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27 May, 2006 at 4:23 pm #4163
This article was published in today’s Daily Mail. It highlights the menace of nazism that still exists in Germany and serves as a warning to potential visitors to Germany ahead of the World Cup.
You’ll notice that the NPD party (a neo-nazi party led by the son of an SA officer) is mentioned in the article. The BNP is on very good terms with the NPD. Griffin and other BNP figures have attended NPD rallies in Germany and NPD members have attended BNP meetings in the UK. When the German government tried to ban the NPD, the BNP held a protest outside the German Embassy in solidarity with their neo-nazi bretheren. If you ever doubted the nazi credentials of the far-right then this article will open your eyes. What would the BNP be doing associating itself with German nazis if it wasn’t a neo-nazi party itself?
27 May, 2006 at 5:50 pm #221192@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
You’ll notice that the NPD party (a neo-nazi party led by the son of an SA officer) is mentioned in the article. The BNP is on very good terms with the NPD. Griffin and other BNP figures have attended NPD rallies in Germany and NPD members have attended BNP meetings in the UK. When the German government tried to ban the NPD, the BNP held a protest outside the German Embassy in solidarity with their neo-nazi bretheren. If you ever doubted the nazi credentials of the far-right then this article will open your eyes. What would the BNP be doing associating itself with German nazis if it wasn’t a neo-nazi party itself?
Nazi means: 1 historical a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. 2 derogatory a person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
So before we go any further, we should point out, that we are all nazis, so lets not pretend that being a nazi is the most evil thing imaginable.
That kind of shoots down the high-horse approach created by our friend mr bigstuff.
There is no proof of the bnp adopting the kind of behaviour spouted by mr bigstuff and the daily mail (wanting to be seeN as “nice” article)
The bnp DO NOT MARCH, they knock your door, they speak to you face to face, they let a wider audience know what they think over the net, and through their FREEDOM newspaper.
They DO NOT have the time, energy or money to waste running down streets shouting and screaming like football hooligans.
In europe, there is a mass immigration policy taking shape. You know what i mean, you see it in England yourselves. As in England, france, italy, germany and america, those who seek the prosperity of our homelands for the indigenous populations are those like the bnp, le pens front national and david duke in america
I guarentee, you have NOT seen the last of this kind of “journalism”. “Nice” journalists will make you think that everyone else is bad, except them.
27 May, 2006 at 6:20 pm #221193whilst in no way agreeing with a lot of Emma’s views – Although I do feel a little sorry for her fighting a lone battle against the resident Eggheads (you know who you are)
Mr Bigmouth twists everything around to suit his argument at the time
Now he is after the Nazis – what was there crime – don’t tell me they were anti-sementic
Yet now in other posts he is totally anti jewish for standing up for themselves
It’s a bloody big fence that the Eggheads sit on !!!!!!!!!!!!
27 May, 2006 at 7:35 pm #221194What was the crime of the Nazis? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Typical bo//ocks from Mr Drivel. As for Emma’s “we are all Nazis comment” we all need to pray for the mental health of this poor demented woman. She even mentions David Duke (former head of the KKK) to support her “argument” that far-right groups only support the rights of indigenous populations. So this must mean that the KKK is made up of native americans then.
Emma also says there’s no proof that the BNP have any links to the NPD even though it’s been widely reported that in summer 2002 Griffin was in Germany with other neo-nazis from around the world at an NPD rally. David Duke was at the rally too. Griffin planned to speak at another neo-nazi rally in German in 2005 with a former member of the waffen-SS but he pulled out at the last moment.
The article shows the true face of the far-right and the problem is particularly bad in former communist countries. Amnesty International have said that racist attacks in Russia are now out of control. Going back to the article, how the hell did Germany get awarded the World Cup when the country isn’t safe for visiting fans?
30 May, 2006 at 1:57 pm #221195@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
As for Emma’s “we are all Nazis comment” we all need to pray for the mental health of this poor demented woman.
Nazi means: 1 historical a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. 2 derogatory a person with extreme racist or authoritarian views.
Im praying for you as i write :wink:You know, there once was a argument that the left thought was unquestionable, but im exposing it with explanations of words like nazi. To watch you lot squirm eating your own hatred is so funny, you nazi.
She even mentions David Duke (former head of the KKK) to support her “argument” that far-right groups only support the rights of indigenous populations. So this must mean that the KKK is made up of native americans then.
Where do the white americans come from, indigenously that is?
Emma also says there’s no proof that the BNP have any links to the NPD even though it’s been widely reported that in summer 2002 Griffin was in Germany with other neo-nazis from around the world at an NPD rally.
I never said that you liar. They associatte themselves with poplitical ideology of those like them around the world, probably because they need to stick together.
The article shows the true face of the far-right and the problem is particularly bad in former communist countries. Amnesty International have said that racist attacks in Russia are now out of control. Going back to the article, how the hell did Germany get awarded the World Cup when the country isn’t safe for visiting fans?
Probably because amnesty international are a bunch of bed wetting namby pambies?
Who’s fault is it when governments force multicultures upon eachother without asking the local indigenous population, then humanity shows why multicultures dont always get on, and violence breaks out.
Then the authority blame the people :roll: Do you think for yourself, or is your arm chair too comfortable?30 May, 2006 at 2:01 pm #221196@emmalush wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
She even mentions David Duke (former head of the KKK) to support her “argument” that far-right groups only support the rights of indigenous populations. So this must mean that the KKK is made up of native americans then.
Where do the white americans come from, indigenously that is?
White americans are the descendants of immirgants and colonists- Spanish, Irish, English etc
White americans are indigenous to America because they were born there , just like indigenous black and Asians Britons who were born here are indigenous to this country- funny old world innit
30 May, 2006 at 2:24 pm #221197@slayer wrote:
White americans are the descendants of immirgants and colonists- Spanish, Irish, English etc
White americans are indigenous to America because they were born there , just like indigenous black and Asians Britons who were born here are indigenous to this country- funny old world innit
Also means that someone could be indigenous to more than one country. We are decendants to the whole planetary countries of earth.
When the BNP or david duke, or blair for that matter, talk about indigenous peoples, they refer to the indigenous peoples like them. The indigenous people who believe in what we stand for…
30 May, 2006 at 5:23 pm #221198Why do you bother, Emma? A primary school kid could debate better than you. Your arguments are just idiotic. You still can’t see the sheer stupidity of your comment that we are all nazis, something that you still haven’t been able to prove since your definitions undermine your own case. Surely you must be pretending to be a moron because you make Jade Goody look like Einstein.
30 May, 2006 at 5:28 pm #221199You believe in specific chractheristics, abilities and policies of groups of people who share common interests, that makes you an extreme racist, nazi mr bigstuff.
You keep rolling them up, and i keep batting them back :wink: :D
30 May, 2006 at 5:46 pm #221200I forgot that English isn’t your forte which is why you have so much trouble understanding the English language. I’d call you a cretin but that would be flattery in your case.
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