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4 November, 2007 at 10:48 pm #8432
The pre planned sacking of conservative candidate Nigel Hastilow for having an opinion about mass immigration, explained alot of what the conservatives and mainstream party’s believe in.
Mr Nigel Hastilow has revealed that he’ll now go back to his newspaper job of reporting free speech, which the conservative oppressors have banned.
How can people take the conservatives seriously, the NUMBER ONE topic on people’s lips is mass immigration, and britains second biggest political party wont allow it to be discussed openly.
There ARE people out there who dont fall to political oppression, who say it how it is, will defend FREE SPEECH all the way to the courts.
This country is heading for political disaster, WE the PEOPLE have got to start tacking charge of our future.
GET involved, DO something.
YOU decide YOUR future.
Just listening to a national radio phone-in about this, and 88% of 540 listeners think he shouldn’t have been sacked.
5 November, 2007 at 1:33 am #292601The bastards! For once a politican who spoke the truth, or touched on it should i say, and knows what everyone else is thinkin is sacked, what a load of bo!!ocks!
5 November, 2007 at 3:38 am #292602@anita Gofradump wrote:
The nice guy! For once a politican who spoke the truth, or touched on it should i say, and knows what everyone else is thinkin is sacked, what a load of bo!!ocks!
erm NO one with a conscience votes ” tory”
get thee behind me SANTA ( sic)
5 November, 2007 at 8:13 am #292603@emmalush wrote:
The pre planned sacking of conservative candidate Nigel Hastilow for having an opinion about mass immigration, explained alot of what the conservatives and mainstream party’s believe in.
Mr Nigel Hastilow has revealed that he’ll now go back to his newspaper job of reporting free speech, which the conservative oppressors have banned.
How can people take the conservatives seriously, the NUMBER ONE topic on people’s lips is mass immigration, and britains second biggest political party wont allow it to be discussed openly.
There ARE people out there who dont fall to political oppression, who say it how it is, will defend FREE SPEECH all the way to the courts.
This country is heading for political disaster, WE the PEOPLE have got to start tacking charge of our future.
GET involved, DO something.
YOU decide YOUR future.
Just listening to a national radio phone-in about this, and 88% of 540 listeners think he shouldn’t have been sacked.
Cameron has regularly raised immigration issues and stated it is unsustainable in its present format.
HOWEVER, Enoch Powell made immigration a race issue and Hailston agreed with Powell and therefore agreed its a race issue hence he was sacked
Immigration is about unsustainable assaults on the use of our public services, school, healthcare etc- treat immigration as an economics and management issue and de racialise it. Immigration is not about wanting to live in “whites only English” neighbourhoods which is EXACTLY what Enoch Powell wanted and spoke about
If Immigration is bad- then its all immigration…Scots in England, Welsh in Scotland, Irish in England….Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, South Arfricans, Frence, German, Danes, Swiss, Swedes, etc as well as Somalis, Afghans, Iriaqis etc all over here
THAT is the difference…not that you’d see that Emma
5 November, 2007 at 12:47 pm #292604@slayer wrote:
Cameron has regularly raised immigration issues and stated it is unsustainable in its present format.
I regularly raised the high jump bar but i still didn’t jump it. Dave cameron doesn’t know how to tackle mass immigration, he skirts round it with blag words and idiots like you believe him.
HOWEVER, Enoch Powell made immigration a race issue and Hailston agreed with Powell and therefore agreed its a race issue hence he was sacked
That statement proves my above point, EVERY human immigrant on earth has a race, therefore it is a race issue, more so, we now have racial segregation whereby folk and different races dont mix.
If Immigration is bad- then its all immigration…Scots in England, Welsh in Scotland, Irish in England….Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, South Arfricans, Frence, German, Danes, Swiss, Swedes, etc as well as Somalis, Afghans, Iriaqis etc all over here
Not all the 60 million who live in britain are immigrants you retard.
There comes a point when those who were born here must say, hold on, this is our country by birth right, we have more stake than foreigners.
The other thing is community cohesion, in an orderly society, the prodomanently people get on better, thus the others are in the way, or should be made to get along or they should leave for if they wont they’ll be a civil war created by the rulers who allowed them in.
Its your choice slavery slayer, do you want the born natives to rise up?
5 November, 2007 at 2:13 pm #292605@emmalush wrote:
@slayer wrote:
Cameron has regularly raised immigration issues and stated it is unsustainable in its present format.
I regularly raised the high jump bar but i still didn’t jump it. Dave cameron doesn’t know how to tackle mass immigration, he skirts round it with blag words and idiots like you believe him.
HOWEVER, Enoch Powell made immigration a race issue and Hailston agreed with Powell and therefore agreed its a race issue hence he was sacked
That statement proves my above point, EVERY human immigrant on earth has a race, therefore it is a race issue, more so, we now have racial segregation whereby folk and different races dont mix.
