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  • #8623


    Well ’tis nearly December so I decided I could start a thread discussing it.

    What do you most look forward to at Christmas?

    What do you least look forward to at Christmas?

    I’ll start.

    A few years ago it would have been the amount of time I soent out oon the lash, everyone in a lovely party mood etc etc. Now though I most look forward to snuggling up, with just the christmas lights on (well, and some clothes :wink:), with a nice Christmasy drink, maybe a wiskey or baileys, some nice music on and for once just totally bloody chilling. Plus it will be little un’s first Christmas so dressing him in ag suitably tacky first christmas outfit :lol:

    Don’t like not having my full family around me :cry:

    Actually, if anyone replies, answer the other way round so that the good stuff comes last!



    Mmmm yes Christmas …..

    I remember it well , out on the lash plenty of ale a few E`s up a club & then pull a one nighter Yep them were the days alright ….. :)

    Now it will be days of visiting Family & Friends on both sides ( Marvelous ) ,
    A few quite drinks indoors Mmmmm .

    But then again were doing an Antiques Fair Boxing Day so Yipeeeeeeeee all is not lost :D


    I am looking forward to the norm…. but the on the lash is my fave 8)


    looking forward to..
    my mum downing half a bottle of baileys and snoring all afternoon.
    watching the look of horror on eldests face when gran wants a kiss for christmas, hes 22 and shes 86…..
    a good nite on the lash with the lasses.
    a good night on the lash wi the lads.
    a good nite on the lash with the kids… thats a first, youngest is 18 now…
    xmas eve when the shops are shut and the busses have stopped running.[they stop at 9 here]
    my mates face when she opens her rampant rabbit in front of her mum and step dad…i gave it her mum to give her as a suprise.
    walking the dog xmas day and watching all the little uns out on their bikes and other assorted deadly weapons. great stuff.

    not looking forward to.
    hubby drunk xmas eve declaring his love to the world and then falling asleep on the bar.
    doing all the bloody cooking.
    doing all the washin up. [im posh now tho ive got a dishwasher]
    waking up boxing day with a git of a hangover.
    seeing the photos from the night before.
    hubby saying “i dont believe you said ……… arthur or whoever.” drink loosens the tongue you know.


    Looking forward to it all… Im like a big kid at xmas. :oops: :lol: :lol:


    While i’m still young i still go out on the lash with the very last pennies i have from buying presents etc.

    I enjoy staying in and looking at the tree with the twinkly lights on…. *imaginary* log fire going…. and the TV on with a festive episode of something or other on!

    Having close friends over is always good and enjoying a jolly good time playing monopoly or cluedo…then falling out because it wasn’t Miss Scarlet in the down stairs bog with the vibrating todger.

    Ahhh chrimbo!


    I hate Christmas with a passion – it is a bloody terrible time of year. Why can’t we simply cancel it ….. permanently.

    It gets dark early; the shops all charge outrageous prices for utter rubbish; you can’t even walk along the street without some ghastly drunken female vomiting the contents of her smelly fat guts all over her clothes and the pavement.

    People you dislike intensly and wish they’d die of some dreadful disease insist on sending you cards with a religious theme (when the nearest they’ve been to a church is passing one on their way to the STFD clinic) – and then they complain when they don’t get a card in return.

    Relatives you utterly hate and wish they’d get on with it and die, if only to leave others some money, insist on spending a ”family Christmas” with you – basically so they can eat too much; drink too much; and squabble over the TV remote control.

    Stupid people spend far too much on pointless presents as a substitute for showing their illegitimate offspring any real affection – or they buy them grossly expensive electronic toys, thus condemning them to a lifetime of illiteracy and total social inadequacy.

    You are forced into eating bloody Turkey for every meal for weeks afterwards. You cannot go out to any restaurant without being deafened by a bunch of boring louts from some local semi-solvent company having their ”Office Christmas Party” – i.e. yet another excuse to get drunk, take drugs and have unprotected sex in a shop doorway with anybody that happens to be passing at the time.

    And best of all – Jesus Christ wasn’t even born on 25th December – so what’s the point of it all?????


    Having a great pi ss up with me lads from work And always drinking them under the table

    The whole build up to it kids excited even tho there getting on now lol 16 and 13 hubs moaning about the money im spending and me calling him a tight f00ker in the middle of debenhams lol

    wrapping the pressie and still hiding loads and playing the pin a clue every where so kids and hubby are still finding stocking fillers boxing day lol

    The madness of seeing and being one of the nutters hunting high and low for the in games lol

    And just the general feeling of giving i love it

    Hate that fact its the 3rd christmas with out me mom for dinner watching her moan at me cooking then eating every think on her plate and saying oooo bab ya done that lovely lol any more stuffing lol

    Hate the thought its going to be hubs first 1 with out his dad and worrying his Xmas day will be sh ite as his dad died on Xmas day last year but tying to make it special for him


    Lump of coal for PB on Christmas day then eh?

    We should sit PB infront of a TV and make him watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on loop until he takes all that back.

    (However i agree about the Turkey part…. i got vegetarian for the Chirstmas season)


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    Lump of coal for PB on Christmas day then eh?

    We should sit PB infront of a TV and make him watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on loop until he takes all that back.

    (However i agree about the Turkey part…. i got vegetarian for the Chirstmas season)

    Ugh … ugh … how utterly ghastly. Oh …. and I forgot that you are forced to watch that dead bloke …. what’s he called ….. oh yes, Steve McQueen in that 1936 film in black & white all about some bloody delinquent in WW2 getting his just deserts from the Hun.

    It’s on it 148th annual repeat now isn’t it?

    Then there’s the bloody mince pies … horrible things that make you sick, especially on top of a huge lunch …. I mean who eats lunch ffs ???

    The only good thing about Christmas is that all the Turkeys get slaughtered so the chavs on the council estates don’t have to eat Mcdonalds on Christmas Day. Nasty ugly birds anyway – who’d have a Turkey as a pet ffs?

    …. and socks yet again … why do you always get a pair of bloody socks (the wrong size) when you have spent at least £2.50 on a bumper pack of bath salts for them. How bloody ungrateful can somebody get huh??? huh???

    Horrible bloody Christmas …. it’s only an excuse for nasty smelly shopkeepers to moan on and on about how little money they are making. Let them all go into liquidation and get thrown out onto the streets to starve.

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