Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Questions for male genie & JC posters

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  • #6385

    Yes or No if you please.

    1. Do you think an individual citizen of England should be told by those who run the country, to accept multiculturalism and not to say its wrong for them personally if they dont like it?

    2. Considering the many non elected and non political party neutrals that have appeared on Question Time, would it be fair of the publicly funded BBC, to allow a BNP representive the same opportunity to speak on behalf of the 800,200 people who voted for them in 2004?

    3. Now that we have Scottish and Welsh Assemblies, and the nightmare that means Scottish and Welsh MP’s can vote on English issues but not the other way round, is it time for an English Parliament, so the people of England can govern themselves without UK interference?

    4. Is a 20 year sentence (out in 10 for “good behaviour”) justifiable for murder?

    5. Should you have to go to work to fund a muderers luxury lifestyle in jail?

    6. The EU costs us a loss of £2.5 billion each and every year, time to pull out?

    7. There is a steady rise in unemployment, which now stands at 1.7 million. Should we train our unemployed to do vacant jobs, rather than hire a foreigner?

    8. Would you prefer a more hard working set of government employees to run your country?


    1/ No.
    2/ Yes.
    3/ Yes. (If you support the Welsh and Scottish assemblies).
    4/ No.
    5/ This question contains a personal view and as such cannot be answered.
    6/ Undecided.
    7/ Yes and No, the question contains a “rather than”, which makes it impossible to answer.

    The questions i posed were specific, some of these have included personal views and bias.


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    1/ No.
    2/ Yes.
    3/ Yes. (If you support the Welsh and Scottish assemblies).
    4/ No.
    5/ This question contains a personal view and as such cannot be answered.
    6/ Undecided.
    7/ Yes and No, the question contains a “rather than”, which makes it impossible to answer.

    The questions i posed were specific, some of these have included personal views and bias.

    1. genie, what do you say to those who think yes?
    2. I know, that many thousands have asked for a BNP representative. Should those within the BBC who make panel decisions be sacked because for not allowing one on?
    3. Do you think English (as in the people that live in England) independency will make England a better place to live? :D
    4. What is?
    5. Do you have a close friend/family inside?
    6. Are you infavour of the EU not costing us a yearly loss atleast?
    7. Does it make financial sense to train our unemployed, before seeking a foreign alternative?
    8. Any suggestions of who?


    @emmalush wrote:

    Yes or No if you please.

    1. Do you think an individual citizen of England should be told by those who run the country, to accept multiculturalism and not to say its wrong for them personally if they dont like it?


    2. Considering the many non elected and non political party neutrals that have appeared on Question Time, would it be fair of the publicly funded BBC, to allow a BNP representive the same opportunity to speak on behalf of the 800,200 people who voted for them in 2004?


    3. Now that we have Scottish and Welsh Assemblies, and the nightmare that means Scottish and Welsh MP’s can vote on English issues but not the other way round, is it time for an English Parliament, so the people of England can govern themselves without UK interference?


    4. Is a 20 year sentence (out in 10 for “good behaviour”) justifiable for murder?


    5. Should you have to go to work to fund a muderers luxury lifestyle in jail?


    6. The EU costs us a loss of £2.5 billion each and every year, time to pull out?


    7. There is a steady rise in unemployment, which now stands at 1.7 million. Should we train our unemployed to do vacant jobs, rather than hire a foreigner?


    8. Would you prefer a more hard working set of government employees to run your country



    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    1/ No.
    2/ Yes.
    3/ Yes. (If you support the Welsh and Scottish assemblies).
    4/ No.
    5/ This question contains a personal view and as such cannot be answered.
    6/ Undecided.
    7/ Yes and No, the question contains a “rather than”, which makes it impossible to answer.

    The questions i posed were specific, some of these have included personal views and bias.

