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  • #6750


    What is it to be British.

    What does being British mean to you, what is British.

    I mean they say Chicken Korma is our traditional dish these days, but i have to go for cottage/shepherds pie. Fish and chips.

    Then there is the good old English pub with the fire place and all the locals giving you the evil as you walk into there lil corner of paradise.

    Then there is the sport. Britain home of football, cricket and garden bowls :lol: Well we invented them, just cos we aint that good at them no more. It is still our sport.

    Then there is the good old country side,

    What does being British mean to you?


    To me it means ME! I am British and tradition is british. Roast dinners are british football is very british. So much but they are the main ones OH and not forgetting the weather :lol:


    Being British to me is being part of the United Kingdom.. I believe that Scotland Ireland Wales and England are one nation… Sunday dinner of roast beef and yorkshire pudding…holidaying in margate :wink: :P Celebrating the colourful history of the monarchy and being extremely proud of our heritage, our buildings and the unity we ONCE had…… :twisted: :twisted:


    Besides that….weren’t we a really hard bunch of barstuds having conquered most of the world….. those were the days :cry: :? :wink:


    For me, what it means to be British is…………………………………..Damn, wait a minute here.

    I wouldn’t know what it means to be British :roll: . I just wanted to post a reply :twisted:


    Football isn’t British. I think you’ll find it’s Roman. Or possibly even ancient Chinese, as they too had a similar game.

    British is a way of thinking. You can’t be British without British thinking.

    British is being patriotic. That means hating the French. If you don’t hate the French, you’re not British – You’re a traitor!

    Nelson o/


    @smiley wrote:

    Football isn’t British. I think you’ll find it’s Roman. Or possibly even ancient Chinese, as they too had a similar game.

    British is a way of thinking. You can’t be British without British thinking.

    British is being patriotic. That means hating the French. If you don’t hate the French, you’re not British – You’re a traitor!

    Nelson o/

    OK football maybe Roman but as OSS said what does it mean to ME to be british, now i think football is more british now than any other country.


    Good old fish and chips cooked in dripping not gee or oil

    getting up on a sat moring come rain sleet or snow and meeting ya mates at the pup for a few beers before kick off

    Having the freedom of speach (OR SHOULD I SAY USE TO HAVING FREEDOM OF SPEACH)

    A good old English fry up on a sunday morning

    And Voting conserative BRING BACK MAGGIE :twisted: :twisted:

    And just being in ENGLAND :D


    It means i was born in Great Britain. Thats how i know i am British. It says so on my passport.



    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    It means i was born in Great Britain. Thats how i know i am British. It says so on my passport.

    I think it say complete nutter on your Passport Rainy darlin :lol: :lol:

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