If Immigration is bad- then its all immigration…Scots in England, Welsh in Scotland, Irish in England….Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, South Arfricans, Frence, German, Danes, Swiss, Swedes, etc as well as Somalis, Afghans, Iriaqis etc all over here
Not all the 60 million who live in britain are immigrants you retard.
There comes a point when those who were born here must say, hold on, this is our country by birth right, we have more stake than foreigners.
The other thing is community cohesion, in an orderly society, the prodomanently people get on better, thus the others are in the way, or should be made to get along or they should leave for if they wont they’ll be a civil war created by the rulers who allowed them in.
Its your choice slavery slayer, do you want the born natives to rise up?
completeley agree with emma on this point it will be too late before long TO do anything. we are being overrun with immigrants from all over the world [and i dont give a toss what colour they are] the fact is mosques are preaching hatred and vile bigotry every day here in britain, we know it and the police know it. and what do the government do ??? pass laws to stop any interference with the hate clerics who are planning our demise.
there are thousands of people from all over the world working hard to better their lives granted,and they are welcome. but they are the few amongst the many. take this instance. a male arrives from abroad, he gets a home sorted, gets a job, saves for a while then sends for his wife and 2 kids to join him, no probs with that. the other side is a man arrives from abroad with wife and 2 kids. goes to dss office gets benefits a house supplied by council and thats where he stays on benefits with wife and kids being kept by you and i. the simplicity is glaringly obvious, no one should be given benefits of any kind for the first 5 years of their stay here, and if they dont work they get nothing. this would stop once and for all the likes of the somalis who are arriving at a rate of 60 per day into tower hamlets alone. i supose some will be banging the racist drum again and frankily your wasting your time, i dont care about the colour i do care about the intent.we will be in dire straits in britain very soon and what will happen when the poles start fighting with the slovacs. the albanians go to war over drug turf with the asians and the west indians. when the russians begin murdering the poles and the albanians for territory over jobs. believe me it is a scary thought and its coming.5 November, 2007 at 2:52 pm #292606I never said vote Tory lol, fck that!
5 November, 2007 at 3:23 pm #292607Problem is that the moment ANY politician from the political MAIN STREAM * parties makes any comment at all about anything even remotely connected to ”race issues” – the Media and their political opponents howl for their blood.
If young Dave didn’t sack him, then he would be accused of supporting ‘racism’ in every Media outlet etc etc. If he does sack him then he is criticised for doing so and ignoring what ordinary people think.
Nigel Hastilow is an experienced politician and knows the ground rules for this game, so making statements in support of Enoch Powell’s well aired views was guaranteed to inflame opinion …. and he knew it. So now he pays the price for his political stupidity.
(* I say MAIN STREAM parties because the assortment of ‘also ran’ parties – i.e. those without elected MP’s etc – can and will say anything at all to get votes – no matter how offensive it may be – as we have all seen on here.)
5 November, 2007 at 6:24 pm #292608@waspish wrote:
it will be too late before long TO do anything. we are being overrun with immigrants from all over the world [and i dont give a toss what colour they are] the fact is mosques are preaching hatred and vile bigotry every day here in britain, we know it and the police know it. and what do the government do ??? pass laws to stop any interference with the hate clerics who are planning our demise.
the other side is a man arrives from abroad with wife and 2 kids. goes to dss office gets benefits a house supplied by council and thats where he stays on benefits with wife and kids being kept by you and i.
the idiots that run our society and their media friends dont tell us the above, its as if the above never happens, “immigrants do the jobs brits wont do” – “how are we going to get the brits off benefit”.
There are hundreds of thousands of foreigners on benefit.
the simplicity is glaringly obvious, no one should be given benefits of any kind for the first 5 years of their stay here
How about, once weve got everyone who can work a job, then and ONLY then do we allow foreigners here who are gaurenteed work.
A sensible set of people would impliment that policy, but not the old gang.
and if they dont work they get nothing. this would stop once and for all the likes of the somalis who are arriving at a rate of 60 per day into tower hamlets alone.
Dont blame the somalis, BLAME the fascists who LET THEM COME HERE, VOTE them OUT!!!
Vote people in who wont allow tom, dick n abdul benefits so easy.
we will be in dire straits in britain very soon and what will happen when the poles start fighting with the slovacs. the albanians go to war over drug turf with the asians and the west indians. when the russians begin murdering the poles and the albanians for territory over jobs. believe me it is a scary thought and its coming.
How beautifull is multiculturalism.
5 November, 2007 at 6:48 pm #292609@emmalush wrote:
There comes a point when those who were born here must say, hold on, this is our country by birth right, we have more stake than foreigners.
Did you really really just say that- the most liberal, immigrant friendly comment possible…n you’ve stated it as a fact.
I know what you really meant but this made me laugh
The idea of birthright being directly linked to nationality is all most people like me ever ask for Emma- and you’re right, this country belongs to those who were born here…let them stand up against the tides of immigration which is washing these shores and eroding away the country as I know it..but we stand united Emma not some feckwit whites only cr/ap
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