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  • #995207

    A small but tough Labour MP

    campaigner for charities, and fighter for remaining in the EU,

    murdered by a right-wing fanatic

    who shot her three times, the last in the head, stabbed and kicked her while shouting

    Britain First.

    He should be sent away for a long time and his politics publicised.


    A shocking crime, And waste of a life. RIP Jo.


    :unsure: bit early to sound off about it all. he may have been on drugs? mentally unstable? care in community not taking medication etc.
    the politics is irrelevant. could have been supporting tree huggers or objecting to more night flights. unless linked to a group such as terrorists ? its not like the soldier who’s head was nearly cut off to get media for a group.
    nobody deserves to be murdered and its not just an attack on a person but on our democracy too. this is very sad and shocking. she had kids too. ordinary day at work ending badly.
    nasty taste too form an MP offering sympathy etc on Radio and throwing in a remark about her having a go at Nigel Farage etc. getting a free political swipe at a dead Mp’s expense is not only bad taste but puts the Labour party in a bad light ( well badder) .lets hope he gets put away for ever and a day.


    She wasn’t killed by a political group, and her death isn’t an advert for voting either way.

    She was killed by a nut, a loner.

    But he was shouting ‘Britain First’.

    In an atmosphere of accusations of treachery and hysteria over immigration, where two grown men like Nigel farage and Bob Geldof are having an angry water-fight on the Thames, it’s hardly surprising that some nut is going to get a gun out and shoot the local ‘traitor’.

    Jo’s husband has called it a hate crime, and that’s what it is.


    A small but tough Labour MP

    campaigner for charities, and fighter for remaining in the EU,

    murdered by a right-wing fanatic

    who shot her three times, the last in the head, stabbed and kicked her while shouting

    Britain First.

    He should be sent away for a long time and his politics publicised.

    This has to be a low point in this campaign, that there are those who would use this tragic death this way. This poster uses similar language to describe the murderer that he has used previously on this site to describe those who support Brexit.

    There really are no depths these people won’t stoop to.


    There is a small group of Nazis and Hitler sympathisers who have nested in jc. They are different in kind from Brexiteers and Remain camps.

    Jo’s murder is not a reason to change your vote on the EU. I have nothing to add to that,

    She was alert after being stabbed and shot in the face. She suffered terribly before passing out in the ambulance.

    What sort of character turns this into a personal attack on the person who started this thread?

    Brexiteers were as horrified by Jo’s murder as Remain. Boris Johnson was visibly shaken when he heard the news; Farage said he was horrified, and there is no reason to doubt him.. Leave and Remain suspended their campaigns.

    The murder was by a Nazi. It wasn’t ordered by any political group, not even by a Nazi group, but it was by a Nazi, shouting ‘Britain First’, according to witnesses. That is the direction of the police investigation, that is the accusation of Jo’s husband..

    The language I use is the language used by every politican and media reporter across the spectrum – Remain and Leave alike.

    So what sort of character tries to turn this RIP thread into a personal attack of this sort??

    I stand with Jo Cox’s husband when he wrote, “‘she would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, one that our precious children are bathed in love and two, that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her.’

    I say nothing more, nothing less than Jo’s husband, Farage, Boris, and people across the spectrum. I said this to BB’s sicking post, and I say this to SHR’s sick post – have you no sense of humanity? Have you no sense of humanity?



    Top of the morning to you, BB and SHR.

    Most of the groups of the Far Right – including Britain First, which conducts streetfighting exercises – have distanced themselves from the murder of Jo Cox.
    But many of their members may be a bit more militant.

    Stormfront, one of the Nazi-type groups in Britain, has praised the killer of this brave mother.

    The killer told the court on Saturday that his name was ‘Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain’.

    One of the leading Tory Brexiteers, announcing her decision to distance herself from the campaign to leave, said that she wouldn’t want to get on the night bus with some of these people.



    Top of the morning to you, BB and SHR.

    You’ve only quoted me there yet address both of us to make it seem like we’re the same person. We’re not. We’re totally independent people, with totally independent views.

    Most of the groups of the Far Right – including Britain First, which conducts streetfighting exercises – have distanced themselves from the murder of Jo Cox.
    But many of their members may be a bit more militant.

    Stormfront, one of the Nazi-type groups in Britain, has praised the killer of this brave mother.

    The killer told the court on Saturday that his name was ‘Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain’.

    One of the leading Tory Brexiteers, announcing her decision to distance herself from the campaign to leave, said that she wouldn’t want to get on the night bus with some of these people.

