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13 January, 2007 at 2:24 am #6017
Has an employer I have seen a lot of silly govs making silly rules for school leavers.
When I left school back in the 80’s we had the YTS program, so I only working for £27.50 per week until I was 18.
I was not happy about it.
These days I have to pay our trainees around £190 per week for 30 hours at 16 years old.
They’re not happy about it.
But now the gov is saying that from 2013 everyone must stay in school or training until their 18 years old.
Bu I don’t see any point in this.
First not everyone benefits from an academic education.
Second the people they’re trying to reach probably don’t stay in school now past 15 years old.
Why does the gov think that all children should be forced into a longer education?
If they interested in being a doctor or a teacher, they can stay on now and do their GCSE with out the need for a new law.
But if your not and would like to try something more practical our current system allows you to change at 16. This has work well for many years.
Its looks like that will end in 2013.
Most kids will feel pressured into staying on till 18 without any real benefit to them.
I can see that there will come a time when people will be “written off “ at 18 due to the fact there “high school drop outs”.
Our system has work for a long time and produces adults, unlike the America system.
Why end it?
13 January, 2007 at 2:47 am #256172There was no discipline when I went to college in 1990 after leaving school. If there was I would have stayed. I was lead down the road of illegal substances and staying out all night as a much more attractive option than getting up in the morning for college.
I am in agreement if it keeps the sh.itty little tykes from my town off the streets as long as its not just another description of “6th form” in which case, wheres the difference?
I lost enough brain cells, I want to preserve (as much as it is in my power) my boys.
13 January, 2007 at 9:48 am #256173kids up in scotland are being paid to attended school after their 16..!
what this country needs badly again is bringing back a form of National Service for 16-18 yr olds..
13 January, 2007 at 11:00 am #256174I presume that you’re referring to Scotland Mary when you say ”…this country”.
13 January, 2007 at 1:53 pm #256175I do know that in England they paid some kids about £30 per week to stay at school past 16 years old.
But £30 per week is not much when you can get about 4 times has much to work at a Tescos.
The point is that when we leave school we all have to make new friends and move on.
We all know that at school there was some teachers who just “wrote us off” because of where we lived or who just didnt care.
I feel that if we force all kids to stay in school longer it will just cause more social problems.
On a Friday morning out trainees will be full of bs after spending the day at college with other young lads.
After all, if you only have school in the morning, you can party and miss a day.
If you have work and you don’t turn-up, your sacked.
If you work with adults, you become a adult, you work with kids, you become a kid.
Has i think back to all those I left school with, the ones got jobs at 16 are doing better, seem happier and still working.
The ones who went to six form are not, they all seem unhappy that there working in jobs they hate.
Plumbing is hard work and not much fun, but its always paid the bills.
There always something new to learn.
It now seems “trades” are now for immigrants and all of our kids are going to become “mangers”
And we all know that our kids are not that smart.
13 January, 2007 at 5:46 pm #256176@forumhostpb wrote:
I presume that you’re referring to Scotland Mary when you say ”…this country”.
No no no. She means my country.
Great BriTTain.
Rule BriTTania o/
But I agree. Bring back national service!
13 January, 2007 at 6:28 pm #256177I also agree that some form of national service would be better than forcing kids to stay on in school – but not the army, no one should be expected to kill another human being unless their own country is at risk.
Jamaica has a form of national service where kids have to do work in the community with army style discipline. If they don’t do it there is no benefits and they are barred from entering certain jobs.
You can bet that there will not be much resources given to the schools to deal with kids who don’t want to be there. If they can’t cope with 13 and 14 year old brats how are they going to cope when they are older?
There will always be a minority of kids who will not thrive or get anything from a school/college environment and would be better off in the real world. For these kids national service would be fantastic. But lets face it, this is too sensible a solution for this laughable labour government.
13 January, 2007 at 10:24 pm #256178Isn’t it a case of our wonderful government juggling with figures again. :roll:
If they make it compulsory for kids to stay on at school until they’re 18, never mind that they can’t make a lot of them stay in school now when they’re 13/14 etc., It’ll make the dole figures look good tho won’t it. I wonder how long it’ll be after this comes in play before the government are crowing that once again, they’ve lowered the unemployment figures :roll: :roll:
14 January, 2007 at 10:32 am #256179@forumhostpb wrote:
I presume that you’re referring to Scotland Mary when you say ”…this country”.
Sorry Sir.. I could of started world war 4 with my statement… I mean’t…
Our Country… as in Great Britain… the whole of the UK… what a wonderfull idea bring back National Service…
Caz… id have them training in all aspects of National Service ie the Army, Navy and RAF… did I miss any…?? but not sending them out to any postings in war torn areas… they can be like the supporting roles whilest the ‘real army’ out serving there.
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