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    I had the worst day ever at work today. A lady came up to the counter and said she was getting repossesed and the bailiffs were at her house at that moment.

    I started getting her what she needed, and told her we may have to contact another court as we didnt have a judge today and she burst into tears and said her partner had committed suicide on Monday afternoon. She was with their 14 year old son who was also in tears.

    After comforting her, and settling her down, (not to mention a few shared tears), it transpired that we knew exactly who her husband was. He has been coming to us for a while with various cases, all in his wife’s name and trying to sort them out. We discovered last week that there was a suspicion of fraud, and he was signing everything in her name. Sadly this has turned out to be true.

    The council withdrew the warrant so she has her home (for now).

    When he came up on Friday last week we told him he could not make an application to suspend the eviction, as the arrears on the rent were not in his name. It seems this was the straw that broke the camels back. Obviously the thought that his wife was about to find out all that had been going on was too much for him to bare with. On Monday afternoon he threw himself infront of a train, leaving his wife and an 18 year old and 14 year old without a Father.

    This is all just coming to light for his poor wife, not only has she to cope with her own grief and her childrens, she now has all this financial mess to try to sort out. She even had a bit of paper for a hearing tomorrow, which we have told her not to attend under the circumstances.

    Through my job over the years, there arent many cases that have upset me (apart from those concerning kiddies), it does harden you, but never ever have I felt so much sorrow for one family. It rocked the whole office, and we didnt do any real work for the rest of the day.

    How can someone kill themselves over money? And leave behind what appears to be a loving family?

    She said to me she wants to know why he did it, there was no note and they are all so confused. Sadly we know why he has done it, but she has only just become aware of a small part of his mess.

    So very sad. What a waste. :cry:


    people need to learn to controll there money a little better… can’t afford it, don’t buy it

    suicide is a cowards way out, I refuse to feel sorry for people who do that


    I dont know what I feel about him at this moment, only that he must have been in the throws of deep depression because of the hidden debt.

    Its those he has left. His 14 year old boy trying to come to terms as to why his dad has decided to leave them. He was only a small lad too, I just wanted to bring them both home with me and look after them.


    alas,debt is offered on a silver platter these days,,

    take OUR bridging loan,pay off the rest,,blah de fooking Blah..

    a case of do we buy the kids This or that,,and the Manna from Heaven appears like a latter day Shylock ! ” new 3 peice suite ? ” NO PROBLEM ! get it free here.and its okay if you dont pay it off,we will ONLY arrange 60% APR !

    go on,,you KNOW you want to !

    and lovely firms like Brighthouse that actively target the “poor”

    its ok to say ” refuse it then” but the way these documents are worded.make it ever so easy to get out a rut.

    Big business are more guilty than the couple on the street that take these excessive loans !


    Oh I agree, there is just as much irresponsible lending as there is borrowing.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I dont know what I feel about him at this moment, only that he must have been in the throws of deep depression because of the hidden debt.

    Its those he has left. His 14 year old boy trying to come to terms as to why his dad has decided to leave them. He was only a small lad too, I just wanted to bring them both home with me and look after them.

    that MUST have been rock bottom Mate ! interest upon interest,,no space for goodies like vegetables..we can blame the so called ” underclasses” till we turn Tory ( spit) Blue..

    “there is no such thing as society”,,quoteth the blue rinsed one !

    she enabled loan agreements to be in,,to supercharge the little man ( and woman) ..and meanwhile those that COULD pay..took full advantage at the buy now/pay later fraud !


    @matty wrote:

    suicide is a cowards way out,

    I disagree.
    Suicide is an incredibly brave thing.
    Standing in front of a train like that..waiting to die….
    I don’t think I could do it.


    Shazza thats a awful storie but a little of it rings many a bells to me

    I remeber going up the cout house with our mom trying to stop the balifs taking her home

    they told her to give up work she wuld be better off as she would geta rent rebate would she b0ll0cks said iv worked all me life

    She had to pay it back £1.25 a week lol then she would miss a few weeks to get me new cloths or shoes for school and bang bang on the door again hiding beihnd the chirs in the front room from the rent man milk man and provy lol

    Then i left school and was paid £36 a week could get £52 on peace work and that was going some

    I handed my lil brown pay packet over every week and she would give me enugh to get me fags lol but i never once begrugded helping her out

    Dept if the easyest thing to get into and the hardest thing to get out of and iv never in all my 19 years of marriege had any thing on the knock if we aint got it we save till we buy it cash i couldnt go though wot mom did


    live beyond your means
    dont be suprised to come apart from the seams
    its the loan companys blame
    when you are left financially lame


    I just hope the family can try to have some sort of life after this. I cant get their faces out of my head. My collegue felt really deep guilt for refusing his application on Friday, but we simply could not take it.

    Its shocking.

    He committed suicide in the afternoon, and it was on the 6 o clock news that night.

    The police never visited her until 7, imagine the horror of that.

    If only he had shared this with her the worst that could have happened would have been divorce (we are seeing most divorces happening surrounding debt these days), and they could have sought help.

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