Theres no fancy studio set, flashing lights, exspensive live links accross the world or pretentious tv presenters, this is the news.
A 12 year old white girl has been raped and groomed for sex by peadophile asian men in their twenty’s, lured via drugs and fancy gifts. This is the not the first girl, the first of many, and it wont be the last.
The mother of this poor innocent girl tells this story at the British National Party website, the only people it seems, who dare stand up against the asian peadophiles.
The question is, why wont our glamourised media do the same, why dont we hear this horror on our tv sets, why is it all hushed away???
A little girl goes missing on holiday, and yes, its tragic, but theres many young girls being RAPED FOR GOODNESS SAKES, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON????????