    1. genie, what do you say to those who think yes?
    2. I know, that many thousands have asked for a BNP representative. Should those within the BBC who make panel decisions be sacked because for not allowing one on?
    3. Do you think English (as in the people that live in England) independency will make England a better place to live? :D
    4. What is?
    5. Do you have a close friend/family inside?
    6. Are you infavour of the EU not costing us a yearly loss atleast?
    7. Does it make financial sense to train our unemployed, before seeking a foreign alternative?
    8. Any suggestions of who?

    1/ I would defend anyones right to voice their opinions and believe anything they like. I would as a result tell anyone who disagrees with point 1, that it is an individuals right to stand up and voice his/her objections to ANYTHING they are told by “those who run the country”. Anyone disagreeing with that opinion also has the right to voice as such. I am a sincere advocate of freedom of speach including people whose opinions I strongly disagree with.

    2/ Personally, i would relish the oppurtunity to see a BNP representative on “Question Time”, because the apparent flaws in the points they raised would be exposed before the nation. To this end, i would actually call for this to happen. This is not the first instance of elected individuals being refused as such. Bobby Sands MP comes to mind, in fact Gerry Adams et al,was, even in news casts, dubbed and even refused entry into parliament, even though fairly elected. This isn’t new Emma and definately isn’t restricted to the BNP. I can assure you though, that Sinn Fein did not receive 670,000 public funding for a party political broadcast.

    3/ No, it would be much the same but without cultural diversity, therefore it would, in my humble opinion be worse.

    4/ The question can have no answer set in stone, different cases of murder would call for different severity of crime. A father convicted of murdering the rapist of his child should be treated more leniently in my opinion that a man who stabbed a young teenage child at a bus stop for no reason other than he was black. Each case would needed to be judged on its own evidence.

    5/ I wouldn’t answer that to you on here out of self-respect. The reason i could not answer question 5 lay totally on your inclusion of the word “luxury”.

    6/ I have yet to make up my mind regarding the EU, but on common sense i would of course be in favour of anything not causing a loss, but it isn’t that simple.

    7/ I would encourage the training of any unemployed person, but again Emma, you neglect glaringly obvious facts. The foreign alternative is sometimes better than the English equivalent, this of course isn’t always the case, regardless of race, the best person for the job should be hired. To get slightly of track, the best building firm i ever used were Asian, i took them on for the renovations squarely because of their advert in the Yellow Pages which read “You’ve tried the cowboys, now try the Indians”, they did a great job and i would use them again before i would use a previous English firm who arrived late, drank tea like it was English, Increased the quote midway through the job, took 2 weeks longer than estimated and worse.

    8/ I have seen no one in English politics that would fit that description.


    @token_male wrote:

    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. no
    4. no
    5. yes
    6. no
    7. no
    8. yes

    1. why?
    2. Should those within the BBC who make panel decisions be sacked for not allowing one on?
    3. why not?
    4. What is?
    5. why do you wana fund the luxury of criminals?
    6. why is the cost good enough, considering we could spend that money on ourselves, it is ours.
    7. why would you rather fund someone on benefit?
    8. Any suggestions of who?


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    1/ I would defend anyones right to voice their opinions and believe anything they like. I would as a result tell anyone who disagrees with point 1, that it is an individuals right to stand up and voice his/her objections to ANYTHING they are told by “those who run the country”. Anyone disagreeing with that opinion also has the right to voice as such. I am a sincere advocate of freedom of speach including people whose opinions I strongly disagree with.

    2/ Personally, i would relish the oppurtunity to see a BNP representative on “Question Time”, because the apparent flaws in the points they raised would be exposed before the nation. To this end, i would actually call for this to happen. This is not the first instance of elected individuals being refused as such. Bobby Sands MP comes to mind, in fact Gerry Adams et al,was, even in news casts, dubbed and even refused entry into parliament, even though fairly elected. This isn’t new Emma and definately isn’t restricted to the BNP. I can assure you though, that Sinn Fein did not receive 670,000 public funding for a party political broadcast.

    3/ No, it would be much the same but without cultural diversity, therefore it would, in my humble opinion be worse.

