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  • #7747


    Post your daily weather reports here

    Tell everyone what it is daily & where you are …

    Wednesday Merseyside sunny all day :D




    @matty wrote:


    :lol: :lol:

    # Today: Mostly cloudy early. Isolated thunderstorms may develop this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 84F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

    # Tonight: Variably cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. Low 69F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%


    Monday Rain
    Tuesday Rain
    Wednesday Rain
    Thursday Rain
    Friday Rain
    Saturday Rain
    Sunday Rain

    Then just go back to the top and repeat :twisted:

    The weathers so rubbish my boys were drinking hot chocolate today!



    what a scorcher it was today , Nowt better than doing a car boot in hot weather , making money & getting tanned at the same time , I have to feel sorry for all you people who work indoors I really do feel for you , You`ll not catch me working for anyone else again stuck in a dead end job , its great this ……..Roll on Friday , Saturday . Sunday & Monday what a great carboot that will be ……!!! :D :D :D :D :D


    @ugo wrote:

    what a scorcher it was today , Nowt better than doing a car boot in hot weather , making money & getting tanned at the same time , I have to feel sorry for all you people who work indoors I really do feel for you , You`ll not catch me working for anyone else again stuck in a dead end job , its great this ……..Roll on Friday , Saturday . Sunday & Monday what a great carboot that will be ……!!! :D :D :D :D :D

    I hope you are keeping the tax man happy! :lol:


    Its pissing it down like it has done for the past week.

    The weekend should be a scorcher at this rate…. hmm… :/


    been sunny here all day, high 20’s


    Grrrrrrr bleedin scorcher o a day and yip what happens ive been in stuck in my bed with this bleedin KNEE…. so much for my OP…. ive got a leg which looks likes its sufferin fae Elephanisits…!!! my doc says if the swellin don’t do down ive to go in and get the fluid drawn which in my best Amy Winehoose accent i said NO NO NO…. not effin likely..!! never again….

    lol ooppps verbal diahorria lol its to be a belter the morra as well… lol my mam already wheelin me to the loo on the pc chair lol wonder if she’ manage to get me ootside and on the sun lounger now there’s a thought lol


    Sorry to hear your knee is bad again Marydoll, that seems to have been going on for ages now!!

    But I am pissed off that your getting all the nice weather :twisted:

    Our little corner of the south is under a right old blanket of water!!!! :roll:

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