Some things never change do they….
I was in the room this morning. Someone called Judas( clearly a name changer ) decided to annoy Laine. spouting off all the usual – how she is shagging JL blah blah….
I had not spoken to Laine ( I don’t need any iggy button to ignore ) …anyway, Next thing I know is Laine is telling the name changer to ask me why I was seeing JL when I have a disabled husband.
Now whilst it’s been some time since I went into the room… I do know that Laine is the first to call me for baiting …. as I said I had said NOTHING to her to warrant that at all.
Is she feeling insecure I wonder ?… after all according to her most people in the room are insecure.
As if that wasn’t bad enough ..she then proceeded to call Jadey the Jc Bike. Jadey was not even in the room!
Little bit of advice for you Laine . THINK before you type. There was no need for your comments about me in there …. so who is goading now?
But….. carry on … everyone saw it …. as the title of this thread says ” True colours ” .I wonder if JL saw it , or if you told him about it all ………. no, of course you wouldn’t
Let me make this clear Laine …… yes I shall be bi tchy now – You are more than welcome to my seconds and Just stop trying to be the victim all the time , it’s old hat , and doesn’t work anymore
I will now no doubt , get a barrage of abuse for posting this. But it needed to be said.