we’ve had it for a full year their in March… and to be honest… bring it back..!!! In our Toon 22 pubs have since shut, folks lost their jobs, the wee widower penisoner now a prisoner in his own home ( ohhh and if a council house if he is getting repairs done he’s not allowed to smoke in it for 3 hrs beofre the works get carried out..!! )
Yes Im all for a common sense ban….
Like if your pub sold food, allowed kids in ( inwhich i don’t think kids should be allowed into pubs etc either if its for a meal…!!!) then there should be a smoking ban….
but why not have a ‘smoking Bar’ all the staff whom work there must smoke to work there….. wheres’ the harm… atleast your being able to make your own decession wither or not you wish to be there….
I have always smoked since I was 11 yeah sad I know, but I was always smoking my pops’ pipe…. I do have 2 kids… but in my hoose you can either smoke in my room…. or outside…. not near or ontop of my kids…
this is just the goverment Nannying us…