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  • #3667

    i don’t work for the worlds great boss, maybe the worlds most thickest boss, but i would’nt say great

    hes always got a bit of a temper on him, he blows hot and cold depending on what he wants

    recently a driver left, basicly because he was so stressed about the pressure he was being put under by Mr J, i can’t mention full names, as this may well go to court, and this post could jepatise me (the internet is getting way too much involved in internal affairs these days)
    so anyway, because Mr J sees polish drivers as the future, less then half the wage, 200% more workload, he has been pushing drivers out for the past 6 months, Mr C, the driver had enough, he got his wages on the thursday morning in the bank, and that was it, he was off. had enough

    Mr J was’mt ammused that Mr C had got one over him, by taking his 2 weeks hoilday early then leaving with oweing the company in theory 2 weeks wages?

    So Mr J being Mr J decided to Ring Mr C new boss and accuse him of being a theif

    (you all following this)

    So Mr C was not too chuffed, and by coisidance, the ministry of transport turned up today as they had a tip off, regarding illiagal driving hours

    so Mr J rings downstairs, asks me to get the first couple of months of this years tachos of all the drivers

    So thats what i did, but.. instead of a couple, i also got Aprils too and presented them to the very nice miniestry person, who then went on his business checking through them

    in april an incident happened, where a polish driver worked 32 hours none stop, to say this is breaking the rules is an under statment

    Mr J was left red faced, and then the blame came down on me

    Of course it was my fault.. my mistake.. and a sackable offence on my part because i gave aprils tachos, when Mr J only asked for Jan and Feb

    so because of my error, Mr J says i need to serious consider my actions tonight and think about what i may have done, it was a big big mistake, and due to my neglect and carelessness i have probably clossed the whole company down

    I have a meeting first thing in the morning to discuss this, and also to discuss my whole arrogance when quiestioned this evening

    He asked me if i cared about what i did, and the mistake i made

    my answer was “no it was your mistake, not mine… and while you speak to me like that, i don’t care for anything you say”

    that in itself is appently an offence to warrent me a dismisal

    i am expecting the worst tommorow, but in honest, a sacking would do me a great favor, though its not a good thing to have on your records, regardless

    it would be nice if Mr J gets his just deserved, for HIS OWN mistake

    lifes not always like that, but i can keep my fingers crossed


    :-s And what if I’m in my saloon with my two toddlers in the back when I meet one of these over-worked drivers coming the other way? You did entirely the right thing, Soulie. Your Mr J has no right to put other people’s lives at risk for the sake of his profits. Evil, money grabbing little shyte that he is. Tell him to stick his job tomorrow and tell him if anyone comes asking, you’ll be happy to stand up in court and tell the truth. No reasonable future employer could possibly hold that against you.


    my side may be biased, but i can give you enough witnesses to back my side up

    last week a motor went into mansfield next door, it was deemed legal to drive, but unsafe

    mr J had no hesitation to put it on the road

    the ironic thing about all of this is that he sacked a night driver for speeding only a month ago, i was in total agreement with Mr J on this one, its a double deck trailor with a 20 tonne load on, to speed is asking for some serious trouble

    then you have to ask yourself though, why did the polish guy get away with speeding also the very next week after sacking one driver?

    his answer was, he was polish, they are used to driving on polish roads, it will take them time to get used to the english roads

    despite 3 or 4 attemps to tell mr flodesewahtsit to slow down, still he speeds, still nothing is done?

    you can have mr Js side of the argument Tommy, but i’m afraid the only way you can get to it, is for you to see it first hand

    there may be a job arrising very soon


    would love you too, the whole staff managament system is floored, its just not oraganised at all

    you have people working over time to cover somone elses luetime, then because the company does’nt pay over time, the people covering get more luetime, which means its a circle never to end, and you end up with half an office month to month

    simply, there is’nt enough staff to cover, you have one person earning 30 grand a year, who is doing the same job as somone else earning £300 a week

    you have somone answering the phones playing receptionest earning more then somone doing a hands on full approach in the office

    you have one driver with the same experiance as another on the same lorry getting a bigger bonus then the other

    you have somone leave the company only for there job to be advertised again for twice as much

    you have a driver who was in the wrong place at the wrong time when a bike smashed into the back of her wagon, she was forced to forfiet over a grands worth a bonus, where another drivers error was forced to forfiet £200 worth of bonus for a new step

    all these things lead to bad morale, poor staff workrate, less things done, less effiecent

    it needs a manager who will play a hands on approach, to review the staff structure, to get to know what his staff do, and what is involved in there day, and just how much they can do in so many hours

    when its good, i like my job, for the simple fact, i’m good at it, i have a relationship really strong with every customer, which i enjoy

    i don’t want to give in so easily to that, but i also don’t want to work for a company who has a boss that bends the rules and has a brisk temper on him, willing to blame every but himself for his mistakes

    it takes a big man to admit that hes wrong, hes not a big man, and he holds no respect from me


    The haulage industry is probably the most regulated business in the country . Tachos , regular and intermittent VOSA checks etc etc
    The companies who abide by the law are at a disadvantage to companies who flaunt the regulations
    Digital tachos have now been enforced upon us in all new vehicles registered on 1st May onwards – no one has a clue how to use or read them – including the police and VOSA !!!!!!


    Hmm sounds a bit of a dodgy place ( or at least boss ) ur working for. As far as I was aware the only reason you can be sacked for now is for gross misconduct, so unless thats classed as that he can’t sack you for it, it’s illegal. You have to have some sort of warning ( written or verbal first )


    Soulie, don’t you have a contract with your employers stating disaplinne ( excuse me spellin ) proceedures….???

    Gross Misconducted covers a vast amount of loop holes…. when I got sacked in 99 from a major bigtime Brewery I was sacked under Gross Misconduct. By my area manager at a meeting at his request for the next day telephone. the outcome of the meeting I was sacked. ( won’t go into details lol too long winded )

    now I went to see my * baracuda Lawyer * with a copy of employment agreement…. for the offence inwhich i was sacked… the meeting was wrong in the first place…. because fo the nature of the situtation… I should of been sent by post a letter informing me of this meeting, what it was about, and to which I could take someone from the company with me to attend, and who would be sitting in on the meeting…

    so he inform me that we would be applying to ACAS ( inwhich you should phone for advice soulie ASP..!! ) for grounds of unfair dismal….

    on the day of the hearing…. my ex- employers there with their lawyers etc and the area manager, …. my lawyer said to me name a figure…. I said what… he said what money are you looking..?? i joked and said atleast a yr’s salary plus the bonus’s which ive lost out in and my 6 wks holiday pay…. he walked away and went and had a few words with their lawyers…. and came back and said the cheques in the post…..

    because of the area manager not known the proper company procedure in a displinner meeting…. he baw’sd up bigtime…

    so get your contract out Soulie…. also ring ACAS…. they can advise u over the phone on what to do…. also if u are heading for a lawyer make sure they know this area…. ACAS the people…


    Soulie – I don’t reckon that you should be sacked – fair enough you gave out more information than you were told to, but if Mr J wasn’t overworking people in the first place, he would have had nothing to hide.
    He is in the wrong, not you.



    Soulie im a union rep if you need any help or have any questions I can try and help in any way.

    By the sounds of it though dont worry not a hole lot he can do the figures where not created by you, you produced them upon request.

    Let us know how it went.


    thanks for your help, however the best thing for me to do, is apply for these jobs, and get out of there as quickly as possible

    yesterday went alright, he ignored me all day, got a feeling he knew he was in the wrong, and felt embarished about it all

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