We have a common bond you and I
We have both experienced such heartbreak
We have cried so many tears
And maybe we have become afraid to just let go
Taken over by our grief
Two souls aching
How can a love so pure hurt so much
Never to feel complete again
Our days merge into one
The light turns to darkness
As we wait for the pain to end
Knowing it never will
We go on day after day
Smiling, laughing, crying, hiding
Remembering and always longing
For the life taken away too soon
Never having to say a word
We feel each others sorrow
A sorrow only a mother could know
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
As time goes by and days, months, years pass
The pain lessens
But as long as we have our memories
Our little ones will never be forgotten
My heart goes out to you at this special time
I just wanted you to know
I will always be here
All your todays and tomorrows