@fizz wrote:
Hi :D
What are your views on the new Microsoft Operating System Vista in a Technical context ?
My self i will wait until Vista SP 1 as bugs may arise as with XP then conceder it, Fizz :D
I ran RC1 and crashed it after 20 mins, but hey it was RC1, I then went over to RC2, I had all the basic requirements in my AMD
As for waiting for SP1 that sounds sensible, I did the same with XP, you’ll find some interesting comments at
I must admit though the ‘sexy’ new desktop looks cool and the graphics should be bug free by the time I build my ‘entrainment’ system, what’s putting me off though is the cost, tut at you MS
Oh, I came across a hacked version, they’ve done it already…………..of all places, ’emule’