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  • #999

    …is good for you, according to the Chupa Chups website :wink:

    well, they WOULD say that, wouldn’t they?

    1. It’s natural

    Scientists differentiate between Nutritive Sucking and Non-Nutritive Sucking.

    Nutritive Sucking (NS) is directly related to nutrition and the absorption of essential nutrients.
    Together with the chewing process, sucking helps absorb the nutritive components of food.
    It is the absorption of these nutrients through the walls of the mouth (oral mucus?) that contribute to a quick feeling of fullness.

    Non-Nutritive Sucking (NNS) is not directly related with a nutritional need but serves a more psychological purpose as it contributes to a feeling of warmth and security.

    In both cases, sucking is a natural, normal and healthy reflex and it is in fact necessary behaviour for very young children and babies.

    2. It stimulates your immune system

    The act of sucking stimulates saliva and increases the flow of oxygen.
    This is beneficial both for growth and the immune functions

    3. It makes you feel good!

    Sucking has clear emotional and psychological benefits, as proved by the extended use of pacifiers among babies and young children but what happens when you get too old to suck on one?

    A lollipop is an ideal way to relieve tension and stress and is a delicious substitute for those well past the age of pacifiers.

    Sucking also ensures a feeling of warmth and a sense of security so if you need to calm down and focus or are in need of a pick-me-up, just unwrap a lolly and enjoy!

    4. It stops those bad habits!

    Tension and nerves can get to all of us at times, meaning many people automatically reach for the cigarettes, start biting nails or in the case of younger children, thumb suck.

    Sucking on a lollipop can relieve tension and stress and also keeps your hands and mouth busy, so it’s ideal to help stamp out those bad habits.

    Of course, you could always suck on something other than a lollipop :wink:

    But as far as lollies go, I love the smooth & creamy chupa chups, particularly vanilla & chocolate…and apparently they’re fat free :shock: :D

    (yes, I’d got some left-over from hols & just had one :oops: )

    What’s your favourite lollipop? O:)


    don’t know those….they sound good though :D


    *penny drops*

    I think!



    a nice, looooooooong, hard, tasty calipo icelolly :lol: :lol: :lol:


    im a wicked sucker……i love to suck :wink:


    Sucking, sucks…the b/f says blowing is better. 8)


    I start a perfectly innocent thread about lollipops, and it gets twisted by you bunch of pervs! :roll: :lol: O:) :-


    Worthers Originals do it for me :D


    lemon sherbets give me blisters.


    i prefer boy jelly babies.

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