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    anyone know the where abouts of chrıstına long around the kent area ,u.k.


    @onlyme wrote:

    anyone know the where abouts of chrıstına long around the kent area ,u.k.

    Was she the same Christina Long that got a 5 year prison term for trying to poison her boyfriend? If so you could write to her C/o HM Prison, Maidstone, Kent.


    i did know a chris, but she was long round the a rse area


    she was marrıed tı ıan long who went to cyprus ,she also hads 2 chıldren keıren and kımberly after 2002 ı dont know what she dıd


    You know a lot more about her …. but it sure sounds like the same person. Apparently she had a b/f who got over possessive so she put rat poison in his grub. She got caught and is now doing time for it. 7 years I think. God knows what happens to her hubby & children?

    Could this be the same person? If so then maybe a letter to HM Prison Maidstone might find her?


    @onlyme wrote:

    she was marrıed tı ıan long who went to cyprus ,she also hads 2 chıldren keıren and kımberly after 2002 ı dont know what she dıd

    where have the dots gone from your i’s?


    how strange !


    innit… I thought I had the “sharon syndrome” again for a moment,,, :lol:


    Try signing up to a site like facebook, its amazing how many people who you used to know are also members. Alternatively, you can put advertisments in your local paper or browse the internet for websites that reunite old friends and family.


    thannx for all your help ,ı am actually the husband ,ı left her ın 2oo2 for cyprus .ı met her ın germany(shes german)and brought her back to england ,we lıved for a whıle ın sıttıngbourne and then moved to newıngton but the age gap was to bıg and we seperated after she left me for a guy from wales called curly kev who she met on the ınternet .ı wıll carry out more ınvestıgatıons as ı need to fınd out what happened to my kıds ,thank you all

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