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  • #6782


    There was once long ago a person that went to a stream to gather their water . Now that person carried two water pots each day. One pot was perfect, the other had a crack that allowed water to slowly leak. This went on for two years. The whole time during this the cracked pot felt a failure. The perfect pot full of pride. Finally one day the cracked pot spoke to the person that was the barrier of the pots. “I am so sorry for not doing my job and arriving at your home with only a half full pot of water and did not do as well as the water pot who is perfect. I am ashamed of myself for this and want to tell you I am sorry.” The barrier of the pots replied,” You have served you purpose and have no reason to feel ashamed of you nor feel that you have not done your job. I have known the whole time you were cracked. I planted flowers along your side of the path two years ago after realizing what was happening. Now look as we pass along the path and see the beautiful flowers that bloom there. Because of you, I have beautiful flowers to grace my table and home that brings beauty to it. You see you did serve your purpose and have nothing to be ashamed of.” Moral of the story, each of us have and carry imperfections, and each of serve a perpose in this life. We just might not see how we touch someones life or the good we do. Just something for us to think about.


    There are a lot of “cracked Pots” on here let me tell you.

    and most of them are in PATS cupboard.

    your life will most certainly have been “touched” in more ways than one
    after a night in there.
    :wink: :wink: :wink:



    @forumhostgm wrote:

    There are a lot of “cracked Pots” on here let me tell you.

    and most of them are in PATS cupboard.

    your life will most certainly have been “touched” in more ways than one
    after a night in there.
    :wink: :wink: :wink:

    I,ve just been sat in f1 for over an hour with loads of crackpots GM.maybe they were escapees, from pats cupboard. I think fugs should be shut in there for good lol. :wink: :lol: :lol:


    :- :- :- :- :- :-

    Now look here you two Pats just doesnt allow any aul crackpots in the cupboard only the best crackpots get in there ….

    Psst btw you two your memberships are up for renewal so beware ………….


    @chess wrote:

    :- :- :- :- :- :-

    Now look here you two Pats just doesnt allow any aul crackpots in the cupboard only the best crackpots get in there ….

    Psst btw you two your memberships are up for renewal so beware ………….

    dont renew em chess. crackpots indeed!!!!! [-X

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