Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat wat r u hopin will b in ur stockin this xmas??

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  • #8417

    :-k :-k :-k Me????? :D/ :D/ i no it early :- :- :- ………… but im hopin for this weekends lottery no,s [-o< [-o< [-o< boy wud i make a dent in 18 million !!!!!! =D> =D>


    maybe a silly question.. but what use would this weekends lottery numbers be on xmas day?



    For all our Men and Women to come back home safely.


    @matty wrote:

    maybe a silly question.. but what use would this weekends lottery numbers be on xmas day?



    I would like……………. Keifer Sutherland to be messing around in my stockings 8)



    I’d like me to be in my stocking………still with me leg in it…….fast asleep……having been out on the lash all nite………only joking, don’t want the impossible, I’ll settle for ………half a nite on the lash :lol:



    @dee wrote:

    I’d like me to be in my stocking………still with me leg in it…….fast asleep……having been out on the lash all nite………only joking, don’t want the impossible, I’ll settle for ………half a nite on the lash & a LARGE DlLDO :lol:

    :shock: :shock: :shock:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I would like……………. Keifer Sutherland to be messing all over my stockings 8)

    :wink: :wink:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    I would like……………. Keifer Sutherland to be messing all over my stockings 8)

    :wink: :wink:

    naughty pb lol!!!!

    He dont have time for messing, he has a strick time schedule to stick to 8)



    Apparently he looks a lot like me ya know . :wink:

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