    Well scep, as a member of the far right organisation Britain First and a frequent visitor of Stormfront with various KKK and Nazi memorabilia in my room myself, I do have to admit that the views you’ve posted there suggesting that Brexiteers are made up of pretty vile people such as me (as demonstrated in my previous reply – I’m literally Hítler) is actually quite accurate from my experience; but it has to be said though that I met three Brexiteers the other day that were actually amazingly civilised! So much so in fact that I even mistakenly thought that they belonged to the remain campaign and was about to murder them in cold blood for being traitors! So, we need to be fair in saying that there is at least a handful of Brexiteers that do still have an ounce of humanity left in them – albeit it a very small minority, thankfully!

    Sceptical guy shamelessly trying to exploit a woman’s death for political gain here.
    Not surprised.

    This has to be a low point in this campaign, that there are those who would use this tragic death this way. This poster uses similar language to describe the murderer that he has used previously on this site to describe those who support Brexit.

    There really are no depths these people won’t stoop to.


    Top of the morning to you, BB and SHR.

    You’ve only quoted me there yet address both of us to make it seem like we’re the same person. We’re not. We’re totally independent people, with totally independent views.

    Most of the groups of the Far Right – including Britain First, which conducts streetfighting exercises – have distanced themselves from the murder of Jo Cox.
    But many of their members may be a bit more militant.

    Stormfront, one of the Nazi-type groups in Britain, has praised the killer of this brave mother.

    The killer told the court on Saturday that his name was ‘Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain’.

    One of the leading Tory Brexiteers, announcing her decision to distance herself from the campaign to leave, said that she wouldn’t want to get on the night bus with some of these people.

    Well scep, as a member of the far right organisation Britain First and a frequent visitor of Stormfront with various KKK and Nazi memorabilia in my room myself, I do have to admit that the views you’ve posted there suggesting that Brexiteers are made up of pretty vile people such as me (as demonstrated in my previous reply – I’m literally Hítler) is actually quite accurate from my experience; but it has to be said though that I met three Brexiteers the other day that were actually amazingly civilised! So much so in fact that I even mistakenly thought that they belonged to the remain campaign and was about to murder them in cold blood for being traitors! So, we need to be fair in saying that there is at least a handful of Brexiteers that do still have an ounce of humanity left in them – albeit it a very small minority, thankfully!

    Sceptical guy shamelessly trying to exploit a woman’s death for political gain here.
    Not surprised.

    This has to be a low point in this campaign, that there are those who would use this tragic death this way. This poster uses similar language to describe the murderer that he has used previously on this site to describe those who support Brexit.

    There really are no depths these people won’t stoop to.

    One thing is certain. Despite the crocodile fake tears, this man has not donated a single penny to the Jo Cox memorial fund and neither has he attended a single one of the various vigils held in her memory. The pub bore parrots what he reads in the media and then attempts to pass it off as his own views.




    Top of the morning to you, BB and SHR.

    You’ve only quoted me there yet address both of us to make it seem like we’re the same person. We’re not. We’re totally independent people, with totally independent views.

    Most of the groups of the Far Right – including Britain First, which conducts streetfighting exercises – have distanced themselves from the murder of Jo Cox.
    But many of their members may be a bit more militant.

    Stormfront, one of the Nazi-type groups in Britain, has praised the killer of this brave mother.

    The killer told the court on Saturday that his name was ‘Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain’.

    One of the leading Tory Brexiteers, announcing her decision to distance herself from the campaign to leave, said that she wouldn’t want to get on the night bus with some of these people.

    Well scep, as a member of the far right organisation Britain First and a frequent visitor of Stormfront with various KKK and Nazi memorabilia in my room myself, I do have to admit that the views you’ve posted there suggesting that Brexiteers are made up of pretty vile people such as me (as demonstrated in my previous reply – I’m literally Hítler) is actually quite accurate from my experience; but it has to be said though that I met three Brexiteers the other day that were actually amazingly civilised! So much so in fact that I even mistakenly thought that they belonged to the remain campaign and was about to murder them in cold blood for being traitors! So, we need to be fair in saying that there is at least a handful of Brexiteers that do still have an ounce of humanity left in them – albeit it a very small minority, thankfully!

    Sceptical guy shamelessly trying to exploit a woman’s death for political gain here.
    Not surprised.

    This has to be a low point in this campaign, that there are those who would use this tragic death this way. This poster uses similar language to describe the murderer that he has used previously on this site to describe those who support Brexit.

    There really are no depths these people won’t stoop to.

    One thing is certain. Despite the crocodile fake tears, this man has not donated a single penny to the Jo Cox memorial fund and neither has he attended a single one of the various vigils held in her memory. The pub bore parrots what he reads in the media and then attempts to pass it off as his own views.



    That was to Alf Garnett btw the way BB, not you, I inadvertently pressed the wrong quote.


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