Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Rynbende four compartment Liquer Bottle

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  • #8541


    Hi peeps ,

    I have just been given from a very old Jewish Lady today this bottle , I know its at least 40 years old as thats how long she has had it. It has four compartments of different liquers, does anyone know of anywhere where I could get a valuation online about this item ?

    here is a picture ive found of a miniature one , however this one is 12 inches high .



    Looks like a bottle of cheap plonk from costa shithole to me…


    her sample is a bit dark..i think she might need antibiotics :P


    try rubbin it a genie might pop out.


    @ugo wrote:

    however this one is 12 inches high .

    More than what you’re used to seeing tho eh?



    Thats why these boards arnt taken serious !!! Because you`re all childish immature people with no knowledge of anything interesting . I have posted the same question on another site & guess what yes —- a total opposite response , no shock there then eh !

    I think Martin should add to these boards , another forum in which to be able to post stuff like this & or anything else of interest , then you have to register & pay a small fee for the pleasure . anyone who joined/payed who does`nt cohere to the rules gets banned instantly .

    At least maybe that way it will keep all the above Dibknobs at bay & keep the regular users from straying off to serious sites to ask advice & questions about relevant subjects.


    ok i apologise….i’ll take the posts about the length size and weight of ur sh/it..more seriously in future. 8)


    It might be poisonous Ugo. I would take a mouthful first and try it before u sell it on.


    @ugo wrote:

    Thats why these boards arnt taken serious !!! Because you`re all childish immature people with no knowledge of anything interesting .

    lol this coming from the man who’s only topic of discussion is the shape, size and smell of his own faeces :roll:


    google it ugo,as theres loads about it on google.tis a pity it was not in an ornamental bottle or a delf house.there are serious collectors of the cherry brandy out there,,and it matures and gets better with age.

    bit like me really :)

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