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    Yes its that time again folks when Bat gets on her high horse about meany teachers.My daughter came home from shcool yesterday and told me that she had to wait half an hour during a lesson before she could go to the loo. Apparantly the loos are locked between lessons. They are open at the start of the day, breaktime, lunchtime and home time. So if you need to go to the loos inbetween those times, tough luck. She nearly wet herself. So the old Bat, (me) sent off an e-mail to Mr headmaster this morning complaining about that. I also pointed out that I,m sure the teachers dont have to wait when they want to go so why do the kids have too? The ides is that if you need to go you should do so before the lesson starts, but what if you dont want to go then but during the lesson? You can hardly dictate to your bladder the times it,s allowed to empty itself can you? FFS… and another thing I whinged about.( oh yes I was on a roll by now) :twisted: She had this dozy mare of an english teacher who lost her excersise book. My daughter was supposed to pay for a replacement. Oh no she didnt I said, the teacher lost it the teacher can replace it, so she did. The point is, that although she now has a new english book, all the work she,d done previously has been lost because of the dozy sow of a teacher who cant even look after a book. It had her name and form on it fgs. Bloody teachers!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: (waits for PB) :wink: :lol:


    Ever thought the School may have to operate restrictive toilet times to reduce their usage for drugs. As for the Teacher misplacing an exercise book I wonder how many times the teacher has had students use that excuse.
    Teachers are there to teach our kids instead of us doing it and deserve as much support as we can give them, not to be criticised at every opportunity. I think that a contract should be entered into when a child starts school giving the staff the rights for a disciplinary procedure at least everyone would know what the ground rules were from the start in much the same way as I did when I was at school it was easy then if you played up you got the cane. If you cheaked a Teacher you got the cane, fought, smoked, stole etc. you got the cane.
    There were 1400 kids in my comp. number of kids who got the cane? doubt whether there were four a year. Ask them whether they deserves it and their answer would be yes. Ask them whether they would have been punished at home if there parents found out? answer: yes.
    Those who wish to not to be bound by theses rules could take their kids elsewhere where their progress would be less disrupted to the rest of us.
    Where else do you employ someone and then restrict their ability to operate with petty restrictions? Allow the school governers to govern if you don’t like the way they run the school take an active part and change the rules. If you’re not prepared to help you should shut and put up and leave them to it.


    my daughter is at primary school, and since the school has had to share itself with another close whiched closed for pupils with behaviour problems. the children are not allowed to go to the toilets during class time. because some children where flooding the toilets. Now my concern was more on why children under the age of 11 would be flooding toilets..??

    now children holding in the need for the toilet does more damage to their bladders.

    its a sad sad day, i can’t get my head round children as young as this behaving badly.

    what has now happen as many parents did complain about the fact the kids couldnt use the toilets if they needed. Its now if a child does need to go, another child has to go with them.

    Bat ive said to my lass well even if you don’t need to go just go have a try, but if you do need to go during class, well go but don’t dilly dally..!!



    @langstraat wrote:

    Ever thought the School may have to operate restrictive toilet times to reduce their usage for drugs. As for the Teacher misplacing an exercise book I wonder how many times the teacher has had students use that excuse.
    Teachers are there to teach our kids instead of us doing it and deserve as much support as we can give them, not to be criticised at every opportunity. I think that a contract should be entered into when a child starts school giving the staff the rights for a disciplinary procedure at least everyone would know what the ground rules were from the start in much the same way as I did when I was at school it was easy then if you played up you got the cane. If you cheaked a Teacher you got the cane, fought, smoked, stole etc. you got the cane.
    There were 1400 kids in my comp. number of kids who got the cane? doubt whether there were four a year. Ask them whether they deserves it and their answer would be yes. Ask them whether they would have been punished at home if there parents found out? answer: yes.
    Those who wish to not to be bound by theses rules could take their kids elsewhere where their progress would be less disrupted to the rest of us.
    Where else do you employ someone and then restrict their ability to operate with petty restrictions? Allow the school governers to govern if you don’t like the way they run the school take an active part and change the rules. If you’re not prepared to help you should shut and put up and leave them to it.

