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  • #869

    suffer from twitching, restless legs like me?

    it happens more when I’m tired like now and bugs the arse off me :evil:

    any ideas on how to help them?


    My bloke used to get that…bugged the fek out of me at night time :? :roll: :roll:

    I heard that reducing caffeine intake can help….seems to have worked for him. :)


    I used to have it as a teenager though only in bed when trying to sleep. I used to play mind games (I know I know LOL :oops: ) but just do something as daft as an alphabet game ie go through girls names starting with A to Z. It takes your mind of it. The more you think of it the worse it gets so taking your mind away helps :)


    thanks everyone (especially pikey :? ) I’ll read the info and maybe try a few remedies…

    I have cut loads of caffeine out and don’t think I can go without my early morning coffee though :wink:

    omg @ Owens link about HRT though…I’ve always had it so maybe I have always been going through the change eh? :lol:


    Quinine tablets are supose to help with this giggles
    ask ur GP about them
    or apparatly tonic water does the same sort of thing


    ooo thanks AB xxx :D


    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    i get a twitchy willy

    buy some canneston :lol:


    @giggles wrote:

    suffer from twitching, restless legs like me?

    it happens more when I’m tired like now and bugs the ‘Botty’ off me :evil:

    any ideas on how to help them?

    Yeah i have that when i go to sleep at night sometimes.

    I get up, put on me running gear and go for a jog. Problem solved and i sleep like a log. 8)


    I do it all the time, especially in bed at night:( scares my wife witless, me too if i’m only half asleep, i also sleep with my eyes half open apparantly:) and talking about doing strange things in bed, I went out the other night with my mate for a few beers, and got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and my wife shouts

    “What are you doing”

    “Going to the toilet I replied”


    100% TRUE …PROMISE.

    I did think about going down the stairs and pooing in the fridge for an encore,but thought better of it:)

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