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  • #8239

    The law on this issue is a joke and most would be sperm donors are put off by the removal of right to be anonymous. Numbers have fallen lower than Pb IQ.

    We all know this site is full of vvankers, and they’re a shortage of sperm donors.

    So can’t the site help out?

    I think they can!!!!

    You can still stay anonymous if you donate fresh sperm and I was thinking we could mix up a “party” for the next jc meet.

    Ok it will mean a few women over 40 having sex with several men while getting drunk and swinging from the chandeliers, and there will be an “insurant” issue.

    But I am sure we can all over come any problems.

    If your interest read the link below and post any questions you may have.


    your fooken barkin you are :roll:


    It’s my favourite illegitimate basterd child, DOA son i want comission :P


    We all know this site is full of vvankers, me included and they’re a shortage of sperm donors.

    Doa Darling, don’t speak about yourself in that manner, it upsets me!

    yes, we all know your the biggest vvanker on here,
    but you dont have to admit it in public!

    love you babes. mwaahhh mwaahhh mwaahhh.


    you cant love him more than me tho GM surely i really do want his babies :wink:


    I know this post is a bit odd and most of you think its funny.

    But it has a serous side too.

    If you say to any women “why do you think you have the right to a child” you would get many different answers.

    Sperm donors like blood donors are in short supply.

    I can understand why men have stop giving; no one likes the idea of some kid turning up on your doorstep calling you “daddy”.

    So lets all try and find a middle way?



    A couple of classic responses there :lol:


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    I know this post is a bit odd and most of you think its funny.

    But it has a serous side too.

    If you say to any women “why do you think you have the right to a child” you would get many different answers.

    Sperm donors like blood donors are in short supply.

    I can understand why men have stop giving; no one likes the idea of some kid turning up on your doorstep calling you “daddy”.

    So lets all try and find a middle way?

    just make sure you have cling film on yer keyboard doa before u attempt it wont yas……



    Is It true then …….?

    I Heard that DOA used to work at the local sperm bank in Brighton
    But got the sack for DRINKING ON THE JOB ……. :o :o :o


    @ugo wrote:

    Is It true then …….?

    I Heard that DOA used to work at the local sperm bank in Brighton
    But got the sack for DRINKING ON THE JOB ……. :o :o :o


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 17 total)

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