Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Political party in meltdown- claim!

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  • #8757

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Much more infighting, turmoil and gross misconduct within the BNP and they will have to change their name to labour :lol: :lol: :lol:


    The desperation from far left thugs like slavery slayer is really funny.

    1. he uses a far left media outlet (BBC) (who co fund searchlight) to “report” a “nuetral” story of those they hate (BNP).
    BBC – “The outbreak of faction-fighting could not come at a worse time for the BNP”.
    WRONG, the BNP are in fantastic hands, the nationalist movement as a whole has never been stronger, and the BNP LEAD that.

    Ive said it many, many times on this website, if only we had a fair media???

    2. The BNP have been infiltrated by far left thugs like slavery slayer, BECAUSE they are scared to death of the political breakthrough the BNP are showing.

    3. this is a political “story”, and slavery slayer uses the current affairs forum, hmm

    4. If you want BOTH sides of the story –


    How can anyone seriously slag off the bnp when weve got gordon and co up to their arm pits in corruption sleaze and plain incompetency. never mind the fact that labour is at the moment reeling from yet another set of lost discs.
    i find it rather rich that the bnp are villified for having an argument, when the government are at this moment trying desperateley to plug the flood of people only too ready to point out the massive failures of the immigration and assylum system. come on you lot sureley theres better things to chat about. is that the best bit of slinging you can manage..


    Oh dear oh dear indeed.

    Accusing the leadership of “arrogance, lies and incompetence”……. Mick Briffin behaving like a dictator……. he is making “Stalin look like a moderate”….. whatever next???

    We even have the “Real BNP” and can you believe it – “The Gang of Four” – sounds like the Liberal Democrats in the good old days of Dr David Owen, Shirley Whatshername and so on when they also dared to raise questions about political direction of their shambles – sorry political party.

    “For well over a year, the BNP has been aware that there has been a mole from the Communist Searchlight Magazine in the Advisory Council”.

    OH MY GOD – Reds under the beds eh? Spies, lies, and skulduggery in the innermost sanctum of the Nazi Party. Wow !!

    “Having that much information going to the violent far left is a danger to every single member. The BNP has uncovered clear evidence showing how otherwise innocuous quarrels between staff members have been orchestrated to prepare the way for a carefully planned coup. This plan would have seen individuals identified as party loyalists thrown off the Advisory Council (in particular Martin Wingfield, John Walker, Mark Collett, David Hannam, Martin Reynolds and truly loyal regional organisers such as Peter Mullins), and replaced with supporters of the Gang of Four.”

    Don’t you just love the mention of “innocuous quarrels between staff members ” being exploited by the “Gang of Four”???

    Thank God the BNP thought police called in their South African head of security to arrest all the plotters and throw them into prison. We can all sleep safer in our beds tonight in the knowledge that BNP members are no longer at risk from the forces of darkness with all their lying, forgery, sabotage, theft and character assassination.



    It’s a fair cop Gov, Emma is right

    Its a political story (a bl/oody funny one though) n I’ve put it in the current affairs

    Cart me off to the clink officer n mind the soap

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The rabid ramblings of someone’s reaction to a BBC news item- you’d think the world had ended

    Ah, the world around you crumbles like a great big hob n/ob biscuit whilst the hot tea of life soaks your custard cream :lol:


    The BNP is a bit like the Kray gang in the ’60’s. they saw conspiracies everywhere and dealt with them harshly.

    BTW – having read the BNP’s answer to the BBC article (very kindly linked to by Emma) I am facinated that they expose the private e-mail addresses of all and sundry. Fine, if you have to quote the contents of a mail to prove your point – but is it really necessary to include all the header information etc etc???

    The great long rambling expose of all the undercover plots and manipulations smacks of a vast conspiracy to me …. or could it simply be that Mick Biffin and his henchmen are just plain old-fashioned paranoid???


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    BTW – having read the BNP’s answer to the BBC article (very kindly linked to by Emma) I am facinated that they expose the private e-mail addresses of all and sundry. Fine, if you have to quote the contents of a mail to prove your point – but is it really necessary to include all the header information etc etc???

    And if they didn’t, you’d say, cant trust the information.

    Wouldn’t it be great if the old gang were completely upfront with us???


    @emmalush wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    BTW – having read the BNP’s answer to the BBC article (very kindly linked to by Emma) I am facinated that they expose the private e-mail addresses of all and sundry. Fine, if you have to quote the contents of a mail to prove your point – but is it really necessary to include all the header information etc etc???

    And if they didn’t, you’d say, cant trust the information.

    Oh come on Emma …. get real. Most kids in Junior School these days are sufficiently computer literate to create a faked e-mail if they want to. So publishing all the header detail (and thereby exposing the personal addresses of the BNP hierarchy) doesn’t in itself prove that the mails are authentic.

    Mind you I suspect that these mails ARE authentic because they expose a huge amount of plotting, counter-plotting, coups and takeover bids within the top levels of the BNP. They all seem to have that touch of paranoia about them that fits well with most people’s perceptions of the squabbling and infighting that we now know goes on within the BNP.

    It struck me that as Mick Biffin didn’t really need to expose his (ex) colleagues in this way, it was deliberately done out of some sort of petty spite.

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