    Langstraat I,m not on about kids taking drugs or punishments for kids, I,m on about being allowed the basic human right to go for a bloody pee when you need to. The kids would hardly be in the bogs taking drugs if they are in lessons would they? And no I wont bloody shut up either. If my 12 year old daughter had wet herself because of that I,d have gone bloody ballistic. And re the book yes I,m sure kids have made that excuse up but this time it wasnt the case. She handed her homework in to the teacher and the teacher lost it, along with all her hard work. I dont expect you to give a shit about that but I do. I,m afraid I find the idea of loos being locked and kids not being allowed the basic right to go for a pee in lesson time draconian to say the least, and if I want to moan about it, I,ll bloody moan about it.



    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    my daughter is at primary school, and since the school has had to share itself with another close whiched closed for pupils with behaviour problems. the children are not allowed to go to the toilets during class time. because some children where flooding the toilets. Now my concern was more on why children under the age of 11 would be flooding toilets..??

    now children holding in the need for the toilet does more damage to their bladders.

    its a sad sad day, i can’t get my head round children as young as this behaving badly.

    what has now happen as many parents did complain about the fact the kids couldnt use the toilets if they needed. Its now if a child does need to go, another child has to go with them.

    Bat ive said to my lass well even if you don’t need to go just go have a try, but if you do need to go during class, well go but don’t dilly dally..!!

    Thats the whole point Mary, she wasnt allowed to go in class time. She had to sit there for half an hour, desperate. As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:


    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?


    at my grandsons school each classroom has there own toilet outside the door. they are kept locked but if a child needs to go they go with the class teacher. at parents evening last week kels teacher had a laptop with all his work this year on it. we went thro various subjects that he needed help on. dunno if other schools do this but if kel loses a book is work is on computer anyway.



    @catz wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?

    Cas, shes, 12 years old and she was desperate for a wee. She had to wait half an hour before the teacher would let her go. Have you ever tried to hold on when your desperate? It HURTS. Its, not a question of “at her age she should be able to control it” How is she supposed to control it then..shove a cork in it? And as for the book, it,s the teachers JOB to look after their pupils books not loose them Supposing it had been an important bit of course work for her GCSE,S? All her hard work would have been for nothing. I,m damn glad you arnt a teacher at my daughters school.


    @bat wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?

    Cas, shes, 12 years old and she was desperate for a wee. She had to wait half an hour before the teacher would let her go. Have you ever tried to hold on when your desperate? It HURTS. Its, not a question of “at her age she should be able to control it” ffs. And as for the book, it,s the teachers JOB to look after their pupils books not loose them Supposing it had been an important bit of course work for her GCSE,S? All her hard work would have been for nothing. I,m damn glad you arnt a teacher at my daughters school.

    Actually you shouldnt hold it in. It can cause damage and i do think making a child hold her/his wee is awful! For me to hold my wee it kills and it feels like torture so to me its like child abuse!!!!!



    @becky wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?

    Cas, shes, 12 years old and she was desperate for a wee. She had to wait half an hour before the teacher would let her go. Have you ever tried to hold on when your desperate? It HURTS. Its, not a question of “at her age she should be able to control it” ffs. And as for the book, it,s the teachers JOB to look after their pupils books not loose them Supposing it had been an important bit of course work for her GCSE,S? All her hard work would have been for nothing. I,m damn glad you arnt a teacher at my daughters school.

    Actually you shouldnt hold it in. It can cause damage and i do think making a child hold her/his wee is awful! For me to hold my wee it kills and it feels like torture so to me its like child abuse!!!!!

    Thank you Becky. I,ve just found out actually as shes just got home from school, it was an HOUR she had to wait. :evil:

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