Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Two Green Party MSP’s accept peadophile pervert award
23 January, 2007 at 10:58 pm #6104
From the BNP website:
“Two elected Members of the Scottish Parliament have accepted awards commemorating a “gay rights” activist who fought to legalise paedophilia in recognition of their work on behalf of the homosexual lobby north of the border.
Green MSP Patrick Harvie, a self-confessed bisexual and former professional gay sex health advisor, and Liberal Democrat Margaret Smith, a lesbian, have both received the Ian Dunn Memorial Award for Activism.
Pervert Dunn, who died in 1998 of a suspected heart attack, was a leading gay rights activist and Labour Party campaigner with a very unsavoury past. In 1974, he co-founded, with Michael Hanson, an organisation which promoted the legalisation of sexual relations between adults and children. The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) became the leading contact group for perverted adults campaigning for the right to have sex with children.
Both MSPs claimed they were ignorant of Dunn’s connection with the child-sex movement, but neither would say if they planned to return their awards.
Mr. Harvie stressed that he had campaigned against child abuse. He added: ‘I completely condemn any stance which could be seen to excuse acts of child abuse, and I would be happy to see the organisers consider whether this award should be renamed.’
Mrs. Smith also said she had not known about Dunn’s past, but she stopped short of confirming whether she would return her award.
Ruth Black, of Pride Scotia, admitted organisers had not properly investigated Dunn’s history and would now consider re-naming the award. She added: ‘Anything that sexualises the gay community in this way is unhelpful.'”
I find it very hard to believe that two gay political activists didnt realise Ian Dunn’s peadophile longings of sexual desire with children.
The amazing thing is, that this story has not been reported by anyone. I have done an extensive web news search, and found nothing other than this BNP report.
Atleast the award organisers have seen sense and are considering renaming it, shame elected politicians of the liberal extremist Green Party Scottish MP’s didnt feel in a similar way.
23 January, 2007 at 11:52 pm #257536That’s the liberals for ya, Emma.
Sick b*stards. Hang the f*cking lot of the paedo-loving c*nts!
26 January, 2007 at 12:19 pm #257537thats why i dont vote can never trust a politician
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