just H replied to the topic Divine intervention in the forum Getting serious 1 week, 1 day ago
free viagra .. lol now theres a thought .
cooldandywarhol replied to the topic ADHD and similar in the forum Chat forum three boards 1 week, 2 days ago
I understand that many kids always had the symptoms of ADHD its just that medical science has now categorised it and didn’t before.
flyingkiwi m replied to the topic Divine intervention in the forum Getting serious 2 weeks ago
lol Kenty.Good to see you back Hope all is well .I still enjoy this place despite its ups n downs.Like with every thing in life has its ups n downs. I miss lotta regs n dregs here.I’m still curious as where the regs n dregs have gone to chat.I known some gone across the road.But where have the rest of them gone to chat to?. As you known lotta of…[Read more]
flyingkiwi m replied to the topic ADHD and similar in the forum Chat forum three boards 2 weeks ago
Isnt Capitalism one big benefit to ppl who are wealthy while the rest are told to eat cake Hence why the wealthy fight so hard to keep it going for there advantage.It could be the crap food that’s at macas etc and in suppermarkets
just H replied to the topic ADHD and similar in the forum Chat forum three boards 2 weeks ago
well its a situation where Labels can be applied where certain behaviour is noted. can be due to many things . theres no link yet to chemicals in foods and drinks ( though there is now for cancer – data showing huge increases are in line with increases in fast processed foods and drinks) so you might have simply noted a trend that has yet to b…[Read more]
kent f OBE started the topic ADHD and similar in the forum Chat forum three boards 2 weeks, 1 day ago
I know I will probably get slated for this thread…but I hope it brings in a discussion
I will admit I am not clued up on these diagnoses and have no one in my family with it so it is hard for me to see kids/adults with the diagnoses on a day to day to get an understanding
Basically I cannot fathom why on earth there are so many kids diagnosed…[Read more]
kent f OBE replied to the topic Have you taken. in the forum Say hello! 2 weeks, 1 day ago
I seem to have struck lucky and inherited my mums skin…..she is 85 and not a wrinkle!…I have a few crows feet round the eyes when I laugh ….I have however stopped colouring my hair….couldn’t be bothered anymore so I now am litterally fully grey….with random black and brown natural stripes running through it…..oh and annoyingly tinges…[Read more]
kent f OBE replied to the topic Divine intervention in the forum Getting serious 2 weeks, 1 day ago
We are all experts on the fact this place is dead….its probably just had its day…..wasn’t it one of the first chat rooms ?…well it was my first one anyway….I doubt as time goes by anyone actually misses it anymore…..the old normal has been replaced by a new normal and probably doesn’t involve chat rooms for the vast majority
I hope…[Read more]
typicallytasha posted an update 3 weeks, 4 days ago
May happiness and love fill your heart!
ChatGuideGD replied to the topic QUIZ ROOM LEAGUE TABLE 2025 in the forum The quiz room 3 weeks, 6 days ago
Here are the scores to the end of February
105Steve31 fridgeraider
79Steve55 en France
39Flyingkiwi M
29 -
jolly roger started the topic Divine intervention in the forum Getting serious 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I was reading divs chat earlier he was saying he might have 2 reasons why chat seems to be dying well have i as well but mine are more positive how to win the crowds back so give me a hearing
Anyway div said(and he should know)the over the road mob is dwindling
So what shall we do with the”others when they weariiy troop back all forlorn…[Read more] -
Bellevue1 replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 1 month, 3 weeks ago
wow it changed befor my very eye, went from 2006-2025 who worked that magic wang.a also, chat was out of order for a week, and I live in the USA, no wonder fans are dropping out like flies, we have to complain to get attention. Wake up Martin,
Bellevue1 replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 1 month, 3 weeks ago
We are in the year 2025, what the heck are we doing with 2006 comments????
ChatGuideGD started the topic QUIZ ROOM LEAGUE TABLE 2025 in the forum The quiz room 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Here are the scores to the end of January
Score are low because it was cancelled the first week and the rooms were offline last week
32Steve31 fridgeraider
18Flyingkiwi M
15Steve55 en France
5 -
flyingkiwi m replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 1 month, 3 weeks ago
The rooms are working now.Thanks very much martin
ChatGuideGD replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 2 months ago
I cant get in either to any of the rooms so I have emailed Martin I can’t do any more than that, looks like the quiz is cancelled again sorry folks
steve31 fridgeraider replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 2 months ago
still cant get into chat rooms on here
flyingkiwi m replied to the topic chat guides in the forum Off topic chat 2 months ago
Martin if you there the pages are not showing up.Appreciate if you could fix up the problem.Many thanks flyingkiwi.
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