Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Dhiren Barot 40 years minimum, fair sentence or not…

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    Dhiren Barot a man decribe as an international terrorist gets 40 years minimum in prison for planning several terrorist attacks in Britain and the USA. The evidence that convicted him was hundreds of computer files that had been deleted or still on his computer that gave detailed descriptions of how to make various bombs including a dirty bomb that he planned to detonate in the UK. There were also video tapes that he had recorded and tried to conceal of New York and various areas including Broad Street, Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange. He also admitted and pleaded guilty to these charges against him. So quite a strong case against him, and he rightly needed to be taken off the streets for our protection. But is 40 years minimum a fair sentence to be given. Consider these other facts, the police never found any evidence what so ever of him even planning these terror plots. They never found any evidence that he tried to find any materials, from chemicals to make these bombs, to using the vehicles to plant the bombs. They spent over a year trying to find actual evidence that he was actually planning to make these bombs and detonate them, which they never did. They also spent as much time looking for any accomplices that might also be invloved in his planned attacks. They again never found any evidence that he had contacted or was working with any one else. So what he was convicted on was the fact that he had 100’s of files on his computer showing how to make bombs and that he had made a video tape of New York and his own confession. But 40 years for that and only that. It is so rare that anybody these days gets 40 years no matter what they have done. So many murderes and rapist who get a 12 year life sentence which means they can be out in 6 years if given parole, and out in 12 years no matter what happens. Somehow to me this sentence does not sound fair. Someone can change hugely in just 10 years, and putting this mentally unstable man in prison for 40 years for having computer files and a video tape of New York just seems harsh. If this man was white and a Christian he would be sectioned under the mental health act for a month or two if he even got that. Why has this man been sentenced to 40 years for getting information off the internet and making a video tape of New York. There is no argument that he wanted to carry out these attacks, but he never ever looked to buy or enquire about any materials and there is no evidence that he was working with someone. It was all in his head, he is mentaly unwell. 40 years seem to much of a sentence. 10 years yes maybe, that would give him time to get the help he requires and try and put his life back on track. A pedophile who downloads all the evil files they wanted would only get 3 or 4 years sentence and be out in 18 months or 2 years and personally that crime is far more servere than that of a deluded man who had this plan that he would never have been able to carry out by himself. He is 35 years old now and will not be eligable for parole until he is 75 years old. You might as well call it a real life sentence. What are your thoughts on his sentence, and my views on this. I do not mind critism, that is what makes this board so interesting, to hear other peoples views on things. Fire away.


    Considering that he confessed and that he plead guilty and considering what he was planning to do, I think 40 years is a fair sentence.


    His sentence was too light, he should be shot, but he got a worse sentence than that evil fuk who murdered the soham girls :roll:

    Me thinks he got 40 years to gain votes for bush, cynical? ner, a realist. Him and sadam get sentenced just days before the election…

    Its easy peasy fooling the general public.


    Interesting theory … but it didn’t work though did it???



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Interesting theory … but it didn’t work though did it???

    It didn’t make any difference PB no, but i’m afraid on this one I do agree with Emma!!!!! wow!!!! :lol:

    It’s all about votes isn’t it, and who can look best, so really yea, i’d agree. Also it does sicken me to my stomach, that someone like this gets 40 years, while Ian Huntley relaxes in his ‘special’ cell. I bet he sleeps soundly at night too, which is more than can be said for the parents of Holly and Jessica. :evil:


    He was plotting to use radioactive bombs to spread terror on both sides of the Atlantic. 40 years is a very fair sentence and it’s judges who pass sentences not politicians.


    Can anyone tell me what use either of this evil pair are to us in our society?

    Huntley wont be ever able to get a job, because no one would trust him, no one would want such evil working with them, bad for business, so he’ll get a “new life”, changed appearence, which will cost us more of OUR money, that should be spent on US.

    The evil terrorist will have to leave the country, and so for the next 40 years, he will cost us atleast £36,000 a year.

    So why dont we just kill execute them, im sick and tired of going to work and paying for their lodgings.

    Im telling ya, people are getting fed up of this namby pamby bleeding heart liberal approach. If voting someone else doesnt work, they’ll take to the streets, or it will get so bad, people wont wana walk the streets, a closed society, which would suit this government.


    The reason why we shouldn’t execute people is because the courts make mistakes. Think of the number of innocent people who have been convicted of murder and then subsequently released following a successful appeal. It shows that the court system can’t be relied upon to get it right every single time. You can’t correct your mistake if you execute an innocent man/woman.

    If you’re opposed to paying for the upkeep of criminals then I presume you’ll be advocating the execution of nick griffin and mark collett once they are convicted. What good have they done for society? Griffin already has a criminal record. Looks like he’s aiming to become one of those career criminals. The bill for the upkeep of prisoners would probably be a lot lower if all your friends in the BNP stopped their criminality.

    On the subject of paying taxes, why do your BNP councillors dodge their council tax? Is there no end to their fraudulent and criminal behaviour?


    It is a fair point that the courts get it wrong. Some people have been released ten, fifteen years after they’ve served their time, and it would be tragic if they recieved the death sentence, but im not advocating they die, im saying those like huntley and the evil fuk who got 40 years, we know beyond a shadow of any doubt they are guilty should die.

    The ONLY way mark and nick could be found guilty is if the CPS and new labour sting things. There is a law against inciting racial hatred, it means that if theres evidence that it was caused, then the law was broken, which they didn’t do, so its impossible they will be sentenced, even you know that. Its just a stunt to dent the BNP’s image, but it has backfired, the BNP has grown with the publicity.

    My othapedic NHS manager friend who is a liberal, says we should bring back the “matron”, WISHES we locked up criminals more, she believes we should train the unemployed before allowing a foreigner to do the jobs first, thats exactly what the BNP want. You see, it just goes to show you the pathetic myth that the BNP are hidiously “far right extremist thugs in suits”, liberals agree with some of their policy.

    Have you read the BNP manifesto? Someone go there and read some of it, then come back and tell us what you think?



    I think we have to face the fact that the death sentence will never return to this country. Surely though, something more substantial needs to be done to stop these kind of people. Giving them a ”Life” sentence, and then saying that they’d be eligible for parole in ‘x’ amount of years is a complete farce, why say life if they don’t mean life. :roll:

    On the news this morning, the schoolboy murderer, the courts have said that he’ll be eligible for parole in 12 years time, it’ll still only make him 28 if he’s released then. The atrocious things he carried out on that child were cold and calculated, so we’ll all feel safe will we in 12 years when he’s released, I think not!!!

    The three muslim men, accused and convicted of killing a 16 year old, stabbing him 30 times, setting him alight, the boy was still alive and managed to get himself into a canal and put out the flames, he still later died…………..the ringleader had a string of convictions that’d make your hair curl!! he was, at the time, out on license!! The judge has said, again, that he’ll serve a minimum of 25 years!! I can’t find a link on this one, maybe someone else can. I have to say that I do begrudge my hard earned taxes, keeping this kind of evil scum, because that’s exactly what they are, evil!!!

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