    4/ The question can have no answer set in stone, different cases of murder would call for different severity of crime. A father convicted of murdering the rapist of his child should be treated more leniently in my opinion that a man who stabbed a young teenage child at a bus stop for no reason other than he was black. Each case would needed to be judged on its own evidence.

    5/ I wouldn’t answer that to you on here out of self-respect. The reason i could not answer question 5 lay totally on your inclusion of the word “luxury”.

    6/ I have yet to make up my mind regarding the EU, but on common sense i would of course be in favour of anything not causing a loss, but it isn’t that simple.

    7/ I would encourage the training of any unemployed person, but again Emma, you neglect glaringly obvious facts. The foreign alternative is sometimes better than the English equivalent, this of course isn’t always the case, regardless of race, the best person for the job should be hired.

    8/ I have seen no one in English politics that would fit that description.

    1. Is it fair for those who think yes, to point at those who think no, and say they are racists for not embracing multiculturalism?

    2. But, seeing as you’re in favour, should the BBC panel organiser(s) be sacked for not allowing a BNP representative on, especially as the IRA have been on?

    3. So you would want an English Parliament, but with a british government?

    4. Surely murder is murder? Family of victims dont see the logic of any reason, they usually just want justice, so they welcome “20 years”, regardless of why, and are disgusted if its lower.
    If someone was to kill a family member, but had done so because your family member had raped their child, what sentence would you see as right and fitting?

    5. Do prisoners in your opinion, have it too comfortable?

    6. We managed before without any problems, what is the point of belonging to a community that costs us medical help, police on the streets and better schooling etc?

    7. You are avoiding the real issue here, and is typical of multiculturalists. Ask the average man on the street, and i’d bet money they’d say train our unemployed if possible. But because this is BNP policy, you will try spinning out of it.

    8. Who for you is the best?


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    1/ I would defend anyones right to voice their opinions and believe anything they like. I would as a result tell anyone who disagrees with point 1, that it is an individuals right to stand up and voice his/her objections to ANYTHING they are told by “those who run the country”. Anyone disagreeing with that opinion also has the right to voice as such. I am a sincere advocate of freedom of speach including people whose opinions I strongly disagree with.

    2/ Personally, i would relish the oppurtunity to see a BNP representative on “Question Time”, because the apparent flaws in the points they raised would be exposed before the nation. To this end, i would actually call for this to happen. This is not the first instance of elected individuals being refused as such. Bobby Sands MP comes to mind, in fact Gerry Adams et al,was, even in news casts, dubbed and even refused entry into parliament, even though fairly elected. This isn’t new Emma and definately isn’t restricted to the BNP. I can assure you though, that Sinn Fein did not receive 670,000 public funding for a party political broadcast.

    3/ No, it would be much the same but without cultural diversity, therefore it would, in my humble opinion be worse.

    4/ The question can have no answer set in stone, different cases of murder would call for different severity of crime. A father convicted of murdering the rapist of his child should be treated more leniently in my opinion that a man who stabbed a young teenage child at a bus stop for no reason other than he was black. Each case would needed to be judged on its own evidence.

    5/ I wouldn’t answer that to you on here out of self-respect. The reason i could not answer question 5 lay totally on your inclusion of the word “luxury”.

    6/ I have yet to make up my mind regarding the EU, but on common sense i would of course be in favour of anything not causing a loss, but it isn’t that simple.

    7/ I would encourage the training of any unemployed person, but again Emma, you neglect glaringly obvious facts. The foreign alternative is sometimes better than the English equivalent, this of course isn’t always the case, regardless of race, the best person for the job should be hired.

    8/ I have seen no one in English politics that would fit that description.

    1. Is it fair for those who think yes, to point at those who think no, and say they are racists for not embracing multiculturalism?

    2. But, seeing as you’re in favour, should the BBC panel organiser(s) be sacked for not allowing a BNP representative on, especially as the IRA have been on?

    3. So you would want an English Parliament, but with a british government?

    4. Surely murder is murder? Family of victims dont see the logic of any reason, they usually just want justice, so they welcome “20 years”, regardless of why, and are disgusted if its lower.
    If someone was to kill a family member, but had done so because your family member had raped their child, what sentence would you see as right and fitting?

