Boards Index › Fun and humour › Jokes and humourous links › The story of poor old Jimmy!
5 June, 2007 at 12:14 pm #7172
This story about Jimmy is real, it’s not a joke, but it may as well be. Jimmy is also his real, it hasn’t been changed to protect his guilt, but his ex remains anonymous, as she is a good friend of mine and I see her on many occasions.
Poor old Jimmy! One evening he went out for a few drinks down the local pub, and got a bit sozzled. He met a woman at the pub, and to cut a long story short, they ended up having drunken sex. Some while later, the guilt of what had happened started to catch up with Jimmy, so much so that he could no longer contain all these bad feelings to himself, so he decided the best thing was to be a hero and confess all to his wife. Bad move Jimmy! To say his wife was not impressed is as much an understatement as you could ever hope to get. Anyway, she decided she would do her best to forgive him and did her very best to give their marriage another go. She tried, and tried, and tried, but after three years of trying still could not forget what had happened, the trust never came back, so they ended up getting divorced.
In the long run Jimmy had actually done his ex a big favour, because she met another guy, remarried and is now happier than she ever has been. She does far more things with her new man than she ever did with Jimmy, like travelling, going to events, and stuff like that. Jimmy, on the other hand, has never been able to settle down, drifting as he has been, from woman to woman, and never being able to find the contentment and happiness that a good relationship with one person can bring. Even with his current partner, he doesn’t seem happy, because he has never really gotten over his ex. The silly thing is that most people actually quite like Jimmy, because he’s generally a funny guy, and knows how to tell a good joke, but he made one mistake and paid a big price for it.
Poor old Jimmy! What a tw*t!!
Moral of the story: Keep your f***ing big mouth shut!!!!!
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