Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › from USA … bad leadership here
16 July, 2006 at 5:06 am #4660
hi, I am from Portland Oregon USA and most of the people I know (most of this city for that matter, feel that GB has taken our country into an unnecessary war for the profit of major corporations…KBR, Haliburton, etc. I was wondering what the views of most of you are about this and how you feel about the average American. How much news do you get about the protests here and how many Americans are absolutely opposed to this situation?
Paula from Portland :?16 July, 2006 at 10:59 am #230750Hi Yankee Wifey, welcome to JC. There’s no-one up in UK yet so I will answer…
I presume GB means George Bush and not Great Britain – we just use the surname when we talk about that twonk in the Whitehouse.
I don’t think Bush did it for the benefit of major corporations – I think he did it to secure the future supply of oil assets generally and because he needed to find a soft target after 9/11 (he knew the strengths of the Iraqi military and he knew the land). Think how many more US/UK lives would have been lost had he tried to fight any of the other countries in that region. Not that he did it for the RIGHT reasons, of course, just he thought if he HAD to fight a middle-eastern country after 9/11 then Iraq would be the easiest. I can’t remember but I assume the polls at the time were very much in favour of action against Iraq.
I think Americans generally are gullible and ignorant of world history. Things will be changing because of the availibility of news on the Internet/CNN etc but the fact remains most of its people don’t own a passport, haven’t even left their own state and, quite frankly, have no interest in what goes on outside their shores. Watch your national or regional evening news programmes and, current Iraq/Israeli events aside, how much time is given over to foreign news. Normally zilch.
There will always be exceptions who actually care about America’s image (like you perhaps) and, given the population size, I am sure that millions of Americans have a very deep understanding of world events but the majority don’t. We get quite a bit of the US news over here, albeit mainly business and politics. I dare say not many of us are too interested in general news stories from USA but most of us will have a view on your political issues.
Just as Germans are a nation of sausage-munching, beer-swilling oafs, Frenchies are garlic-breathed, double-crossing b@stards and British are tea-drinking, terribly polite shopowners, Americans will often be viewed as fat, arrogant, greedy, badly-educated bullies. The difficulty you have is that the entire Rest-of-the-World thinks of you in these (or worse) terms. It’s going to take a bit of persuasion to change people’s minds and we aren’t going to live to see it, that’s for sure – it’s embedded in your culture.
Anyway, Happy Days! I am sure your participation in a variety of thread topics will enhance the quality of discussions. Stay away from any BNP discussions and you’ll be fine. :wink:
16 July, 2006 at 8:36 pm #230751I think Blair got caught out because in the lead up to the Iraq invasion, UN approval came very close at one stage and an international coalition was being put together. Blair was going round to chivvy support. So when the UN approval failed and several key countries dropped out Blair was left with nowhere to go – he’d nailed his colours to the GWB mast.
Had there been UN approval for the Iraq invasion, making the war ‘legal’, it would have made no difference to the current situation – there would still be the suicide bombings and other attacks etc. Al Qaeda considers itself to be at war with the UN anyway.
It must not be forgotten that President Kennedy took the USA and the rest of the world closer to a nuclear holocaust than any other president, during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Yet now he’s remembered as some kind of tragic saint. Another Democrat, Lindon Johnson, took the USA into the Vietnam war. Clinton sent B52’s to bomb Belgrade in former Yugoslavia, killing many civilians. Is Bush that much worse than this lot? If so, why?
17 July, 2006 at 8:44 pm #230752It must be hard being opposed to the Iraq war in the USA. I remember that mother who protested about it after her son died in the war and the way that the pro-war people demonized her. We do get reports about anti-war people in the US but they seem to be heavily outnumbered by pro-war people. I’ve talked to american anti-war and pro-war people and I can sympathize with the frustration of the anti-war movement. Often it’s like talking to a brick wall.
I totally agree that the war was unnecessary, it had nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with wmd and everything to do with the machiavellian schemes of the hawks in Washington. A lot of companies are profiting from the war and there is a lot of money to be made from the future development of Iraqi oilfields.
I think the main problem with the american public is that the news channels don’t always give them the full story and so those channels are sometimes reduced to vehicles of propaganda for the US government. That’s why so many people were misled over Iraq because the American media wasn’t giving them the full story.
18 July, 2006 at 1:02 am #230753@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
I totally agree that the war was unnecessary, it had nothing to do with terrorism…
It was a (bogus) reaction to 9/11 and as such, had everything to do with terrorism.
Do you honestly believe that after 9/11 the US was supposed to do nothing? :roll:18 July, 2006 at 8:02 pm #230754It attacked Afghanistan after 9/11, but I agree that the terrorism argument regarding Iraq was bogus.
Personally, I’ve had enough of Tony Blair. He’s now nothing more than America’s errand-boy. There was a time when UK foreign policy was independent of US foreign policy but now everything Blair says with regard to the Middle-East sounds like American rhetoric. We’ve finally become the 51st state and Blair is nothing more than America’s b1tch.
Britain used to have some credibility in the Middle-East but thanks to Blair Britain is viewed as America’s flunkey.
18 July, 2006 at 10:07 pm #230755@paulalee wrote:
hi, I am from Portland Oregon USA and most of the people I know (most of this city for that matter, feel that GB has taken our country into an unnecessary war for the profit of major corporations…KBR, Haliburton, etc. I was wondering what the views of most of you are about this and how you feel about the average American. How much news do you get about the protests here and how many Americans are absolutely opposed to this situation?
Paula from Portland :?
Nope – Not opposed to what’s going on in Iraq and I am a GB and Troop Supporter. And honestly, why ask what people think of the average American? We’re all different just as the Europeans are. People should be judged on an individual basis. I’ve not made many friends on the Current Affairs boards, not because I am American (or maybe it is :lol: :roll: ), but because of the views I hold. I’d rather be judged on that and take the criticism with a grain of salt. Obviously you and I are different in our political views and because of this, people will have a different opinion of you than they do me. You’re probably going to be better liked on the Current Affairs Board that I am. :lol: But, more power to you hun. Happy Posting. :wink:20 July, 2006 at 11:37 am #230756It has to be noted though that Bush seems completely clueless about the entire mideast. He told the world that by invading iraq he would make the region an oasis of freedom and democracy but instead we see Iraq in flames, the west bank in flames, gaza in flames, lebanon in flames, Israel in flames. The region is approaching critical mass and that moron Bush is leading the world into the abyss. What did the world ever do to deserve George Bush?
20 July, 2006 at 2:09 pm #230757@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
What did the world ever do to deserve George Bush?
Well Mr. Bigstuff – I don’t know about the world, but I don’t agree with letting terrorism flourish and turning your head so you “pretend” it’s not there and thriving. Something had to be done and it has. War is awful and nobody wants to see innocent people’s lives being destroyed. But, like I’ve said in previous posts, it’s not forever and in the end I’m certain we made the right decision going in.20 July, 2006 at 3:37 pm #230758Yeah.
Was the invasion of Iraq any less illegal than the invasion of Poland by the Nazi’s during WW2?
A load of propoganda and scaremongering about Weapons of Mass Destruction and Iraq’s involvement with Al Queda. Both turned out to be untrue. -
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