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    TWO doormen, including one from East Ham, face an Old Bailey trial accused of murder.

    Johnives Kalu, 23, of East Ham Manor Way, Rustem Geca, 24, from Dagenham, are in custody after an appearance before Havering magistrates on Thursday (28/6).

    The charge follows a brutal attack on 30-year-old Lee Rayner in Romford on June 17 when it is believed he was kicked to death as he went to the aid of his younger brother, John, who was being attacked after they had left the Opium Lounge nightspot in North Street.



    Deafening silence by our media who just wont tell these stories.

    This man will

    Will you?


    Emma,theres scum in every walk of life.mi’ duck x


    Absolutely rubs, but if its a stephen lawrence or the black “promising” footballer recently, its news.

    If its a Shaun Middleton, one local rag reports it. They reported that 2 men were arrested, their ages, where Shaun was beaten up, the route of the taxi journey, just about everything except that the thugs were asian muslims and the VICTIM is a white lad, DISGUSTING!

    And BTW, the vicious thug that killed that 15 year old footballer, only his name was mentioned on bbc news, and his non white face wasn’t published on tv, only lower down the website page.

    I say lets have some fair reporting, whatever colour they are.


    But that would be equality tho emma, and ACTUAL equality rather than the new redefined academic definition of it :shock:

    Never gonna happen


    two lads were attacked by a gang of asians in my local village on friday night aparrently the lads sister was in a car with an asian man and they shouted at her to get out and leave them. they were hospitalised overnight and were badly beaten. on sunday morning the police turned up at their house at 7.30 am and arrested the older brother for assault section 13 if that means owt to anyone he has been bailed to appear at court. the thing that we all here dont get is why were none of the asians arrested and interviewed? not one asian has yet been interviewed at all regarding the attack. any thoughts anyone. btw my son was standing outside a pub opposite having a fag and saw this incident.


    Section 13 eh???

    Maybe this is the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 … Indecency between men (gross indecency), Section 13, Sexual Offences Act 1956 … etc etc

    I wonder what the two blokes were doing ???


    ha ha ha verry good bud. :lol: it turns out it was section 19. i was pisst tother nite btw. if u couldnt tell. the two brothers are a pair of total tossers actually always in bother always fighting and always off their bonces on coke [powder type] but they didnt deserve this beating at all. the fact is they are well known tossers and the coppers have used this as a get out so they dont have a race problem…


    No doubt your son has been to the police station with the true story

    Now the bit in your story which is missed out

    “They saw their sister in a Asian car and shouted at her to get out and then they were hospitalised…..”

    Ok- so two to/ssers (as you say)- unlikely to simply stand there and shout- I’d say they got a few bricks, stones etc or decided to show their bravado (“come on then if you think you’re hard enough”)- threw a few stones at the car, occupants got out n smacked em one

    Thing is Wasp- if this had been a group of white lads in the car n these two to/ssers got a beating, you’d be telling us how your village looks after itself n deals with all its druggies etc by itself but cos they were Asian…

    Or are you saying the white girl in the car had been kidnapped..I’d guess she was there of her own free will, it ain’t a crime to sh/ag someone of a different colour or race (thankfully or I’d be banged up for life :lol: )



    I luvs these stories; really, I do! :lol:

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