Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Sarah,s Law?
17 February, 2008 at 10:16 am #933917 February, 2008 at 10:45 am #313100
If it does, you will be at the front of the queue.
17 February, 2008 at 6:41 pm #313101well lets face it. if it saves just one child from the kind of death the poor baby this week had it would be worth it. there is nothing parents can do now to find out who is working with their children, the government tell us that schools and hospitals, an things such as scout groups and after school groups re monitored. but the truth is very different, hospitals rarelydo checks on employees and schools almost never do. [ian huntley comes to mind] and believe me nomatter what the government says it hasnt got any better. i have a relative who works for a mental health home and they never check backgrounds because the staff turnover is high and the checks cost 15 pounds each. the kind of home she works in looks after very vunerable people. this is just one instance. the fact is that if yo are an organisation that is motivated by profit [and they almost all are] the safety of your residents may be important, but profits and staff staying are more important, if they get a staff member who is willing to do a 40 hour week, and every weekendin overtime, they dont give a toss if their references arent chased up. i know of homes where they dont do any checks, so how many are there.
to get back to sarahs law, there will always be the chancers who want to take a child, and these will be almost impossible to stop, but while we have police officers and judges who are downloading kiddy porn its not likeley to stop is it ? sarahs law is the beginning, and who cares if every paedophile in great britain is killed by baying mobs. there is collatteral damage in every war and if we kill a few who cares ? i know there are folk who will say, yes but innocent people will die… yep its called life. innocent people die falling down stairs, on the roads, in pub foghts and in tragedys every day. id rather lose a few innocent adults than one two year old child be raped and killed. -
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