    5. Do prisoners in your opinion, have it too comfortable?

    6. We managed before without any problems, what is the point of belonging to a community that costs us medical help, police on the streets and better schooling etc?

    7. You are avoiding the real issue here, and is typical of multiculturalists. Ask the average man on the street, and i’d bet money they’d say train our unemployed if possible. But because this is BNP policy, you will try spinning out of it.

    8. Who for you is the best?

    1/ Yes it is fair, its their right as it is your right to say you don’t embrace multiculturalism, you can’t advocate freedom of speach in only selected cases. It seems that you want the freedom of speach for a representative of the BNP to appear on TV, but not for anyone who disagrees with you.

    2/ “Sacking” wouldn’t change it, something does need to be done to allow any political party as narrow minded as it may be to air their policies. Maybe a bill in the house of commons.

    3/ I never said i wanted an English Parliament, read the answer again.

    4/ As said, crimes such as murder, merit different punishments, if you believe murder is simply the taking of anothers life and then you go on to advocate the death penalty, by definition that is murder. Premeditation, motive, case evidence etc etc etc would need to be established in any given scenario to answer that question specifically.

    5/ Some, not all, depends on the prison, length of sentence, category of prisoner and the prison they are incarcerated in etc. An “A Cat.” inmate in Parkhurst doesn’t have it as easy as a “C Cat.” juvenile inmate in Feltham. A “C Cat.” inmate has it easier in Ford Open Prison than a “C Cat.” prisoner in “Wandsworth. Sweeping statements like this cannot be answered or even made by a reasoned individual…Kevin Hughes apparently doesn’t find conditions “too comfortable” or is he not being totally honest?

    6/ We still manage as before.

    7/ I actually said that we should train the unemployed, go back and read what i said, don’t bother, i will paste it here for you.
    “I would encourage the training of any unemployed person”.

    8/ As i have stated, i perceive them all, including Blair, Cameron, Griffin et al to be puppets, as such i cannot answer that. Its like asking me which pile of dogs**t i would prefer to step on”.


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    1/ Yes it is fair, its their right as it is your right to say you don’t embrace multiculturalism

    2/ “Sacking” wouldn’t change it, something does need to be done to allow any political party as narrow minded as it may be to air their policies. Maybe a bill in the house of commons.

    3/ I never said i wanted an English Parliament, read the answer again.

    4/ As said, crimes such as murder, merit different punishments, if you believe murder is simply the taking of anothers life and then you go on to advocate the death penalty, by definition that is murder. Premeditation, motive, case evidence etc etc etc would need to be established in any given scenario to answer that question specifically.

    5/ Some

    6/ We still manage as before.

    7/ I actually said that we should train the unemployed, go back and read what i said, don’t bother, i will paste it here for you.
    “I would encourage the training of any unemployed person”.

    8/ As i have stated, i perceive them all, including Blair, Cameron, Griffin et al to be puppets, as such i cannot answer that. Its like asking me which pile of dogs**t i would prefer to step on”.

    1. No i asked you if it was fair for the multiculturalists to point the “racist” finger at me for not liking multiculturalism?

    2. The BBC clearly has a group of people dedicated to attacking the BNP. Sure this publicly funded company should be held account for not listening to the wishes of their employers (us)? It took the BBc years to finally put up a website link to the BNP homepage, giving in after mass email complaints.

    3. You wouldn’t mind a EP with a british gov?

    4. Earlier, you had no problem saying less time for the murder of a rapist, but when its someone close to you, there’s specifics…

    5. How enraged do you feel that your hard worked taxes are being spent on criminals to make some of their lives too comfortable?

    6. EH? Wouldn’t you prefer to have more foreign nurses, bobbies on the beat etc and how we coped before EU membership, than wasting the billions we do on it now?

    7. So you agree with some BNP policy, interesting.

    8. What would a party have to do to get your vote?


    Minimum tariff for Murder is 12 years (before parole)

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